Trump is suiciding LGBTQ youth
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Yo based?
4 more years! 4 more years!
Guilt is the leading cause of suicide. When you realize your teenage subculture is actually a communist trick to undermine your nation, you should feel lots of guilt for playing along and helping to destroy your own family with ridiculous bullshit.
Don't give me valid reasons to like Trump
The mentally ill are more likely to be mentally weak
based departement here we will file this one under based and redpilled
as always
fuck niggers
fuck kikes
fuck jannies
Imagine being such a snowflake that democracy gives you suicidal thoughts.
My phone is buzzing like hell
Why actually 4?
>suicidal thoughts over politics
and yet psycho therapy isnt recommend for them
Hey, Trump is the reason for everything.
It can't possibly be because homosexuality is mental illness.
maybe its because their entire existence is dependent on their sexuality
>Trump is suiciding LGBTQ youth
i wish the nigga would.
I hope it’s mostly lesbians. They are worse than niggers and Jews combined.
What change in politics since Trump took office has caused dykes to pack up and leave this earth?
Wow voting is so powerful. You can choose who dies with your vote
>considered suicice
Fuck this scam article
>tranny suicide rate reaches 50% and rising
>faggots killing themselves en masse
This year is only getting better
And that’s a good thing!
>Recent Politics
I hope they actually had something more specific to say and that they didn't just literally cry "RECENT POLITICS!" as their reason to die.
Though it would be kinda funny to find a suicide note that just says "RECENT POLITICS" and nothing else.
We need here a spanish trump.
Because why contain it?
A problem resolves itself.
i just hit myself in the head and i blame you for making me do this to me
because of your retarded thread (OP)
now i am going to sue you for hurting me
sounds fine ?
yeah fuck you
But the rates are exactly the same as they have always been.
>its not mental illness!!!
>its drumphy!!!
Nooo, not the faggerinos! Not le heckin AIDSboys
Oh no, how sad :(
Oh no, that sucks!
Oh my God, that's awful, I've done bi stuff before, I haven't thought about suicide because of Trump, why are LGB people feeling so much stress that they'd-
>54% of young trans people had considered suicide in the last year.
Oh. It's just degenerate tranny scum, trying to raise the the 41% to 100%. Fuckin' mint. I wish them all success in this endeavor. Fucking rapey, dumb, tranny scum, they should all jump off buildings so based men don't strain themselves having to throw them off.
If it wasn't Trump triggering them to kill themselves it would be something else. Like the wind. Or a caterpillar on a leaf.
Let's face it, cutting your D off is like cutting your head off with a delayed effect.
Did they interview the dead? How did they come up with that number.
What recent politics? Queers have more rights and acceptance now than they've ever had in the past. They're just blinded by TDS they've been infected with by the media.
Amazing. Keep up with the good work. Won't even need extermination camps, as they already do the work.
>Did they interview the dead?
Yeah. "No comment."
How could you kill yourself over who is president
Like what the what the fuck
>politics more and more queer friendly
I wonder what is happening here
They fucking deserve it
By bye queers
We already got 'muh fag marriage' from obama, theres nothing else we need to be any more "equal" than normal people. Let em die
>is suiciding
>It can't possibly be because homosexuality is mental illness.
I love this virus every day a more and more
That's pretty based
They said this would happen. I didn't believe it. 4 more years! A girl I went to high school with is a therapist. She said 90+% of her patients cry about shit like Bernie and faggotry.
We also need a greek trump please
Finally, some good news.
Tranny suicide rate is at 50% now?
>lgbq suicide rates at 5%
>add a T
>skyrocket to 45%
>"this is the fault of recent political shit"
no its just that taking the mentally ill into your fold and encouraging their illness kinda has an effect on your group stats
>54% of young trans people had considered suicide in the last year
Up from what? 50?
How is it newsworthy that people who are mentally ill kill themselves at a higher rate than the general population.
Treating them as normal is about the worst thing society could have done for itself AND for the gays
What a basedboy
That’s quite the claim
>This year is only getting better
i havent seen the impact of faggot not being able to constantly "hook up" every day. ive meet gay men who said they havent beat off in years cuz internet. will these men be gay without the sex and attention?
Or you know... Just mentally ill people.
What's up with you roo fuckers and lesbians
You have Vox, but they’re just as unlikeable as Trump, if not more.
Also even the rightmost people in Spain think Trump is a Nazi. I go to college in Spain and even the people who vote for Vox hate trump. Europe is doomed unless it realizes it should stop hating itself for what made it great
Just file it with the based department. Perhaps the cringe department could look into some of their older cases to assist in verifying the claim.
>We need a Greek Trump
We have enough kike politicians. We actually need a second Georgios Papadopoulos or Metaxas.
They get the SUPER Dikey ones down there.
other trannys, lgbts and cnn are making each other sewerslide because of them spreading disinfo about trump. Based.
Its the standard in america that a president can no longer be in the position for longer than 8 years.
Every 4 years are elections to pick a president.
This is how a republic works
It literally is just a phase. They know they're not actually gay dyke trannies and when they realize they've ruined their lives chasing social clout and that the LGBT scene will crucify them for this they can't deal with it and so join the 41%.
Literally no trans freak has ever felt anything you described there. They kill themselves because they never come close to resembling the woman they imagine themselves as. No person who's mentally ill to begin with but then gets flooded with the wrong hormones is going to have a conscience or sudden clarity
really? shocker! mentally ill people suddenly became more mentally ill because they can't handle reality like normal people. wow i'm so surprised.
if you think you're some 2 spirit other kin trans cripple, you're insane.
2 genders, 2 scoops, 2 terms
fuck off with this tripe
Another win
Wow, the president is literally hunting them down one by one and murdering them with his bare hands? Trump must really hate gay people!
I keep hoping 41% goes up soon those are bitch numbers
this epidemic just keeps getting better and better I hope it goes on for as long as it can
It's like Vermonters and abos had adopted children.
Fuck the lgbt youth. I try to tell them how to avoid life ruining mistakes and they tell me I don't know what I'm talking about. Let them learn the hard way if that's how they want it.