Are these our only allies in the East?

> Thousand year old Indo-Aryan religion
> Pagan like our ancestors
> Gave us Yoga and meditation
> Caucasian skull and features
> Nazi's were obsessed with them
> Gave us the Bhagavad Gita
> Share common ancestry and ancient culture
> Have common enemy in Chink and Mudslime
> Extremely low crime rates in the west
> Have stayed true to culture withstanding countless invasions
> With exception of Pakistan, most countries are neutral/like towards them

They just have to fix their hygiene, nutrition, sanitation, drop some primitive practices like drinking cow pee and stay in their own country.

Attached: Bhagavad-Gita-min.jpg (1280x960, 186K)

Other urls found in this thread:

they don't have caucasian skull features, ironically our features are closer to Northern Asians

Indians I habe met are pretty based and redpilled in the JQ and especially MQ

Compare Indian albino's with Asian albino's and find it's mostly coloring that sets us apart.

Attached: albino-man-indian-hindu-blonde-white-parade-matale-sri-lanka-M3NPG9.jpg (1300x1065, 137.66K)


Attached: DaMZyzm.jpg (533x800, 145.1K)

>ironically our features are closer to Northern Asians
The OP is a pajeet, but you either need your eyes checked or the yellow fever is clouding your brain if you seriously think our skull is anything close to this.

Attached: E0CFFB2C-DEF8-449E-8FA0-0315070A859B.jpg (575x599, 141.13K)

Countless fallicys there.
>Caucasian skull and features.
Lmfao NO
>Common enemy chink and mudslime
They don't care about china

Poo in the loo negatives can be
Smell gross
No sense of hygene
Neopostic as jews, and have ruined and undermined countless company's because of it.
Can be grubby penny pinchers and on par with kikes

Are some of the most sincere people you can meet provided the propaganda hasn't fucked them up.
Very noble it cut from the cloth, but they suffer dysgenics as much as everyone one now.

Next to china they're the most polluted places on the planet, next to the bug they wrote the handbook for dieseses.

I mean disentry is literally an Indian invention

Bizzare and weird relgious practices like eating shit and drinking cow piss and a long list of other gross shit.

You're willing to post everything positive about Vedic culture, yet you can't grasp the idea of how healing and beneficial cow urine is? Researchers literally found trace amounts of gold in it. When the sun hits the hump of the cow (Purebred Gir cows) the prana coming from the sun makes that hump create many healing chemicals, and gold. Look into it, there's a reason. I've been drinking it for years and it gives heightened awareness, increased sensitivity, and a huge immunity booster. Don't be so close minded to this if you're already looking into the other aspects of Indian society.

You're a fucking idiot. Grow up and take your online classes je kanker mongool.

They're such allies half of them come in to take jobs and the other half scam old people out of money. Best frenemies since israel.

How do they not have an caucasian skull?
What is it then Mongoloid/Negroid?

All your other points i already mentioned...
I'm still not drinking it.

Ik ben bezig met mijn scriptie pipo

Iran would have been our best Eastern ally if we had stopped being such a dick to them for the last 85 years.

*Afrika was created by Hindustanis. After Yakub created the wh*tes and they destroyed the original black lands, the Hindustanis came and built Afrika. The first Afrikan was a Hindustani named Tushratta who defeated the wh*tes up north and established the Kangdom of Egypt. For centuries, the kangdom was ruled by Hindustanis. The sun of Afrika made them black and they became the Nubians. Many Hindustanis such as Krishna migrated into Hindustan in 3rd century BCE to defend it from the A*yan No*dic invasion. The No*ds were defeated at Kurukshetra and the Kangdom of Hindustan was established by Krishna. 2000 years later a Kang named Mojammedas Jamaland Gandhi migrated from South Afrika into India to free it from S*xon rule. He did not even use violence but triggered the S*xons by the power of his mere speech causing them to chimp out like wh*te apes and it was then that the Ge*manic kara boğa named Abdjulf Hilter invaded S*xon territories and destroyed the wh*te Empire of Britain and freed the slaves.*

Attached: HINDOSTAN BULL.jpg (375x470, 46.44K)

Urine in general has many virtues, in fact there are meds being made from camel piss since it contains an effective molecule against cancer

Exactly. Pakistan is based. They know pajeets are bad. Pakistan is white, but India is full of niggers.

Attached: smelly_pajeet.jpg (721x1280, 189.94K)

Thanks... I guess.

Best friend growing up was half Indian half Anglo. He was absolutely based.

Reminder the ones smart enough to legally migrate to the west are well above Indian average IQ.

Also you forgot curry, best food.

Wouldn't it be mutually beneficial if there was peace though? Racially you are both the same people, i really don't get the hate between you.

Hell even culturaly there isn't too much of a difference not taking religion in account. Do you actually hate Indians eventhough less than a century ago you were the same?

Why is he an idiot? Few things aside, how was most of what he said wrong? Provided they do stay in their country.

rent free

>Racially you are both the same people
No Pakistanis are white.

Attached: pakibull.png (1024x576, 608.91K)

bro its still disgusting

Some parts of Aghanistan and northern Pakistan are exceptions, but if you behave like a nigger, you're one. Like americans.

fuck off your state has literally no reason to exist


Your country is full of niggers. Your football team are just niggers.

lmao "pakistanis are white"

Iranians are white, I can buy

This is why nobody likes you...


Attached: india-or-pakistan-why-not-both-mughal-empire-lets-put-1395210.png (500x777, 98.14K)

>They just have to fix their hygiene, nutrition, sanitation, drop some primitive practices like drinking cow pee and stay in their own country.
If they fix those issues, they'd be top-tier bros in my books. But for now, they can stay mid-tier.

>BEHOLD, MY STAND, 「Quad-dextrous」

>only exists because of muslim league throwing a hissy fit and the founders were cucks

i think there is sort of a cultural-mythological kinship between nords and ancient (and modern) indians, but not at all between indians and meds. the norse edda somewhat reminds me some hymns of the rgveda, but nothing at all in the rgveda (or the edda) is compatible with the classical texts and culture.

What the fuck is your obsession with bodily waste? What is going on in India man wtf

the Paki/Pajeet memefighting can get pretty tiring.
as of right now, both countries are shitholes

>but we pakis are whiter
yes you are whiter. The difference is something like Nords vs Meds. Makes a lot of noise on internet forums but the reality is if I ever come to your country, and if you ever come to mine, the chance that someone will guess just by looking that you aren’t a local is slim
I mean I’ve lived for a while in dubai, I’ve had Pakistani and Bangladeshi friends. Aside from political opinions, I literally did not feel a single thing that was culturally different

rumors spread fast on whatsapp, and ppl believe anything

Because he is the example of blind follower who sees 1 thing that is related to us and them and than acts as if we are cousins or brothers. He also doesn't realise that Europeans originated from the Turkish steppes and the caucasus. And if sharing a bond with the poeple who drink and bathe in cow shit and piss is something good than you're retarded.

> fallicys
> hygene
> neopostic
> dieseses
> bizzare
> relgious

Utter low IQ trash. This right here is our Brythonic master race, people.

Aren’t you embarrassed to post? Spelling errors don’t just demonstrate a sloppy and disordered approach to language. They reveal a fundamental lack of understanding of what words mean.

I guarantee you most Indians have a better grasp of your own language than you do, retard.

Attached: E078D4E9-AF38-4982-A48B-6933D2EE7E63.jpg (634x499, 99.68K)

>Gave us Yoga and meditation
Meditation is not unique to asia. Are you dumb?

that book is at least 5k years old, and its a new one

I love India

>Poo sperging about cow piss
>A wild Muhammad appears and spergs about camel piss
You can't make this shit up.

3000 years ago an Indian scientist named Sushruta wrote a medical textbook. In that he wrote many experiments, such as fixing a broken limb, enlarging women’s breasts for sex, fixing ugly looking vaginas and some basic plastic surgery.

However, he also experimented a lot with random fluids. In one of his accounts he decided to feed cow urine to a patient who had some disease and looked like he was going to die and had lost all hope. It seemed to worked and he wrote about it and the composition of cow urine he thought and died.

3000 years later, some people dug up the old texts and decided to sell cow urine to the masses.

what the fuck is the MQ?

Modern day Indians didn’t create the things you’re crediting them with. The original Aryans all either left or got poo’d by the Dravidians.

Nice try Lucas but once we settle our border disputes with China we are going to ally with them. Also hindpooism is a meme religion.

but Mahmoud, the Chinese are killing your people. Even most Muslims in India hate China to the core. Most Hindus already hate China for suppressing faith.


Attached: pajeets muster to gang rape.webm (640x360, 1.89M)

Muslim question, I’m guessing.

imagine being this fucking retarded. you have no whatsoever graps on the concept of PROOF, neither medical nor documental-historical. you indians are the sewage of humanity, together with the arabs.


Attached: 2-aryans-and-hinduism-3-638-1.jpg (638x479, 79.16K)

Ugly subhuman religion from disgusting subhuman nation can't compete with beautiful western Aesthetics.
All poolovers get the rope first

Attached: Indiacannibals.jpg (570x380, 61.92K)

> graps

What about the niggers?

Lmao. Your favorite "Aryan Indian" states are at the bottom of every single development poles while the Dravidian states literally provide for 90% of the country's budget. These "Aryan" hindpoos can't even pull their own weight.

Imagine falling for 3rd tier "White" "Aryan" pajeet propaganda

>They just have to fix their hygiene, nutrition, sanitation
never gonna happen


No one likes you white cockroaches in India

eating dog poop might be the solution to growing 10" monster dongs but you'll never see me eating it

fuck off VHP shill

Given that SARS-CoV-2 can live in fæcal matter, how badly will the Indian population get yeeted?

Attached: FDECAB27-8CE7-4304-8245-D7D3A5A3CFE7.jpg (1124x1485, 400.08K)

>Average height goes up every generation
>More toilets than ever
>Poverty slowly declining

It's going to take a while but at least your not regressing. What is your opinion of Modi?