If supposed Jewish spatial IQ statistics are believed to be generally inferior to broader European averages, why was a Jew from Brooklyn the U.S.'s greatest "white hope" equivalent in the cold war years, later rising to the top? Does it even apply? Was he a freak anomoly or maybe just "watered down" enough for it not to matter? Chess is intrinsically a sport of the mind's eye, if you like.

Memers need not apply and, to be clear I am not disagreeing with a bunch of Bobby Fischer's views on the JQ.

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he had such high Non-Jewish admixture, that he was more Goy and Oi

>Bobby Fischer's views on the JQ
Chess is a solved game. Jews are pretending it's not and use it for fame.

All those are small sample statistics from specific area Jews, not broad studies.

>If supposed Jewish spatial IQ statistics are believed to be generally inferior to broader European averages, why was a Jew from Brooklyn the U.S.'s greatest "white hope" equivalent in the cold war years, later rising to the top?
At some point Chess is not spatial, its math. The mind converts space into numbers, the board becomes a grid. Its not a spatial game.

>Chess is a solved game.
I have never heard that, buts that what I wanted to say. The answers already have been proven, so it can be a exercise in memory. Which is what the jews are good at?

What is it like 40% of chess grandmasters are Jewish despite being ~1% of the global population? Around there . .

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>Chess is a solved game
It's not

You are retarded, do you know how big of a fucking brain you would need to have to remember every one of the billions of billions different combinations on the board. Training is only a small part of the game, the most is just calculating

Jews aren't inferior...they're just underhanded, amoral, unscrupulous, degenerate, literally evil, kikes.

What is hard to understand about that?

Literally nobody says Jews aren't generally smart. What is the fucking point of your big stupid thread?

>If supposed Jewish spatial IQ statistics are believed to be generally inferior to broader European averages
Yes, but Chess is not about "spatial IQ" but memory.
>why was a Jew from Brooklyn
Not only that but HALF of all Soviet chessmaster were goddamn fucking jews, evidently Chess has nothing to do with Spatial IQ, but to understand this you must be a Jew or a smart Goy.

>every one of the billions of billions different combinations on the board.
There is a few hundred thousand recurring patterns, look it up.
And yes, the top players have photographic memories, that's a prerequisite in a game where anyone on Earth can compete.

They are definitely inferior

Christians are best at chess you idiot.
They knock out your jew figurines, shit on table and declare victory.
Fuck yeah! Jesus! Deus Vult! Take that Jew!

They are not smart

Are you sober? Read again or spin on it. Interesting answers, guise.

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GMs do just that, they can play blindfolded even.

It's not solved at all. Even computer engines are fighting breathtaking matches at a higher level of skill than any human could hope to achieve. There is still a long long way to go before chess is solved.

I wish I wasn't retarded. I can't follow this game for the life of me

Go outside more man

Oh is he jewish too? nope.

The power of Autism transcends race and gender

They don't. The leaders of Chess now are a Norwegian, a Japanese American and an Italian American.

The jews aren't involved at all because they couldn't compete.

They can attain GM status, like Ben Finegold, who by the way is a PERFECT example of how disgusting the jews really are, but they can't compete at the highest level because their arrogance (which is a manifestation of inferior intellect) gets in the way.

Bitch, I hate kikes more than the day is long but you simply sound silly when you pretend they're stupid but also simultaneously admit they have an ethnic network that has hijacked white western governments.
>"Jewish spatial IQ statistics are believed to be generally inferior to broader European averages"
>no source
>implying you're not setting up a strawman

Chess is a waste of time unless you're getting paid to it. Like all sports.

IQ means nothing unless it's too low for a society of trogs to function.

On the obverse, even if your IQ were 1488 and you don't care about the environment and how to feed your people and keep your water and air clean, then you'll die.

IQ only matters if it's too low, after that what matters is nature, food and air.
Nothing else.

There's also a myriad of variables in examples like yours.
If it's during a crisis or depressions then whitey does his best to keep shit running and has no time to play chess.
Wheras jews are the least physical race of hominids on the earth, so nobody even cares if they slack off, they know they suck and asking a jew to be your manual laborer is worse than doing it yourself, even if you yourself are a man of the sciences.

What I mean with that is, if push came to shove, this jew in your picture would have nothing anyone else can rely on, aside from being genitally mutilated and kvetching a lot.
And yes, I realize the irony in me bitching about jews, too.

Point still stands.
Furthermore, there are no learned jews outside of their host nations, just like there are no jazz bands in the african bush.

Without whitey around to show him the ropes, no jew can be a learned one, even if they reach high levels of proficiency in something.
It requires someone elses genius to kickstart jews.

They are the made in china of humanity. Cheap copies, but sometimes the copy does something well.

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No one said they were inferior, just subversive and a threat to us. Obviously they are capable people.

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Imagine you're a species of hominid who cannot solve the game of chess. Would you then lie to other species about the game?
Logical thinking.

Ok, you, specifically, might be a stupid Jew.
Now please delete you fake pity party thread, fag lord.

Do you think computers to be superior at chess to humans, or simply solving the problem using a different method? You can be enthralled by a couple of high-level checkers AIs going at it. Does this mean checkers isn't solved? It's OK to enjoy a solved game.

i dominated every male i ever knew in chess .....

This is [not] you!
I enjoyed reading that.

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Wealth to waste time on a children's board game.

He hated Jews and his Jewish heritage. He denied being Jewish at all. What does it say that the smartest Jews realize what kind of scum they really are?

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maybe Jews are just smarter than us. Of course, people are too egotistical to accept this.

>the kike can't compete with the aryan mega autist

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most of those billions and billions of moves are terrible moves like 1. h4 so you look towards optimal moves and you begin to see that there are only millions of millions of moves. Add on your standard openings in chess they play themselves out and you get to million of million of moves. Still pretty fucking hard but manageable if you are a top level autistic GM.

Checkers isn't chess though

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Professional chess is just rote learning of gambits and openings and how to defend against them

Just like memoizing the Talmud

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There is plenty of variation depending on time format

Both are solved games. One is more complex than the other. Just run the checkers games on giant 3d boards to entertain yourself.

Chess isn't a solved game yet, though I imagine it will be solved eventually

Chess is a solved game. Maybe not solved by your species lmao.

It's not like they have to work or anyting so they have the time to fuck around with board games.
Why we're they casted out of every country they ever set foot upon?
It's the same reason U.S Federal reserve is not federal at all and is owned by? You guessed it by the jews, like the rest 99% of banks on the world.
Gaddafi wanted to make an gold backed african/middle-eastern currency and denied the jew banks on their soil, thats why Libya had to be invaded and Gaddafi had to be killed..
All this is done by the banker elite, who happen to be (((jewish))).

Bobby Fischer was not jewish, unless you believe his whore mother who hated him.

The current state of the game of chess.

Men's chess = SOLVED
Computer chess = NOT SOLVED
Women's chess = NOT SOLVED

Only SJWs believe chess is an unsolved game.

REMINDER! Jews only see them selves as "white" when they demand something from us.
"Ass a white person" it goes and yet the same white jew says in the next post "excuseme, i'm not white".

What a load of shit those crooked nosed cunts are.

He was half Jewish. His father was an aryan and being Jewish isn't a problem when you accept Christ and btfo evil kikes

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Its really much more learning to spot patterns and then applying learned tactics to those while reacting to the opponents strategy and trying to figure out what the opponent aims for.
Even GMs dont calculate all moves of a boardstate even few moves ahead

Nazi’s can chess too!

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Chess is a game of memorization. Memory can be trained, even in 80iq monkeys. Actual thought does not involve memorizing a thousand if then else statements.

>The answers already have been proven, so it can be a exercise in memory.
This exactly. Bobby Fischer himself agreed with this and it's precisely the reason why he retired and later invented Fischer Random Chess. He admitted chess is pure memorization at the highest levels in the few rare interviews he did in old age.

This is also the reason why Paul Morphy (who was white) is the greatest chess player to ever live. At that time there wasn't as much opening theory and so there was much less memorization involved. The result was determined by pure skill.

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'racially superior'

> a primary tactic of an abuser is to accuse the other of the violation they are doing.
> Jews are racial supremacists in their minds, but in reality, they are parasites, unable to sustain or host their own civilisation, they hi-jack others and claim dominance, in their wake only failure for the system as a whole

Just because 20 moves of theory exist for an opening, doesn't mean it's solved. Thats just where the top level players agree the match starts at.

Chess is not solved. Period. Anybody who says it is, does not have their facts straight. Look it up.

imagine the torment.


They are persistent and obsessed, it's not a matter of intelligence but a determined and focused brand of hatred for everyone else. Most people are the "live and let live" type, Jews have an eternal chip on their shoulders and they play the entire planet by the rules they developed millennia ago in Judea.

I didn't say it was solved. Nice strawman Shlomo.

>reading the opinions of non chess players on chess

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