His coverage of the disease is terrible and he is dropping the ball.
>the disease can be fixed by vitamins and toothpaste
>half the show talking about zinc and chloroquine and how it's a dem plot to block these miracle cures
>ignoring the reality we are all living through
His coverage of the disease is terrible and he is dropping the ball
Other urls found in this thread:
Lmao he’s never said toothpaste can cure covid. Go back to reading cnn shill
him and mike adams spent two hours yesterday talking about how vitamins are the cure to all this. it's like they're reading Yas Forums threads from 3 weeks ago
his coverage has been bad. this is his time to shine, and he's just not. glad he's picking a fight with Qtards though
Jonestein gonna do what his big daddy tell him to.
if you want to start some shit, call in and ask about the DUMB earthquakes.
all of those things are true
I pray to jesus every day that alexjonestein gets the virus
The fact that you’re even listening to what this guy
..is saying
Intelligent non sheeple people listen to him. He has been right numerous times. I am a mechanical engineer and listen to him all day at work.
Because supplements can help you overcome and prevent what is literally just the flu
It is of paramount importance to know the biases of broadcasters and read between them. It's the only way to get the full story.
don’t know who he is but he’s right. how to watch this man?
Hydroxichlorquine does prevent the disease from spreading and is used by the EU. Greece got a large shipment of it a few days ago.
He never said his toothpaste will cure it, but it is a fact that anti-bacteria toothpastes and vitamins do boost your immune system and increase your chances of not getting infected.
Fuck off shill
Funny when the government actually forces you in home and dramatically changes our lives he shills his products
I'm sure he's doing his best.
How can you not tell the difference between a news source and a tabloid? It's hard to accept what news sources say as fact let alone this dude. I love Alex because he exercises his free speech to the absolute extent at which it can be preformed.
Everything Alex Jones and David Icke have been warning us about for the last twenty years is happening right now.
that maybe made sense from 2000 to 2016 or so, it's been bullshit since
i havent even been watching and i figured something like what this user is saying was probably true
shills gotta learn, argue in bad faith and we cant take you seriously. or maybe its better if they never learn
Somewhere between Infowars and Tucker/Hannity/Ingraham on the fox news lineup is where i am. If its any Canadian news source, its garbage. Except for Rebel. Ezra has had a pretty steep redemption arc lately. I also really like the Red Elephant guy.
Idk why you would bother listening to a mossad asset
AJ is a MOS.
Ever heard AJ crying when 9/11 happened?
Also Cooper called the shill out just before he got killed.
He was bought by Trump before the election. Years ago with the documentaries and legitimate questions, infiltrating Bohemian Grove and coverage of Bilderberg. Look at him now, he sold his soul and he's unhinged.
I popped a couple of Chill Force this morning so it's all good.
Big story dropping retards.
>VIDEO: Americans Being Forced To Take COVID Test, Medical Martial Law Is Here
>Alex Jones Coverage:
AJ picked it up.
This is Alex Jones crying as 9/11 unfolded in 2001.
Bluepilled as fuck
No, they only say they HELP to have a stronger immune system to fight the virus if you catch it. Every person with 2 working neurons knows that.
Picking a fight with JFK's grandkids?
No matter how many times I post this I never get any acknowledgement from anybody. It's a short 2 minute clip that proves with footage from his own show that he gets marching orders from Mossad.
buy more dickpills
Mechanical engineer? Are you trying to say you're smart? Lol
Who wouldn't feel better with at least a 30 day supply of freeze dried food in the cupboard and plenty of nascent iodine?
We know Jeff.
Clyde Lewis (ground zero )/ No agenda are my go to guys for independent insight. Alex is cringe as fuck lately that DUI and child custody battle did not help his reputation. David Knight is kino desu.
Trust the media!
JFK's memorial
people still listen to this rothschild piggie?
listening to anything a degenerate druggie has to say
fuck off
Alex Jones has always been a scizophrenic nigger who secretly loves tranny cock.
He spends his days on Yas Forums shilling for Trump and promoting pizzagate because he wants to be the little boy to Trump's daddy dom.
Plus, he amplified every fucking Russian propaganda that has come out of the former communist block still in power under Putin.
>glad he's picking a fight with Qtards though
I did not know this, I now have 0.001% respect for the man.
AJ doesn't cover pizzagate at all
Please enlighten us with your sources then.
>He has been right numerous times
and wrong 90%, you sound like a roastie whore getting her palm read.
Being forced? More like begging to be tested and getting rejected.
>what is literally just the flu
It;'s not the flu, stop saying that shit.
>Hydroxichlorquine does prevent the disease from spreading
>"forsythia is the cure"...
Why are you such a liar?
Trust the (((experts)))
Then why is Greece shipping it?
What's up with all the doctors suggesting it, claiming they've cured people?
it's a common cold. millions of people die every year. 54 million in 2015.
all you have to do is say anyone with a cold died of corona and boom there you go, ready made catastrophe.
William also said Dr. Jones would be the best patriot broadcaster if he actually did research and stopped spreading information he couldn't verify. Alex isn't the kid he was 20 years ago.
Apoligies! AJ double agent confirmed!
Vitamin C, D, Zinc and bicarbonate are literally the cure though.
Pharma jew wants you to take vaccines and medication which doesnt work
>ignoring the reality we are all living through
The reality is that you've nuked your economy and ceded yet more power to the government and corporations over 6,000 obese boomers who died a few years ahead of schedule
Are you seriously saying that cause a ROTHSCHILD is against Trump and Alex jones cures, that Alex works for big pharma? Even though hydroxychloroquine is an old af drug that isn't even pattented?
You must be a shill
so eat a well balanced diet and drink tonic water?
Leave alex jones alone
I usually watch Alex JOnes at lesat once a week sometimes several days. It's always entertaining stuff
i stopped watching entirely about a week or two ago because he has absolutely nothing to say. At first basic bitch conspiracy that it's man made, then after that and the crisis got worse he just seemed to ramble about various bullshit subjects or go with another very basic bitch thing about muh liberty and it being a prep to steal your rights, even though every other worthless country is doing this too, negating the concept that this is an Ameriac-pushed ploy to enact long term removal of rights
I've never, ever seen Jones so irrelevant and incapable of making the news interesting or humorously subversive.
This is Jones's "what's going on big guy" moment
Everybody knows it's blatant judeo-left media smear job. But if you're an actual fan and watch him, it comes across as more absurd than ever to see him pitching these things in this moment.
Never said Alex is a Rothschild. I still have hope that he is a double agent and will reveal JFk jr on his show on 9 or 10 april
Pretty much. Get plenty of exercise, Sleep and supplement with said things and you wont get sick.
>AJ doesn't cover pizzagate at all
You Qfaggot trump-cultist conspiritarded idiots need psychiatric help.