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But he was relived after a loss of confidence. If his letter hadn't reached the San Francisco chronicle then he would have been fine. Seems like an alright dude, but really big mistake

supposedly sent copies of the letter to friends beforehand

He did good, his crew was more important to him than his career.

I don't like Americans very much, but this man is a man of honor.

>"He did good"
>Severely broke OPSEC, and submitted his email over non secured networks to 20 different people
>Told china and any threats that a carrier was decommissioned
>"Did good"
Dumb cunt.

Really? He sent a letter to the media? What information did he disclose?

Unprotected email = trying to play politics on the high seas

Watch him try to become the next mccain

This and there’s zero proof it was “necessary” for the lives of his sailors, zero proof his superiors were giving orders to harm them.

That sailors were sick on a carrier, which tells our adversaries it is weak.


OPSEC is gay and so are you. Chinks have plenty of contacts on the west coast to observe the spread of disease and ship movements, and stories on the spread of Kung Flu are published in plenty of open sources. Navy senior offices are a bunch of ass pirates, especially SWOs. Kill yourself.

Not a good look for bone spurs... but I am sure the Yas Forumstards will talks about
...muh chain of command.

Even though bonespurs has repeatedly interfered in the chain of command. Cognitive dissonance is a hell of a drug.

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>send your letter on unsecure channels to make sure it gets to the media even help is literally already en route
Colossal faggot

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As if Norway couldn't single handedly sink every US carrier, they're only platforms for brass bands now you thong wearing bomb magnet.

Is that all? Seems heavy handed...

That a fucking US aircraft carrier was out of commission!? In the South Pacific... what information did he disclose? Where are all these low IQ people coming from?

He repeatedly asked for assistance and guidance but was not given any.

Guy fell on a grenade for his men.
That is honor.

The alternative was let his men died while Trump's people in the Pentagon were shitting itself.

Just say: "I was a moron for supporting Trump." Its much easier and more honest than the mental gymnastics your doing to defend it.

But I’m sure he’s a nice guy but this was a big fuck up on his part. Most military people are cowards anyway so it makes sense unfortunately

>OPSEC is gay
do a flip when you kys, faggot

>...muh chain of command.
Wel if you understand this concept thens what your fucking problem? Everyone in the military knows how this works. And the actions taken by the navy are apporpratite. Ever occur to you he gave our enemies information bout a weakness?

>He repeatedly asked for assistance and guidance but was not given any.
source? Do you have an in to the highest levels of the Navy that we don't know about user? Please share

This. Its massively irresponsible to leak that type of security information. Now they are basically a non-threat wherever they are cruising.

nice reddit spacing fag

should have never allowed the ship to be exposed to the virus.

why is his head so wide? is it the effects of the philadelphia experiment and being in south asia?

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>OPSEC is gay and so are you
Dumb cunt.
>He repeatedly asked for assistance and guidance but was not given any.
Post citation you dumb Mexican queer.

? To be relieved of command after violating protocol would be considered a gift.


You misspelled "traitor who went outside the chain of command in a deliberate attempt to weaken the United States".

This, he should have been hanged for treason. Carrier was on deployment when he told the entire world it was currently decommissioned.

Guy is a clown and a failure of a superior.

Especially when it's a known quantity that 2 carriers minimum would be necessary to halt a Chinese invasion of Taiwan. There are currently only 4 deployed and we are now down one. Roosevelt was supposed to be the second carrier along with Reagan, as Eisenhower and Truman are in the Arabian sea

You're an absolute retard. Please unplug your computer and go do manual labor somewhere without talking.

>all that diarrhea of blue checkmarks
Actually makes me hate trump for not killing these faggots and being done with it. What a cuckold

It will come out soon enough.
Pentagon is in damage control.

If you think this is the only ship having problems... there are a lot of others captains who are maintaining the chain of command.

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Dumb nigger coward and covid19 collaborator, actually

Should be run out of the Navy. Failed as a leader on every level.

>source: trust me bro

As a Navy vet. What the captain did was wrong. Not wrong in trying to help his crew. That is not the issue. It was running to the media.

The media that will jump on ANY news in order to turn it against Trump. The media broadcasting this after China has released a bio weapon in order to watch the US Military repsonse is complete unresponsible.

The media and this Captain has shown the world the state of the US Navy. The military must maintain an appearance of readiness. Whether they are ready or not.

This captain and this media has shown the weakness on the US Aircraft Carriers after the release of bio weapon when we as a world on the verge of war.


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>all this trumptard cope

So you either are committing varying degrees of treason and espionage right now and leaking military secrets at the highest levels on Yas Forums. Or you are pulling it out if your ass. I wonder what occams razor tells me is the more likely option.

you know that saying "loose lips sink ships"?
this is where it comes from

ok so who did he tell? and why did he feel like he needed to tell them?

If you think he did it just for his crew... you are dead wrong.
This is a Pacific fleet problem.

And yeah... be scared.
The Chinese almost certain already know.
Check out their movements in the South China Sea.

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China is one cunt hair away from nuking the navy. Never a good sign to see a commander be insubordinate. Its seditious and treasonous. Fuck the sailors you follow your orders its bigger than one ship. I'm actually astounded someone in those ranks could have such poor judgement

>there are a lot of others captains who are maintaining the chain of command.
What the fuck does that even mean ypu reddit shill? You never served and you are blowing more hot steam from your ass than a tea kettle

>china is lying and suppressing information! that's so evil!
>but you're supposed to lie and suppress information in the us, are you stupid? telling the press the truth? unacceptable

I thought Robin Williams was dead.
>O'Captain muh Captain

>Showing his cards to the enemy potentially putting his crew in further jeopardy.
>Man of Honour.
What happened to encrypted telegrams?

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>lol dude trust me or you're a shill lmao
Kys semite

decommissioned? you mean like at a dock and not in use, officially out of service with no plan to maintain or upgrade or use for service? wtf, or do you mean (out of commission), not ready

>ok so who did he tell?

Take it up the chain. All the way if you have too. As a Captain of an Air craft Carrier, he has access other captains do not through the Chain. All the way up to the Joint Chiefs.

>and why did he feel like he needed to tell them?
Only he can answer that. Wanted an user on a picture messaging board to speculate on how someone feels is CNN tier. GTFO.

On your theory... its a nothingburger and this guy flushed his career cause he was panicing.

On the presses theory... he did it for the crew.

Red Pill: Its fucking worse.

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Terrible attempt at wahtaoutism and you now it.

>And yeah... be scared.
OoooooOoooOoOOOoooo I'm spooked now. Scary bugmen with 2 mediocre aircraft carriers are coming. I pray China does something to give us permission to nuke them into oblivion

>it's fine if I do it
more like amerimutts being two faced cunts as usual
>we need transparency! don't hide information about the pandemic!
>except when we want to hide it :P

Did you read his post at all zoomer fag

My dude you literally created a false equivalency in your first post, and are arguing from an invalid position. Give it up.

Is this related to the horrors of the current DUMB Wars?

What is Commie bait and why the big gay world fails to recognize it, the thread.

Fuck this fag, leaking a document to the press and letting the world know your ship is compromised? Hope he gets court martialed

>China is one cunt hair away from nuking the navy. Never a good sign to see a commander be insubordinate. Its seditious and treasonous. Fuck the sailors you follow your orders its bigger than one ship. I'm actually astounded someone in those ranks could have such poor judgement

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throwing around reddit buzzwords won't save your case, you've spent the last few weeks bitching that china isn't transparent enough with how they handle the pandemic, then go on to say that being transparent is bad
that's just straight up classic retarded american hypocrisy at it's finest

based and "Trump is a retard" pilled

Yes but he showed weakness of our military to enemies when we're probably about to go to war.
He's not fit for command. The military is no place for airing your grievances publicly. You keep opsec or you lose your position. You're not serving for your men, you are serving for your country.

You ribbit fags are so annoying. You contribute nothing to the board other than mocking yourselves masquerading as a non-ribbit user yet somehow you're familiar with their retarded cringeworthy fag lingo. You're not funny. You are gay. Please do us all a favor and read my words, you have to go back.

>Red Pill
O bless us great one with your all knowing power and knowledge!! Please tell me how bad things really are because clearly you have the inside scoop like no one else here. Clearly your knowledge of the deep inner workings of top military officials rivals anyone else here. Please enlighten me and all your glorious knowledge O great shit poster!

This. Real men would have let their subordinates die for their presidents jew friends.

Fuck you're a daft cunt.

>You're not serving for your men, you are serving for your country.

People forget this. You swear an oath to protect the Constitution and the orders from those above you. You do not swear an oath to subordinates.

>Umm, hello? America, china, everyone? Our very expensive and strategically important ship is infected and crippled. Thank you for listening
>Heeeey, why you firing me?

All the retards on the ship gather in a group cheer and yell him off during an airborne outbreak. Now they're all probably infected. If he was trying to save them he clearly failed hard.

He's military, he put a lot at risk for our country by leaking operational strength to the press. He's not a hero, he's a fucking retard. If you want to play soldier, you shouldn't shit your pants when your told the mission is more important than your life. Pussy.

Ok ok I get it you aren't very well educated i'll break it down for you.
>China did not release the extent of the virus in it's population this has made modelling difficult and delayed the response of other countries
is the first component of your comparison
>the United States does not want it to be readily available to their enemies how badly compromised their naval force is by the virus because it threatens their deterrent effect and makes war more likely
This is the second thing you re comparing. In your argument you are trying to claim that these two are equivalent because they both hold to the extremely reductive concept that they want the extent of the virus to be a secret. The problem is when not reduced to a complete loss of meaning they are non-equivalent.

Do you understand why you are wrong now user?

Im becoming more and more intolerant of stupid, stupid people who can use words correctly shouldnt talk too much


the boomer remover isn't going to kill anyone on an aircraft carrier
this was political grandstanding over the sniffles

Why do you hate Americans? What did we ever do...

My bad. Keep hating, sir.

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No, you're just a daft cunt.

nobody is infected. classic disinfo

Here's the order.

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>its just the boomers bro
There is probably not a more apocalyptically retarded population in the world than the general american conservashart.

half decent article I found on this

you're wrong
>we can't show our hand
then why would china show their hand? they won't tell you the exact scope of what's happening because that would compromise their defences
either you say that full transparency is needed and then say the captain was right, or say that showing your hand to potential opponents is bad, in which case you can never criticise china's actions again, it's not up to you to decide what they consider information compromising their defences, that's up to them to decide so even if they hide something it's in their full right, if it's in the navy's right to hide stuff based on the idea that it could compromise defences

...starring Tom just know they are gonna make a movie about this shit.