why would any prepper need 200,000 masks
do you even know what a prepper is
Jew price gouger BTFO.
dude was going to sell for profit, thats not prepping
prepping is having a few weeks worth of canned goods in your pantry
Bet it was a jew
That wasn't a prepper, that was a Jew.
Based Federal Bureau of Israel.
>The hoarder was not identified in the press release, but on Monday feds arrested Brooklyn man Baruch Feldheim, 43, who allegedly hoarded supplies and resold them to desperate health care providers. Feldheim was charged with assault and making false statements after allegedly coughing on FBI agents, claiming he had COVID-19.
Last week, Feldheim allegedly received eight pallets of face masks at his Brooklyn home. A Monday raid of a Linden, NJ, warehouse found a collection initially estimated at 80,000 masks. Feldheim allegedly sold a New Jersey doctor about 1,000 N95 masks on March 18 for $12,000, about 700 percent of their pre-outbreak value.
where's that second amendment now?
>I need muh gunz so the gubmint doesn't take my stuff, if hundreds of kids must die every day for muh freedum then so be it
>gubmint comes and takes their shit away
>oh well nothing I can do about that
Prepping is done over time. Unnoticed.
Seems constitutional...
Worse than that, Americans are actually glad that this guy's shit is being taken off him.
kikes are the ones handwringing about those nigger children who kill each other with guns
Hoarders are not preppers.
An asshole buying up a quarter million N95 masks is not the same as a guy who spends 15 years setting back food, water, ammo, medicines, etc, FOR HIS OWN FAMILY.
OP is a fucking fag.
Kek, your constitution is getting raped for decades now.
>The Constitution gives you the right to fuck over hundreds of thousands of other Americans
It was 80k masks yesterday.
Why are prepcucks so sensitive?
fuck off kike, guns are a protected right, your price gouging isn't
Found the liberal
>80k next sentence
Well the hoarding scalper was a Jew, so it's only fair that the number gradually and inexplicably grow over time.
You're asking for some logic to Americans lmao
The reality is that they want to keep weapons because their country is such a nigger/bulgar infested shithole that they can't even live a peaceful life without a shotgun under their bed as a safety measure. Also a lot of Americans experience with guns very early when they are kids, so just collecting shit and shooting is just a hobby for them
Is this post gub'ment approved?
>Worse than that, Americans are actually glad that this guy's shit is being taken off him.
That too.
And because fag OP is intentionally conflating some profiteering asshole with an actual prepper, others will follow his shitty example...
Cheering as Agents of the State steal his shit - confiscation with no compensation, in direct contradiction with the law.
And so long as those cheering get a cut of the stolen loot, they will continue to cheer and "empower" State Goons to do this to other people...
OP is a doubleniggerfaggot...
>Why are prepcucks so sensitive?
See this:
Today it's Profiteering Asshole.
Tomorrow the cheering faggots will get around to US...
That's why, fuckhead.
We were right to prep and got mocked for it.
We're right about this to, if things continue apace...
I thought you guys were bad? What happened preppies, got raided, whoops. Suck for you doesn't it. Didn't you say you'd shoot raiders and booby trap your doors
All bark and no bite, what a bunch greedy kikes like they said on day 1
in the UK it's usually mohammed mohammed
they raided a warehouse
why do you want to see preppers taken out though?
That's not a prepped, it's a scalper.
This was a price gouging hasidic jew.
More intentional conflation.
Some greedy Profiteering Asshole Jew buys up a quarter million masks.
(You) sit there and pretend Profiteering Asshole Jew is the same thing as a prepper.
Because Profiteering Asshole Jew didn't go off on the State Goons who showed up to steal his shit, you use it to mock us... AGAIN.
You're a fuckin noguns nopreps poorfag and likely a commie...
Suck more cock.
200,000 masks is not prepping for you and your friends / family. Thats predatory stockpile, price gouge behaviour. Soulless “people” who think its a good idea to exploit others in times of need should be burned on the cross.
>My property isn't the government's property
>why do you want to see preppers taken out though?
Nopreps fag is jealous.
Do not underestimate the power of the most base of human emotions: Greed, spite, jealousy, rage...
Fuckhead sat there and did nothing while the rest of us put stuff back "just in case".
Worse, he probably mocked us.
Now he's fucked and can't do shit about it, except "empower" State Goons to go steal our shit under Color of Law.
When one greedy Jew gets taken down, he uses that to ridicule us.
That's okay - nopreps will make a nice Comfort Boy for the niggers when things get Spicy.
We might be on our own - which will suck - but it's better than being ass-raped by feral niggers on a daily basis in exchange for food...
You're not a prepper if everyone knows about it
>muh 2nd amendment
Why didn't he engage the FBI with his AR-15 death machine? Do Jew Yorkers have guns?
How about a picture of the "hoarder" on every news story about it, like the white guy 2 weeks ago who bought a couple hundred bottles of hand sanitizer and was national news and talk radio topic for days ?
This guy was not prepping. This has nothing to do with prepping, at all. Please find your local suicide booth and jump inside it, you worthless fatty.
preppers = rodents
Lol this is just a different thing. Im not going to bitch about commies if we're talking to lolberts. This guy is a price gouger. Prepping is different. In a economic collapse money isnt that valuable and its more worth it to have useful items. 200,000 masks is not useful lol
> Baruch Feldheim
Who would've thougth.. a Jew.
Preppers??? It was a jew. Dude, get with the program. Even for mutt standards you are pretty stupid.
>not prepping for your descendants
Never going to make it
Fucking lmao. Good one.
>Do Jew Yorkers have guns?
practically no
Jews don't get their hands dirty.
They engage in shit like Lawfare, nepotism, etc.
Greedy Jew will call his Lawyer brother or his cousin the Judge and get his masks back.
Then they'll call their uncle at the Times and get the story squashed.
You'll never hear about it again..
And the cops? They'll move on to something else..
They confiscated 200k but you can only see 80k in the picture. How hard can it be to understand your native language.
>Guy buys medical masks in bulk for his MEDICAL SUPPLY business in 2018
>Pandemic hits
>Guy tries to sell his medical masks from him MEDICAL SUPPLY business for 1.5% markup
>Literally worse than Hitler
I've worked at places that mark up their product by 40%. The Feds are making an example out of an innocent businessman, same as the "dad businessman" who was vilified for reselling hand sanitizer at like a 5% markup and no shipping cost which brought his margin to like 2%. Yas Forums likes to think they can detect bullshit but if it appeals to their biases that all goes out the fucking window doesn't it?
America has a virus. But it's not corona. It has a hooked nose and beady eyes.
>>Guy buys medical masks in bulk for his MEDICAL SUPPLY business in 2018
>>Pandemic hits
>>Guy tries to sell his medical masks from him MEDICAL SUPPLY business for 1.5% markup
>>Literally worse than Hitler
Talk's cheap.
Ding ding ding
Lemme guess he was in brooklyn and wore a tiny hat all the time...
He lied about working for medical supplier.
imagine the smell
Oh, hi Boruch. What’s up?
only fire can cleanse that
I don’t condone the Jew hoarder... but technically it’s his property, no? I hope he got at least market value for those....well not really, but in theory.
no. They took them from a kike who probably stole them.
I bet before they took the masks he penetrated every single mask multiple times with needles
always a good opportunity to short squeeze the Goyim in need.
this is different from rewarding producers.
Based as fuck, thats not prepper thats a jew (((investor))) that wanted to resell them for higher price.
It must be a fucking cold day in hell if Yas Forums is actually supporting the government stealing from its citizens.
>But he's a KIKE!
So what? He could be a nigger kike and the government stealing his business stock is still wrong. But yeah roll over and spread your ass cheeks for the FBI, right boys?
>A few weeks’ worth of food
That is a poorly stocked pantry. I have about 2 months food just by virtue of having a few 5 lbs bags of dried beans, rice, pasta, and some jars of salsa and tomato sauce. A prepper should have at bare minimum a year’s worth of food.
lm@o read 4th amendment
>muh kike business model over lives of my fellow countrymen
spoken like a true jew, no wonder you people sacrificed 6 gazzilions of your own people just to get higher position in society.
They were definitely going to price gouge and sell, not use for prepping.
>1.5% markup
Nigga, he was selling 1000 masks for $12000 to doctors. It was about 700% markup not 1.5%. I'm betting the 1.5% you saw was from a NY Post story that has since been corrected.
Here's the NJ Gov report on the issue.
>Protection from unreasonable searches and seizures
>You can’t have too much of X because other people need it more
Wow, that isn’t a dangerous concept that could be easily abused.