How to know if the government is spying on your phone or pc?
How to know if the government is spying on your phone or pc?
Do you own a phone or pc? If yes, then they're spying on you
I just call them. Their number is online.
I keked!
They are,no way around it. Maybe not personally, but they have AIs that listen for key words like "grow up da wilt horse" (i changed up the words but sound it out)
Say it all really, take note OP. If this happens then they're definitely onto you.
Oh, someone is. The people broken to it feel empowered by the social groups that would ruin their lives if they ever betrayed them. Empowered.
They look in on the lives of people freer than themselves, and in enslavement they find power.
Vengeance, too! Give the stalker set the right story and they'll go be living weapons against "living weapons". My own story is a nice reminder to everyone in that organization that they're not allowed to stand against any abuses at all, nor think any unusual thoughts.
I really look forward to technotelepathic implants. Right now if the technology has illicit precursors, they're only available to criminals. On e the technology is licitly refined, honest deployment will create many nightmares for people reliant on their inner secrets.
Ironically, the open mass deployment of the ultimate stalker technology will destroy most stalking forever by exposing the culprits.
Iunno. Why should I care? What's the government gonna do, send me to the gulag for looking up Instant Pot recipes? I'm never going to mill a "ghost gun" and start an anti-government militia, why should I care if Big Brother is watching me?
If the government wants to know where I am, they just text me in the morning, asking me my plans for the day. And I'd text back like "I'm going to Trader Joe's, and then I'm gonna stop at In-And-Burger for lunch. And I should probably visit the gym and work out, but I don't think I'm really gonna feel like it today, I'll probably just go home and play Stardew Valley. Or maybe some Animal Crossing, IDK, what do you think sounds more fun?" The commissar monitoring me will probably get really bored really fast.
Why do boys hate the ideal of living in an authoritarian state so much? Have you thought about, I dunno, being docile, conformist, and eusocial in the first place? So you don't give the secret police any reason to do anything bad to you? It makes sense to me.
In Russia they force an app on all the cell phones.
Open your phone, there is a few dedicated chips that relay information directly to agencies, some more dedicated than others. It's embedded in the silicon so cracking them out will destroy the phone. Welcome to 2020.
God, you are dog. Go suck your masters dick or something
Step 1. do you have a phone or PC?
Step 2. There is no step 2.
They are.
Fuck the government
Fuck the government
Fuck the governement
Fuck the governement
Fuck the gov... wow suddenly I feel really hurt
Guys is it normal that blood is flowing out through a hole on my heaSWRy7j;;wtAw92493_W>T"?w$t>u
telling your masters what you're doing during the day. god I'm a leftie and you 4channers have no balls.
rip in piece(s) froggy user
Turn off your phone, then smash it with a hammer.
Now you are no longer being spied on.
This. They are constantly recording you from your phone's microphone and an AI interprets what it hears and sells your information to advertisers. Everyone has an anecdotal story of how they were talking about something and later saw an ad pop up for the exact same thing. Personally I've made an app to always mute my microphone unless I need it and it has worked wonders.
They are.
Just restart your phone bro
>owning a smart phone after Prism leaks
>He doesn't know about Operation S.K.I.M
Oh user...
if it exists they spy on it
>I just call them. Their number is online.
this, they're just waiting for you to pick up the phone
>an AI interprets what it hears and sells your information to advertisers
they also use this data to build a dossier profile so they can control every aspect of your life
Their AI also knows your phonetic tricks, so get ready for that van, you potential terrorist.
>you have no balls
Yeah...? I have no balls. Totally lacking in the testicular department, just have this vulva. It's called sexual dimorphism. You can't offend me by insulting my masculinity, I don't have any to insult. It's like Eowyn in LotR, I am no man!
Okay, sure. BF comes home tonight, he's getting surprise fellatio. Congratulations, by trying to be rude you me, you've just secured the orgasm of another man, who's not you. I hope you're happy with the results your master plan as you fuck your hand tonight.
Lie and not true
real niggas have cia cams in your home and a tracker on your car, and an agent in your life.
ding ding ding
feeding all these tid bits of information in to a matrix and applying AI to it , to "predict" you
I hope my FBI agent is a thicc Latina
*pick up phone*
>Am I being spied on?
>OK bye
ITT: Schizos and glow niggers
Fucking scum. Do us all a favor and kill your self. And take some kikes with you.
Are you using Linux? You have control over all processes and potentially all instructions executed on your CPU. Learn the Linux kernel, modify it yourself and make it secure.
Otherwise, yes they are spying on you. You might be able to employ some cunning and find network requests from them, isolate them and then figure out how to remove their access through modifying the kernel.
Are you using Windows, Apple, Android, etc.? Yes they are spying on you. And there's no way to check if they're actively monitoring you.
>good morning mr. user! Stay away from nazi misogynist basketweaving forums today and you're gonna find a pleasant surprise in your "for work" folder!
>he thinks linux can stop hardware chipsets
Truth is, the game was rigged from the start.
Yes, and I can only hope I am blackpilling them to the point of suicide.
Tits or GTFO
First post based post
needs to be a meme
first posts 95% always best post
This is true. I have a friend that works r&d for a government contracted company that makes drones. When to interview for a job there once and I had to remove every piece of electronics from myself, be fingerprinted, and have all my IDs scanned. They placed my iPhone in some weird black cube thing till I was done and left. There’s no way to prove an iPhone is off, so they take a lot of precautions with them. Also had mil dudes with m4s at the entrance and exit to every building in the place. I’m sure I’m on a list now since I went there.
You can use ethernet adapters through USB ports and custom made drivers, which can get around inbuilt ethernet chipsets if that's what you mean. Also I believe those chipsets still have to lodge requests with your CPU to access main and secondary memory, key presses, etc.
>control every aspect of your life
Which means they know what kind of porn you like and which 2d animu waifu you have crush on.
They also know your WoW password and have seen your castles in Minecraft.
This is serious.
No shit
Everything is logged but you only get "spied on" if you're doing shady shit I think
Basically don't be a terrorist or a pedo or doing other deep web shit like trying to sell drugs online and you probably aren't big enough potatoes to bother actively being "watched"
Intel processors have built-in backdoors for """customer safety""", it's not even a secret
It's in the motherboards themselves user...
Where "customer" means the government, of course.
Mmm shit I actually forgot about that. AMD and the other common processors are probably the same no?
>the "I don't have anything to hide!" NPC
Not everyone is like you
Aw, does baby boy want to see mommy's milkies?
I agree with this, but everyone who’s every said anything slightly radical I’m sure is on a list. It’s kinda been proven with all the people who talk about freedom, militia uprising, and 2A absolutism getting swatted and killed. Much like the nice fellow in Maryland last month that quickly got yanked from the news.
>actually questioning it
If you have to ask...
Seriously, like the federal government really has the time to spy on some random person who probably isn't doing anything wrong.. c'mon..
"I fear the man who programs in binary, for he has nothing left to lose."
- Scared /g/ user
What I actually meant is none of us here are of any importance to any government agency.
A person who has something to hide would never come here to talk about it.
More, they would never post on Yas Forums about anything at all.
Well I haven't heard any official statements by AMD but I can bet my left (larger) testicle that they are chock full of backdoors too. The only safe way to use a pc is to not have any type of internet connection. If your motherboard has a built in wifi module, get a soldering iron and burn that shit out
I mean if there's glow niggers here are we really being schizo?
The whole point of having hardware backdoors in your Intel processor is that you don't find out.
You don't get it. The motherboard can hijack any usb ethernet. Weeping Angel.