Explain yourselves, Americans.
Explain yourselves, Americans.
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i dont work during winter. and youre a faggot memeflag.
imagine being embarrassed of your own country.
what a pussy
I couldn't care less about showing my flag. I have it to european because when I use a VPN it gives me a uk or romanian flag many times.
my vpn is homosexual so i cant use it here.
ive noticed the south is a lot fatter than the north, i would think it would be the opposite. up north people stay inside because of snow, ice...i would think the north would be so much fatter
too many faggot californians so i stay indoors
lmaoing @ the amerifats
We have an abundance of food and the government knows good keeps us from wigging out and rioting.
This is gonna be a great thread, Amerifat salt guaranteed.
I knew the "EU" shitposters were just disguised chinks. kys.
They're burgers, what more explanation do you need?
Dixiefags will say it's all due to Blacks, but their Whites are fatter too.
Inequality is worse in the South, as is education, so you have a bunch of poor trash that doesn't know how to cook cheap healthy food like rice and beans.
I lived in Kentucky for awhile and had multiple people tell me how they were doing keto, and it mostly consisted of fast food with buns pulled off.
I'd posit that it is extremely difficult to get fat eating just rice, legumes, and occasional baked or grilled meat/fish. Modern processed food is designed to override saitity signals and make you hungrier. Bland steel cut oats you stop eating when you've had enough.
I honestly think obese people should be killed for the good of humanity.
Kentucky is like 80% white and as fat as the blackest state (Missouri or whichever one it was)
ill get back to you once i finish up my deepfried triple breakfast burger with bacon and cheese
i honestly think a lot of people really do eat fast food all day not even joking.
i think the last time i had it i was on the thruway about 4 years ago
CDC are faggot kikes who say fluoride is better than spring water with non detected levels of fluoride
okay fat
>such beauty, such civilization!
It's called freedom.
I'm a fat fetishist. Zoomer/millenial women are such fat fucks. What a time to be alive.
based webm and based post, absolutely wholesome
its truly a sight to behold
nooo you have to deep fry it first
>a result of unbridled freedom is a population of circumcised homosexual obese opium addicts
really makes me think
Wrong. Fat fetishists are worse than pedos and should be locked up for their dysgenic desires.
I'm considered obeast even though I'm muscular. BMI is stupid.
>i'm j-just big boned trust me b-bro
>it's another anti American thread by a EU meme flag
Blame the fucking lobbyists. I'm serious. Lobbyists for our agricultural industry basically tell the FDA what should be declared nutritious and safe. Lobbyists make the government pay farmers to create high fructose corn syrup. High fructose corn syrup goes into all our food. Blame. The. Lobbyists.
It's a meme, Pierce Brosnan is a fatty fucker and loves the fuck of it. I think he's been with his fat wife his whole life and appears quite wholesome by Hollyjew's standards. Pierce seems pretty based.
It's all good. Any women into this shit is mentally ill anyway.
Muscle doesn't jiggle m8
and they goinna die, CoronaChan kills fatties and niggers and especially fat niggers
that image is missing a quadruple chin and a fat covered jaw
Pretty sure it's being told to sit down and shut up for twelve years of schooling and then going to college for the same shit only to then immediately get a desk job.
In an economy filled with cheap and plentiful fast food which has mascots and ads shoved in our face from the moment we're born. Plus all those weight loss programs won't sell themselves.
In other words, the economy demands it and people who don't think about it listen.
To be fair, Pierce's wife was skinny when he married her. It's wholesome because he loves her even though she's not beautiful anymore.
Americans are just big boned. They are heavy set... but they carry it well!
they are the sheer weight of the average american kid, its a wonder the continent hasent capsized yet
we like big butts and cannot lie.
Yeah, I know, I just put it in the pretty crass way, as I'm saying, it's just a meme. Either way, Brosnan seems like a pretty cool guy.
the guy in that picture is not even that fat
Funny thing is that the UK will surpass us in around a year regarding these statistics. And the real funny thing is that Americans aren't eating as much junk food as the past to the point that major business are suffering.
All you other Mothers just cant lie
I wasn't disagreeing
if you use fluoride you're anti white
yeeee he's a bit tubby no way around it if your gut sags and bulges you're a fatty just admit it and move on with life denial gets you nothing
They have too many poor people. Poor people can't afford quality food and eat and drink cheap processed junk. They also don't know about nutrition and living healthy.
>shitting on other countries
At least i can loose weight, but you will always be polish
I'm a volunteer fire fighter, we get 911 calls for "lift assists". You'd expect that to be for old people, but no most of the time it's for obese people who can't get up when they fall. Or they need an ambulance and the paramedics need help to get them out of the house. Shit, I've even gotten called to a lift assist for a corps before, because the coroners couldn't get them out of the house.
fluoride is the least of your worries mate
don't you have estrogen in your water from roastie birth control pills
not to mention s o y in the food
eating healthy costs less than eating fast food. Enough with the memes.
First country in the history of the world to have have too much food as its primary health concern. Honestly I don't see an issue.
good thing our public schools dont exist to just feed and house niggerspawn
the issue isn't food supply you retard
it's food demand
those are 2 very different things you diabetic retard
McDonalds is a helluva drug. Also lazy fucks everywhere. And welfare leeches eating garbage.
yeah mate
costs a shit ton of money to fast every other day huh?
literally eating nothing but water sure costs lots of dollarydoos
>Poor people can't afford quality food
This isn't true at all, eating healthy is cheaper. Why can't obese people just admit they're addicted to junk food, hate healthy food and move on?
Not saying we're not more obese than we should be, but a large inflation of that statistic is niggers.
We demand to eat more food than the rest of the world, then we supply it.
I’m not fat. I live in Colorado and most people I see unless they’re Mexicans aren’t fat.
in your dreams you fat fuck
>reddit spacing
Correction: 42.4% of American adults WERE obese
Corona changes everything
yep. too much bullshit
it's to keep the fat slave state going forever in the same direction
the average insulin resistant american golem literally cannot find meaning in anything of substance so he demands surrogacy
that being stuffing his face with more food than 2 average nips
And Mexicans. Every Mexican family I see in Walmart is some 4 foot tall milk dud looking Mexican women belly rounder than a basketball and her 5 obnoxious kids are already on their way to become obese if they aren’t already