So, what are my fellow neets doing today?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Good yet shitty

just chilling?

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collecting nigger skulls

Thought I'd lounge around.
Generally slobbiness.

Not a NEET but I am essentially getting paid to browse Yas Forums all day so I have it 1000 times better than you :-)

sharpened some knives today
working out right now
gonna read some books later

imagine not being a neet philosopher king and actually wasting your time wagecucking

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Don't forget to go out for a walk and stretch the legs at least once a day. And for every hour of sitting, stand for 10 minutes.

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you made this post on Yas Forums

not being a slave, that's for sure

i'll be enriching myself with video games, music, and shitposting as usual

and i'll coom whenever I feel like it

I am walking like 2 hours per day from one part of the city to another while learning some language. So i guess thats okay.

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> Graduate MSc in Spet
> Apply for 80+ jobs in that time living at home with gf
> Get a job as an offshore geophysics in Jan, start in Feb
> Sent home mid-March after training for 6 weeks
> Get a dismissive email from HR on Tuesday. I have no job anymore due to Coronavirus
> Really sad
> Back home with gf
> Was meant to be be 6 months of training, then I would be at sea on rotations, living as a paid NEET for 6 months of the year
> Was talking about planning our first holiday together
> Wanted to make secret plans for saving for a wedding/ring and think about kids with some financial security
> Wanted to get life moving forward
> Now just a NEET again because some cunt in China ate a bat and dumb commies let the shit spread
> No companies hiring
> At least my gf is supportive and still on paid leave

Life sucks but I have her

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brushing up on some white history.

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contemplating suicide

same here

she's getting banged by Mahmoud behind your back mate

Do it faggots.

feelings are gay

5 year of neeting for me,everyday i wake up around 10,then lay in bed till 12,then turn computer on and play hoi4 for 3-4 hours with breaks for checking Yas Forums
life is miracle


Studied Javascript this morning. Just lifted in my home gym. chugged a proton shake. Going to make a curry paste with raw ingredients for those immuno gains.

Then I'm going to get drunk.
Life could be worse.

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none of your business faggots

Just reinstalled fallout 4 with a ton of mods this night.
Gonna play the fucking minutemen nightmare platrough, wish me patience placing beds, crops and turrets.

>Then I'm going to get drunk.
never gonna make it

Sitting on unemployment like nigger and halfheartedly applying for jobs.
I think I'll get a couple of industry certs during this.

>never gonna make it.
I gave that up long ago, now I just lift for the sake of lifting, and do what I want when I want and don't give a shit. Life is too short to not do the things you want to do.

Collecting full pay to sit at home
How can neets even compete?

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I'm playing league of legends

get outta my board, dyel

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Just got my NEETbux deposited in my account (Thanks wagie tax payers!) so I'm going to pay my rent and utilities bills.

Other than that, I'm just enjoying the lockdown. I'll play some vidya today, watch a kino, maybe pop a few benadryl and just lay on my couch watching TV while buzzed.

Best timeline.

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>How can neets even compete?
by collecting full pay from your tax monies :^)


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>play the same video games I've played the past decade
>post here for several hours
>scroll through the internet for the rest of it

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watching the markets

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why do you think you're not gonna make it anyways?

start reading
it really shatters the monotony of neetlife
plus it's unironically fun


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> We are literally not leaving the house

I am sad to hear that is the experience you have gained from the women in your life, I would have hoped Macedonia girls would be more trad.

Chin up bro, there are good ones out there

Im taking a shit right now.
Play some rounds World of tanks later.

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Based self educated neet. Our position gives us time like no other for self improvement

>women in your life
that's very bold of you to assume i've had women in my life :^)
except my moms that is


Yesterday I got resident evil 3 in my mail and today a new ps4 controller. I'm looking forward to start playing it as soon as the sun goes down. Today I worked out in my apartment with the bench I assembled yesterday. Got plenty of weights too and will start dieting down, so when shit starts going back to normal I'll be the only shredded cunt while everyone will be either weak and skinny or weak and fat.

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My economics professor reads over 600 books a year and keeps an Excel spreadsheet of all the titles/year he read them.

Why are Germans so disgusting of late?

I assume by making it you mean getting Yas Forums.
Used to be very serious about my physical shape, diet... all that stuff. Became obsessive to the point where it started to drown out other aspects of my life.

Now, I don't care so much about making it or not making, I just do. This doesn't necessarily mean I won't make it, or will make it. I've just detached myself from the concept.

don’t do it, shitpost instead

Hope u disinfected the packaging of Coronachans

I'm not a neet

I'm a carer and it was a mental morning

but a joint, canvas and unlimited paint calmed the situation so much so I believe it a crime to forbid cannabis to patients with mental illness.

CoD warzone.

that's pretty gay
if you do something, do it like an autistic train obsessed child
that's my mantra

How high is his iq?

Things could have gotten extremely frantic without cannabis

let me tell you

yeah fucking right
2 books a day?
what's he reading
children's books?

>Be me.
>Wake up at 6:30.
>50 pull ups, 200 push ups, 300 squats.
>Ahhh, it's a rainy cold day in the city.
>Blend up some berries, greens, and peanut butter.
>Sip on nutritious power smoothie while reading thermodynamics book.
>Time to do a little work on my giant whiteboard.
>Derive equations of energy transfer among a bunch of interacting particles.
>Run into a mathematical roadblock, time to code up a simulation.
>Make some tea and modify my molecular dynamics program to include energy transfer among the atoms.
>Run a quick simulation of interatomic energy transfer, using VPN to one of the largest supercomputers in the US.
>Check results with measured properties, they agree.
>Aahhh, my theories are correct now. I can relax and browse pol.

I'm having the best pandemic of my life.

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This I couldn't imagine not having a pound of weed in the garage

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I could not ever afford that but I would like to be able to grow some for myself but wouldn't until it is legal. I have anxiety and the illegality is a big stress,

Ur so baste

Am I the most based neet on Yas Forums?
>Haven't left my house in 5 years
>Dropped outta high school
>No GF and kissless virgin
>no friends in 5 years, only talked to my parents and brother

That was who I was referring to

Whats the possession punishment there? I'm eternally grateful to be able to pull up a lawn chair on the driveway and hit the vape without repercussions

Whatever keeps you clocking.

>Back to normal
things that'll never happen.

Enjoying the quarantine, hoping for happenings, and observing lent like a good Catholic.

Just NEETing and YEETing, keepin it real.

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U talk to us, fren

I love you

And then everyone on the bus clapped.

watch your fucking mouth you slimy faggot
you don't insult my mudder like that without getting your crooked brown teeth punched out of their roots

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idk man I've been fucking for about 2 weeks straight with sleep breaks. I'm ready to die quite frankly.

no need

Trying to survive.
Anyone know a good way to make big buxx online?

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Playing monster hunter 3 ultimate. It’s fucking hard lads, any advice?

>be me
>a NEET, yesterday
>dads friend: “would you like to help me plant vegetables? I’ll pay you for your time”
>me, a gardener in need of a little cash “sure, here I come”
>show up to this mans property >expecting a garden
>it’s a whole fucking field
>whew lads what is this
>tiller doesn’t work so we dig up the dirt with shovels like nigs
>proceed to plant broccoli like a Mexican for 7 hours straight
>finally done
>farmers truck breaks down
>”sure I’ll drive you home”
>loads three guns into my trunk from his truck (based)
>gets handed three crisp 20s when I drop him off
>back still hurts

I respect shitskins on a different level now, I can not imagine doing this every single day. Only saving grace was that it was beautiful out

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You could always try Yas Forums. Results may vary

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Teaching english to insectoids

to name a few.