Why does the scientific consensus on masks keep flip-flopping?

Why does the scientific consensus on masks keep flip-flopping?

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It hasn't. They've (media/government) just been lying to you.

You didn't know that?

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because there are masks and then there are masks

>scientific consensus
>posts an opinion piece

>masks aren't effective goy!
>we need them for our health service!

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>priorities aren't real

>Why does the scientific consensus on masks keep flip-flopping?
Because being a 'doctor' doesn't make you smart or wise or insightful.
It just makes you vert proficient in knowing the biological machine that is man and how to fix direct trauma to it.

Anything that takes too long to observe is outside of their knowledge and they can only guess or decide on someting they want at the moment.

Like fat being healthy, then not healthy, creating heart disease, preventing it, etc.

They don't know long term shit as well as no brainer tier when someone comes carted in with a metal pipe stuck in their abdomen.
That they can fix, that they can dance around the operating table like maypole dancers.

That's medicine in a nutshell.
They're mechanics, not 'scientists'.
(Which are a breed of faggot on their own)

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Because them scientits now think the virus can spread through air, even when you're talking.

The governments lied because they knew masks were low

Wholesome. and very very true.

>they aren't effective
>well they are effective but we need to get our priorities straight and we thought the best way to do that was to constantly lie to you whenever it suited us

Because the “scientific consensus” is whatever the government wants it to be. Masks work otherwise all the countries wouldn’t be hoarding them. If your government is saying they don’t work and are pointless, while other countries are mass producing and collecting them then it’s pretty clear.

tl;dr but wholesome image

Basically treating us like brainlet children

Because jews want to exacerbate the spread, there's no flip flopping. Even shitty masks stop droplets helping immeasurably

JEWN to the rescue!

UN Wants a 10% Global Tax to Pay for New "Shared Responsibility" Program to Address Coronavirus Pandemic


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Scientists try to save their face too. sometimes.

Then why don't they just fucking say it? "FFP2/N95 masks filter 95% of particles and are obviously highly effective to protect one from the virus, but we need to field all of our masks to health personal first and foremost, because they are the most exposed to the virus"

Instead politicians were like "hurr masks are completely useless, they can't protect against any virus, never wear one, actually wearing one will be worse, because putting on a mask is a technical procedure that only trained professional can do, etc"

Every politician needs to be brought on the streets and beheaded with a knife.

They lied to us! They said masks are NOT of any purpose! I hope they get all hanged for that!

Are you trying to say most people aren't brainlet children?

Consider how many more hospitals worldwide would have shortages in equipment. The same clowns that hoarded toilet paper and perishable foods would have also hoarded medical equipment.

WHO, UN are not there to protect your interests.

This is the kind of mentality that justifies the authoritarian regimes we have in the west. "people don't know better, the state has to decide everything for them".
Who brought us to the current situation in the first place? Who outsourced everything to China? Who didn't take the disease seriously? Who didn't want to close the borders? Who doesn't maintain a large enough stock of masks? Who is the real ennemy that has been making our lives miserable for decades, and is now litterally killing millions in the name of "progress"?

They are absolutely a good idea to be wearing during a respiratory pandemic.
>masks aren't useful, just wash your hands for 2 solid minutes bro
Is to keep civilians from buying up all the masks and leaving them unavailable for hospital workers.

I already told you. It's like an annoying person in the back of the car making noise so you give them pointless shit to distract them from what is actually going on. Ffs.

They want you to be a npc and in fear, like some chink insect, and soon those that do will be eating bugs for real!

Fake flu.

Lol you fucking faggot. What is it in your dna that makes you so subservient? You even take it upon yourself to cover for your masters thinking you even deserve to converse with normal free men

if a mask can only keep out 95% of particles, don't you think that 5% that get's through would be really small?...like virus small?

Also, fomite transmission (i.e. becoming infected by touching an object with the pathogen on it) is negligibe for SARS-CoV-2.
100:1 infections are from inhaling virions in respiratory droplets over fomite transmission.

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It's 95% of particles if a given size.
Respiratory droplets carrying SARS-CoV-2 virions are decidedly larger than that size.
Trump just ordered factories to ramp up production of n95 masks for hospitals.
Hmm I wonder why hospitals want n95 masks during a respiratory virus epidemic...

about a month or more ago my boss ridiculed my hunt for masks in local outlets, and poo pooed the virus scare
now he's squirreled away in isolation and, literally, won't even step down from his balcony
inform yourself then maintain your own opinion

only flip flops if you are a retarded fucking burger

Fucking this!!!

It didn't. You just read a blog headline by a 22-year old feminist and thought that was scientific consensus, you stupid retarded dogfucker.

I live 3 hour drive from northern Italy and many peoples favourite past time is skying there thistime of year

look at the number of our cases and deaths and keep not wearing a mask you stupid goyim

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The doctors and nurses in the NHS are my masters?
You couldn't figure this out yourself? Are you retarded?

Why would you buy and wear a lousey mask like that? Why not just buy a respirator with organic chemical filters?

>Why not just buy a respirator with organic chemical filters?
If you havent noticed the entire world is low on respirators, if you can find them online you live among Idiots, oh wait youre canadian

It was always a bold faced lie. They knew masks were effective, they just didn't want people to hoard them.

WHO gave out retarded signals, look it up.

Scientists tolerate massive uncertainty.

how about a mask, around the border, permanently?

Many plebs will infect themselves with the mask tbqh. Infecting themselves due to wearing it incorrectly, infecting themselves through adjusting it, infecting themselves when removing it, etc.

Here in the U.S. our authorities have lied to us from the beginning. They said that the masks don't help in preventing catching coronavirus, that they only help to limit the spread of the virus if you're sick. They repeating this lie over and over and over on Fox news and elsewhere. I HATE liars. That's why I purchased 237,000 N95 masks which I then proceeded to burn outside of my cave.

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you're an embarrassment, pls kys

Oy vey, not our 6 gorillion maskerinos.

That's just an opinion

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>Medical professionals have enough masks
>Wear a mask wtf

>Medical professionals don't have enough masks

Either way wear a mask. You can tell the difference of effectiveness yourself. Look at mask wearing cultures vs. those that don't and see how fast the infection grows.

For starters, here in Japan we've had the virus since January and we're just not topping 2k total infected.

because they are liars and retards who backpedal sometimes when their lies threaten to ruin them

the mask thing is getting to be a sensitive topic what with people wanting to stay alive and all that

Because retards will wear a mask and gloves going to the store and then use the gloved hand they touched the whole store with to adjust their mask and itch their face. You're not supposed to take the news 100% seriously unless you're a follower.
Also based on how those people reacted with toilet paper, you can only imagine how they would have been with masks. That said, I got some in January when china was getting bad before all the chinamen started exporting all of our masks back to china.

dummy. Masks don't work.

over here i think it was that masks have different level of protection, cant recall that shit.
But the medical masks wont be good enough for full day use, especially if you keep playing with it so that one has no point in being used by the general populace. not that they stopped selling them.
state also confiscated a person selling some hundred without loicence at x3 price, then got into a contract with a firm just now started of almost a million masks at x9 price, with delivery in 4 moths.... and then they got broke.

We knew this since January nigger from Itä Helsinki

really grinds my gears that i didn't buy a box of n95s months ago before i even knew of any coronavirus. i knew that i should, i was aware. but i kept putting it off, always something else to buy that month instead. now there are none to be found and all i have is some shitty surgical masks that barely do fuck all

>the masks don't help in preventing catching coronavirus, that they only help to limit the spread of the virus if you're sick
And they keep spreading this lie, ad absurdum on its face.
Countless pictures of ... infected health care workers wearing masks?
"Turn your masks in, don't use them. They don't prevent infection hurr durr"
All this lie does is hurt the credibility of the authorities spreading it.

>Official reason
They claim that average American/Canadian is too stupid to realize a mask doesn't mean you are safe and would stop distancing, washing hands and start touching their faces like retards.
>Real Reason
They didn't want asshole to buy up all the primo N95 masks.
>Conspiracy reason
While only bumping up chances by 60%, it limits spread by catching droplets. Even if you are infected, it keeps you from infecting others. The anti mask push was an attempt to spread infection on purpose.

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There are scientists and (((scientists))), user. You have to understand this.

>be quarantined
>need an emergency appendectomy
>sorry user, all the masks are being worn by faggots jogging in the park

>They claim that average American/Canadian is too stupid to realize a mask doesn't mean you are safe and would stop distancing, washing hands and start touching their faces like retards.
They'll lower their guard and think they're safe if they have a mask on.

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true, only doctor who regularly visit Yas Forums is the doctor to be trusted with smart, wise, and insightful advice

the general consensus is that people should wear masks but that we dont have enough to go around for people in hospitals so they are being asked to not. (which is counter productive in a way considering that many people already have a bunch and its unlikely they will donate them)

Not enough masks in canada for everyone to wear them. They need all the masks for people working in health care.

Obviously you should wear a mask. they are counting on everybody everywhere in the country to cover their mouth when they cough or sneeze.

Would you drive a car without airbags and leave you safety in the hands of other drivers on the road?

Good luck getting masks at this point though. I'm sure soon they will start telling people to make their own.

Made for BBC

Cute human