Post yours?
Post yours?
Other urls found in this thread:
First for fuck chinks
Pls use my OC
Thank you Scomobux
I saw a sky news report on youtube. Seems like the MSM is going all in on fuck china too.
I'm suspicious.
only if you give me the psd of this image and its several layers
tfw still no scomo bux
where to upload?
Bolt has always been fuck China.
thats very funny user can i save it?
dont, hes the autistic Yas Forums incel that shits u /k/
idk you find a website that takes it like dropbox, megaupload, google drive etc then i'll download it and use it in OC, otherwise fuck me i'm not retroactively opacing or recreating that glow effect
im gonna go hang myself in a national park
Remember, if you're a bug there's only one option for you
It'll come user, and then "The Livin' is Good".
take it my friend
fuck off you autistic Yas Forums incel your threads on /k/ are shit
>TFW Still employed and a customer coofs into his hand
why is old anime so good?
Fuck china
calm down schizo, i'm look for an easy way to replicate a good template
lots of people make oc. you sure it's him from 1 post?
>Remember, if you're a bug there's only one option for you
Becoming my rice milker waifu and me bleaching her pusy
Dunno, it just is
Yes I'd like to marry lum
Don't break any branches in the process ya fat cunt
Currently reading American Psycho. Just about finished.
Speaking of which - what're you lads reading tonight?
made on an online photoshop site. don't bully
>why is old anime so good?
Newer stuff just doesn't feel as good.
I liked s1 of opm I haven't finished 2
Ballmastrz is kino tho
I used to regularly go to my local KFC but one of the workers there started recognising me and got friendly with me so I had to stop going.
Obligatory UK Football anthem, because this was supposed to be a music inspired thread
Aussies and books don't mix
fuck off you autistic virgin creeper cunts
Oi, where is me cawk? Oh right up your mum's shitter.
Shitposts on here ofc
What's the book like I love the movie it's of of my fav balekinos
Every employee at my local subway remembers my order. I want in and they just start making it.
Same burned out so many places
>Music videos for the mentally ill
Why are you suspicious? ASIO has been obviously pushing the anti-China line through media gradually and subtly for the past few years. This is their big excuse to get the public really riled up against them in preparation for economic decoupling, and eventual war (in approx. 20-30 years or maybe sooner - hard to say). War with China is only a matter of time if their country doesn't collapse by other means before then, and our western governments and intel agencies are preparing for that.
>I used to regularly go to my local KFC but one of the workers there started recognising me and got friendly with me so I had to stop going.
Was she/he cute?
Is gunship cats any good? I'd watch it for the carkino alone
Haven't seen the film in years, but the book is pretty fucking gr8 m8. It describes the killings in so much detail and it's just an all round gruesome book. I'd imagine Bateman would be a frogposter on /lit/ nowadays if he was real and alive in the 21st century.
Cheers cunt
Now it's an anime music thread
Right here senpai
this is on itunes btw
Being prepared for Trump to relocate.
anyone spend their scomobux on bondage gear?
my gf is getting thrashed in 2 weeks
much better with black bg
depending on the outcome of this virus, and if the symptoms and effects are real, it might come sooner than we think.
How did you spend 700 dollars on bondage shit?
>he didn't vaporwave when it was cool
New fag detected
it's allright I guess, depends if you like seinen
the black lagoon dub is pretty good, at least the pre-japan arc
is that near Forster? or is it in the US?
It also plays into the hands of nationalist who want to destabilise the current order though. Who's responsible for our dependence on China? Neither Labor or the LNP are innocent. And if nationalist get into power they will want to end our relationships with current important powers.
So based on the fact that fuck China is a core pillar of the Nationalist platform along with fuck kikes and fuck ASIO, I'm thinking something else might be afoot.
War with China is what I've been wanting for ages. Chinks first, then everyone else gets a turn of the ANGLO BVLL
FYI, pretty sure this is not a crime to disclose but the PM and essential ministers will be relocating to the Plan Mercator backup location set by the continuity of government plan.
This is located at 24 Wormald Street, Symonston ACT.
The more you know
That's total nog shit mate
This thread is officially glowing
Dsp fag here where the fuck is my gibs
Same with Tolkien shitposting about mr tumlus in lion witch wardrobe raping the chick lmao lotr Yas Forums threads are based
Wrong me mom likes my cock
Revy is my fucking waifu
cuffs, mask, leather harness and a wand massager for when I get md dick and have to keep her happy
How can you spend less than $700 on quality restraints and leather?
Any more leaks? Based asis leaker
>fucking waifus
Wrong waifus are for cuddles and kino
Coronachan theme: full version
Also the coof Can survive on plastic services for 72 hours
recommendations on entry level flogger/crop etc?
Based glownigger
Could a nog create this?
Just put two mrs mac meat pies in the oven.
whos worse? faggots or chinks?
Reminder that Russia is forcing a mandatory tracking app for all citizens of Moscow. Got no smartphone? The government is providing you one that you must use. Literal ankle bracelet.
Wonder if we’d have been lumbered with it under a socialist government.
America seems to be shutting down by the 10th, that and possibly doing some boog shit with china
its all to exciting i really should sleep
Yeah they are, and I actually agree with them on this. They barely need to push - China is objectively a fucking terrible place that was always going to wind up an enemy. It was retarded that anyone ever let then in. Got enough damn problems with the greedy shiftless kikes & corporates & such, last thing anyone needs is a bug-hive of subhumans that make the above look like saints entering the picture. Nobody needed convincing on the China problem & I'm personally more than happy to amplify that signal where possible.
please God yes
>I'm gonna loot me a missus
>not getting some tiewraps and calling it a day
Degenerate aussies
Praise him.
Chimp out when?
Oujowave superior
Don't worry, that'll be done here eventually. And Russia isn't "Socialist" anyway, that's hardly a prerequisite.
Probably no
> not socialist
I know, was bait to get walnuts cogitating here as what government can get away with by forcing it.
Do you get payed by cenno and work if you are on job keeper? Stingey boss isn't claiming it when they are eligible.
Based. The escalation continues eh
Pretty based
Who else remembers the 2013 digital scape? What a time of electronica renaissance free from the constraint of European millennia cultural reformation and into a true diasporic technodyspotic-euphoric modality.
ive been offered jobs but i dont wanna take them because of coronachan. job agent bitch was arguing with me saying its not a concern yet and we could be fine for months and extra money is fine
desu im waiting for my cenno to kick in. ive already halted payments on rent
meant for
it's being reported new cases are going down, is the crisis de escalating or will it get worse?
what type of jobs? if its hospitality dont fucking do it
I said exactly what I meant
The dominos delivery guy asked me how I've been and I felt deep shame.
IT support. ive been offered jobs to help boomers setup shit so they can work from home. im not comfortable going outside atm let alone working. fuck bat eaters
one can become a respectable member of society under the right circumstances. The other is one of the most expendable, soulless, sinful and most unhygienic peoples in the world. A tragic example of what thousands of years of rape can do to a ethnic group of people.
what kind of person gets a job as a job agent?
What about faggot chinks?
They put that flammable aluminium polyethylene shit on the walls