Well, Yas Forums?

Attached: Compass.jpg (1599x1544, 507.93K)

Other urls found in this thread:


nice, if you aint on the blue, you are a jew.

only tankie

Attached: misiek radziecki.png (384x461, 12.19K)

When did bottom right become yellow?

''The socialist'' and ''karl marx'' need to swap places.

Where do econats end up?

Attached: 1580524597620.png (584x786, 778.75K)

no steppy flag

Why is the federal banker in the authleft quadrant?


Based as fuck

OP is a faggot

So you have something to ask about? stupid fuckin fin

>pro-life, against gay marriage, capitalist Neo-conservative
>one step removed from Karl Marx

Some politically illiterate dumbass made this image.

The Patriot

Attached: 8A1E2418-9C53-4DA1-B03F-ABDF4CBCB186.jpg (723x731, 87.42K)

*coughs* fag *coughs*

The traditionalist

alt-right troll / anti-communist

I got Feudalist.


Attached: 600px-Taxi-swes3.jpg (600x323, 46.31K)

no idea where i fit in.

I am against immigration and i truly do hate niggers and especially mudslimes, but i have no problem with gay marriage, LGBT etc.

I also think that all of education and healthcare should be completely free and i believe in a free open market. I do hate fat corporate CEO's tho. But i want to be one myself. I also stand with Germany regarding WW2. I dont like christians because they are beta af now and i like hindus because they remove a lot of kebab these days.

Also fuck democracy and fuck the state. Also legalize literally all drugs and someone nuke china already

flip flopper

That's what mononoke hime was about which was good.

Although I disagree with some of what you say, I admire you for not being a sheep and forming your own opinions


landed on ancap yeah sounds about right

In the based and redpilled section that isn't on the chart.

sounds like you still need to grow up

nah fuck that, im 30 years old but still live and think like i did with 16 and im gonna stay this way until im dead. growing up is hella cringe and a boomer concept invented to make your emotionally dead.

I'm a monarchist. But I hate fascists.


Ignore blatant false dichotomyfags, user. They'll invariably call you a fence sitter for not toeing a party line and for having a three dimensional opinion on anything. Like one of the other anons that replied to you, I don't hold the same views as you, but appreciate that you can form a nuanced political outlook without regurgitating simplistic talking points like a fucking retard.

Yea that "dictatorship of the proletariat" sounds so libertarian

What? Blue is for Jews and degenerates
Fuck off, filthy capitalist shill
Authoritarian red is where non-Jews chill

I think I'm too young/immature to know where I fit.
I know for sure my moral values are right wing, but I'm not so sure about the authoritarian/libertarian thing.

My guess is, being libertarian makes sense if you live among people with a strong sense of self-discipline.
In a shithole like France, you would have to be 100% fascist to make things right.

Attached: niggers.jpg (769x1024, 105.73K)

red is literally jew ideology, you fucking faggot.

Nothing is more Jewish than capitalism and liberalism, fag

>In August 1919 the Soviet government arrested many rabbis, seized Jewish properties, including synagogues, and dissolved many Jewish communities.[16] The Jewish section of the Communist Party labeled the use of the Hebrew language "reactionary" and "elitist" and the teaching of Hebrew was banned.[17] Zionists were persecuted harshly,


Your liberalism and capitalism is literally the yellow field you blind nigger

what does that have to do with being on blue side, you fucking moron? you are the one spreading the jew red ideology, i am the one spreading the good word of natsoc and fascism, how does those 2 shits relate to me you fucking cock loving cum guzzling immigrant sucking faggot?

Well, go suck my cock, you fat ugly NIGGER

My ideological path through life

Attached: 7657657657.jpg (1599x1544, 616.11K)

and? its literally jewish ideology, revolt led by jews, made by jews, loved by jews.

Notice the AND, illiterate subhumans
I'm anti-immigration you fucking jew
Like anyone in the conservative left should be

That's some Higurashi-level writing there, not bad.

>my political compass passes as female

Any other path proves a brainlet

Why would you go from nazi to fascist?

this will forever be the best polcompass image

Attached: 1572728843486.jpg (1242x1254, 234.58K)

>monarchists are hypercapitalists
>isis is more capitalist than traditioal

The political compass isn't capable of modelling the complexities of politics outside the modern western world and it can barely even do that.

Somewhere between Socialist Genocide best day of my life and libertarian without the opticscuckery

Bitcoin zoomer reporting in

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He's a med.
Fascism is a med ideology.

maybe your fucking retarded brain shouldnt have even mentioned it? because you still cant understand that it was in no fucking way related to me you fucking faggot, then why brother mentioning it in a way that implies that im part of it? your fucking and doesnt change shit, makes you look more retarded you fucking cum guzzler

Nazbol but test puts me into antifa cuck corner.

Attached: JIDFhereyourcompas.png (480x400, 17.3K)

I got 'The Nazi' if I answered less in favor of the state I would've gotten Theocrat.

Communism is just Jewish fascism

Also these questions halt you from scoring Monarchist, the questions are skewed only to 20th century so you can't be on the upper right corner where you want to be.

Nationalist populist reporting for getting these fucking pakis out

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Is nazbol Jewish fascism?
Jews are more capitalist and liberal than anything else.

ha ha money printer go brrr

Attached: chart.png (480x400, 17.21K)

If it has Bolshevik in the name it’s Jewish

>National Populist
What does that mean Yas Forums?

>Nazbol but test puts me into antifa cuck corner.

They're the same fucking eliminationist mentality looking in a mirror.

Attached: spiderman_meme.gif (498x278, 2.52M)

Why is there no Islamist?

Bolshe means more in Russia. Nazbol is strasserism with different flag. Your favourite sped should've listen to them instead of corrupt aristocracy.

I know but this compass was made by a leftist who thinks capitalism and Nazism are the same, Utter retardation.

Trump the candidate

Based tankies.

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Trump is great

here lemme check all that apply

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>Zionists were persecuted harshly
Imagine actually believing that. No one prosecuted turbonationalist kikes, they got visits and warning from their fellow god chosens if they went too far with orthodox shit. Not until Stalin came to power.