You guys Enjoying the Happening?

You guys Enjoying the Happening?

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I am at home since 2 weeks and then 2 more and still get paid my full wage. It's fucking awesome.

checked, its the time of my life user

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Not so much. Sitting at home gets boring. I miss the gym. I miss my friends and family and this will at least go on to the end of June.

Good for you user

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Hang in there buddy

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nothing ever happens


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Thanks meribro

it’s great same pay less work less people and movement the air already looks better here

I'm home since 3 weeks and 2 more to go.

I'm a gouvernement worker so I'm still getting payed.

Soo... Peak /comfy/

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i still have to work and not enough people are dying to justify the corona hype, fuck this happening

that is literally me, minus, the quarantine forcing me. I am literally just so lost in life.

Nah, this is a real boring one

Yeah I miss everyone I miss the gym too. Fucking hell. I lost some gains recently cause I can't lift no more, hopefully my gym doesn't get bankrupt because of COVID 19.

Maybe you have low T? TRT can do wonders. Dive into it.

I already work from home, only difference for me is that I'm not having to travel to customers for the next few months. Plus I won't have to travel to Poo land for at least a year so that's a bonus.

Only real difference is my wife and kids are home all the time too.

Sort of. Would be enjoying it more if more people lost their jobs, their homes and their companies. I live in a kampfy cabin in da woods, got freezers of meat, so Im good. I just want Swedes go suffer, they deserve nothing less.

So far...yes actually.

As long as there is food and shit doesn’t get too crazy, I’m good. I’m worried about the panic that’ll happen if things start getting out of hand. When things break, they can break quickly. Panic begets panic, which makes problems multiply.

But up till now, I’m enjoying my downtime.

less work same pay*

i-it‘s great

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Making a CK2 mod and messing with python.

I just had a family member die so not so much anymore. Not related to the virus though.

realistically more like a year

Not enough pain and suffering. Sub-par, really.

Yeah i'm gonna be honest
Everyone around me is acting like a conplete bitch.
I'm not stupid, I take precautions and I'm not an edgelord
I'm enjoying the chaos and craving more
The order of this world is stagnant and repugnant
Time for a change.

People won't accept staying in much longer. Trust me. All the normies who aren't panicing all thing life will be back to June.

Having a great time. Getting high outside all day and the rest of the suburban fucks have to stay the fuck away.

No I am not enjoying npcs panicking and ruining everything leading to a bug munching dystopian future

I need to go purify myself and pray now, you stink

Nothing really changed for me, I still have to work, except I don't go to shops anymore and I see family less often.

Get outside, idiot

There is a shelter-in-place now in Miami, and my boss told me we are going back to work Monday. I don't make anything essential, we just manufacture RV parts.

He told me to report in at 6:45AM for a team meeting.

Anyone else know this feel?

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It's been okay user but I expect to either get furloughed or fired soon. The economy has to re-open next month or I am fucked for sure.

yes jimbo gave me anuff time to get a proper prep going....
comfy neeting at my rents house doing the shopping looking like a boss ass plague lord
> much better then boring retail management stuck dealing with boomers and kikes

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Until major urban centers are visibly in flames at great distance, no, I shall not be satisfied. Until there are craters where once were great empires, until the old are left to smoulder in streets and infants are dashed against the wall in mercy, no, I won't be satisfied. I want my homosexuals flaming, their homes and cities in similar glorious illumination, and my apocalypse loud and obvious.
So far it sucks and people are just forced to stay home and play Uno™. That isn't what I want at all. Fucking kikes won't even give us a kino Ragnorak.

Lmao fag, you don't belong here.

>I'm not an edgelord
>I'm enjoying the chaos and craving more
ahhh yes canadian intellectuals

Dude, be happy you have that job. Working is a good thing. My job is going to fire all of us soon.

Feels weird to have an actual happening instead of just some random bullshit that blows over in a week. I didn't even get this feeling with 9/11 since it had almost no impact on people over here.

Hell yes. Out on the farm. Home gym. Watching everyone panic. Making knives, shooting guns. Its actually pretty cozy. The only thing I miss is chasing woman.

For me the pandemic is exposing to everyone how shit their existence is without the constant distractions in their lives and how little they are prepared for any disruption of the status quo

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You think this disease came from God?

How did you get into manufacturing? I did a little in college and I want to get back into it

Boring. Hope the shitskin start looting and trigger the race war, come on !

So far? Pretty "meh" Happening, desubh.

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Playing WoW while the world burns down. Feels comfy
Nobody is complaining about the game being shit now.

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The fact there wasn't a global pandemic going on probably made it a bit easier user

I know. Just seems a little risky having 60 people working fairly close together during all this. But, yeah, I gotta pay the bills. I guess if I get sick the chances of dying are pretty low.

Seems silly that people can't take a break for a few months to let a virus pass. I mean what are we working toward?

I donno just always been handy and good at making stuff. I have zero formal training other than I used to buy junk cars and combine them into working ones and sell them. With manufacturing, provided it is something that takes some skill, then they know really fast if you are good or not. For just general line manufacturing they can train you.

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bretty sweet not gonna lie
am on vacation for the past 4 month and watching people buying toilet paper with only 2 layers
fucking hilarious

Quite based, I must say.

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this pepe is me in the room i am in now except i have some dogs sleeping on the floor. but it was the same before the quarantine. I dread my upcoming 27th birthday.

underrated post

It's a very slow ride isn't it? I wonder once this rollercoaster gets to the top, will we be in for a wild ride of social chaos or will it just end there?

send cat pic

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I'm going fucking INSANE
>not much work to do
>didn't have sex for a month
>can't go to the gym
>spring is here but can't go outside and have a drink
>no video games to play because working on Mac
>shitty attention span so can't sit through a movie or read a fucking book
All I do is drink coffee, watch Youtube, fap and browse Yas Forums.
How can you NEETs do this all year?

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>dood I get to stay home n shit
is that all you think about, you stupid monkey? feminism basically ended, borders are closed, all the wasteful globohomo bullshit came to a grinding halt. women are looking to strong men to latch onto. we should be talking about that and rubbing it in their faces.

Happening is already over here.
People are required to write logs at certain places to back track future patients and people wear more mask than usual but that's about it.

My governor just shut down the state for 30 days. I have nothing at all to do. Probably going to clean and organize a bit, and then drink myself to sleep tonight.

If only they could bring you the food at the door, that will be net heaven!

They gotta at least do the photo trap first.

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Oh, you mean the continuation of my daily routine?

You have a big social life compared to many on here, all i have is my siblings and parents that live with me.

You brown fucks are why the state is in lockdown, now. You have ten times the number of cases as every other county. Your idiot mayor should be drawn and quartered.

The normies are fucking retarded. They think that just because the quarantine is lifted that coronavirus is gone. There is going to be a second wave sooner or later and this shit is going to repeat. Just with a worse economy.

Yeah. Kinda gay, but I'm entertained.

It’s called the China Virus.

lol same for me, nothings changed

My mom and dad are Swedish. I can be in the sun for like 10min before burning.

I agree though. And even now, people aren't taking it serious. My neighborhood is busy with construction and people. Nobody gives a fuck here.

Study maintenance on whatever systems you're interested in manufacturing. I'm an A&P and I get offers from manufacturers all the time.

Did you know exercise exists outside of a sweaty ringworm breeding ground?

You motherfuckers are patheric worms allowing your personal liberties violated over a hoax that will soon have everything you hold dear enslaved or dead for realsies. Cowards and traitors.

That's the game the politicians are hoping to play. Manipulate the normies' fear into a never-ending cycle of psychological triggering. Kafka meets Orwell meets Huxley.

I've been working at home for several weeks now, how the fuck do you neets keep a normal sleep schedule? It's too easy to just stay up all night.

Most businesses can't close down for two fucking months and survive.

Coward and traitor. Fake news drone. Should be shot.

Get back to work, bitches.

Set your alarm for the same time every morning.

Boi, I haven't given up a damn thing but some personal space at the checkout line in the grocery store. We out here, nigga.

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Waiting for 1984 or Fallout mod in Real Life to complete installation. Hope its Fallout, can't live in a world where kikes watch me fap.

One gram Valerian Root, one milligram Melatonin.

The way things are so far, this is going to be a very slow ride till the end. The brakes were never even needed in the first place.

I was JUST trying to turn my life around and go outside and fug hot girls

>how dare you stay inside for two weeks
But I want to.

its actually really nice, its the bubble ive always wanted

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Up that shit to 3mg melatonin and you'll be sleeping like a fucking baby.

t. ancientfag with delayed sleep phase syndrome since I was 15, now 43.

i built a dope pc in time for bannerlord, have no classes or anything, and im on 70% military disabled anyway for ptsd. what do you think

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Yeah, except its not a comfy bubble for mine; it feels like a getting trapped in a salient cuz got cut off from creative stuff. Can't but new materials.

You're fucking retarded, Cubans are white. Blame Broward, they're bringing in all of the infected cruise ships

death rate not nearly as high as I'd like it but yes, for the most part.

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Kinda bored at this point. Wasnt out for month except going to work.

> My job is going to fire all of us soon.

t. Brainlet

Can't buy new fabric or foam for some cosplay stuf; wasting my time doing nothing but home maintenance, and FB, family bonding.

mom is too scared to get the greek yogurt I like from the store :(