What redpill books can you recommend me to read Yas Forums ?
I've read Mein Kampf, what else is there to read?
What redpill books can you recommend me to read Yas Forums ?
I've read Mein Kampf, what else is there to read?
read Mein Kampf Vol .2
in that one, Hilter isn't leftwing socialist veggie manlet fucktard, fighting stupid wars on 3 fronts and thinking his version of muh Socialism, will work.
Read the Bible
Thanks for the spoilers faggot
/thread. Make sure it’s the KJV
Nothing else to read. You are done studying now user. Well done. Now put what you have learned into practice.
skip 2 and read Vol.3
the one where aDolf is banging his niece Gelli....ignore the age factor, its aDolf!
cos its missing 1/4 of the stuff you don't want to read.
make sure it's NKJV
KJV, NIV, ETC do take out a lot verses and stuff
Ummmm no. Anything other than KJV is suspect.
funny isn't it?
everything I said happened.
Australians are gay.
The American Jew: an Exposé of his Career
Cultude of Critique
E. Michael Jones
Yahweh to Zion
Controversy of Zion
Jewish Power
An Empire of their Own
The Samson Option
Rise and Kill First
Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon
Commissioned by the Church of England (a made up church so the dude could get a divorce)
Memoirs of a sinner.
The real message of the book is that the path of the righteous is one of suffering; knowledge is a burden, and duty suffucation. But these we must take on unflinchingly. To advance a cause, you cannot consider yourself - only the cause.
The Geography of Nowhere
The Dorito Effect
Also firnedly reminder to often visit secound hand book stores. Not only do you find all kinds of books you never knew you wanted to read, be it fiction or not, for very cheap you also won't be put on any list you would be on if you bought any critical books online.
Its Not The Law
Wayne Barbuto
KJV is literally labeled as "Masonic" by a lot, and I mean a lot of Christians.
To the point where they would rather read NIV
serious response
the coming corporate state.
Pawns in the Game
The Jews and Modern Capitalism
Race and the American Prospect: Essays on the Racial Realities of Our Nation and Our Time
200 Years Together
Judaism's Stange Gods
Impeachment of Man
Simulacra and Simulation
The Germanisation of Medieval Christianity
Falsehood in Wartime (Ponsonby)
The Brainwashing of the German Nation
David Irving
Pat Buchanan
Peter Hitchens
Roger Scruton
Joseph de Maistre
The World Conquerors
The Anti-Humans
The Gulag Archipelago
One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich
Darkness at Noon
Camp of the Saints
Jacques Ellul
Watch Ryan Faulk vids on YT and bitchute. Listen to therightstuff.biz podcasts.
The Bible
The Prince [by Niccolo Machiavelli]
The Republic [by Plato]
The Doctrine of Fascism.
Giovani Gentili
Robert Michels
Vilifredo Pareto
In the subject of race:
Giuseppi Sergi ["Mediterraneanist"]
THOMAS Huxley ["Nordicist"]
Some at
African intrigue by Alfred batson is an incredible book about a team of german spies in french west africa directly before world war one, it is the single instance I have ever seen that goes in depth about the class struggle in germany at the time between the farming/military classes. It concludes with the main character having to chose between his social class and his country.
Also they say nigger 3x more than this board does and kill like two hundred spear chuckers between three people
Ian Smith (Rhodesian Prime Minister)
Hinton Helper
The Lie of Apartheid
Houston Stewart Chamberlain
T. Lothrop Stoddard
Madison Grant
Revilo P. Oliver
Nicolás Gómez Dávila
Laureano Vallenilla Lanz
Udo Ulfkotte
Louis-Ferdinand Céline
Michel Houellebecq
Alain Soral
Alain de Benoist
Patrick Pearse
Not aware of these reading-lists yet?
Friendly reminder that reading is mandatory for any self-respecting Yas Forumstard.
Yukio Mishima
Gabriele D'annunzio
Ernst Junger
Carl Jung
Joseph Campbell
Mircea Eliade
Emil Cioran
OP should have plenty of inspiration by now. If you haven't found something from all this, I don't know what to tell you.
What's the redpill in this?
Apologies for the poor res
is this a fucking image for ants
oop you've already sorted yourself out.
The basedist bookshelf
Also, these books for anyone who actually wants to be politically literate and not just edgy.
If for some reason you don't find yourself capable of actually working your way through these, there are plenty of summaries on YouTube.
They Way of Men - a modern 8-hour read which explores the sort of emasculation modern men feel which is otherwise hammered home by Fight Club, alongside the author's pet theory of where manhood comes from and how to achieve it. One of those books which tells you things you already knew by an large, but finally orders them in a useable way.
Life used to be good.
Hey, I seem to remember some conservative Pajeet writing a book years ago that was supposed to be reasonably based on multiculturalism, and was sympathetic to Euro-Canadians. Does such a book exist, and if so, can you give me the name. It always tortures me when I suddenly become curious about something I saw a few years ago, but can't find .
Hitlers Revolution, its like MK 2
>I've read Mein Kampf
Now read "Ich Kampfe" (I fight).
It was the book given to all party members
in 1943. It's pretty interesting.
There is a translation by Ray Cowdery.
>implying we aren’t already on lists
My recommendations would be
The Metaphysics of War
Revolt Against the Modern World
It's good advice for newfags and people in countries without a First Amendment, but yeah, I probably wouldn't be allowed to board a plane if I tried.
"Once upon a time there wuz some kikes in the middle east who did not do as their god told them to, so he got himself nailed to a stick, broke up with them and now wants to adopt you as his sloppy seconds"
There, saved you 80 hours of reading.
Anything mythologically/psychologically relevant from the Bible can be learnt from Jordan Peterson-whome Yas Forums hates, so make of that what you will and everything moral and theological is a subject of disagreement among Christards themselves, so you might as well just study Christianity rather than the christian desert-manual.
>"Once upon a time there wuz some kikes in the middle east who did not do as their god told them to, so he got himself nailed to a stick, broke up with them and now wants to adopt you as his sloppy seconds"
If this is your takeaway of mythos containing profound eternal and spiritual truths you are hopeless and probably not even white.
I found it:
Bissoondath- Selling Illusions: the Cult of Multiculturalism in Canada
A bonus:
Soft Target: India's Intelligence Service and its Role in the Air India Disaster
Pic related is a must-read for anyone that wants to learn why the jews are the real enemy.
My Christian evangelical brothers must read the last book Martin Luther wrote: on the jews am their lies. It shows how apart are the jews from God and some of the things they used to (and still) do.
this nigga based
I am looking for a pdf repository since 8chn is no longer up. Bros where do I look? Thanks lads
Currently looking for
>Survival of the Wisest by Salk
>Next Million Years by Galton Darwin
>The Cultural Life of Modern America by Hamsun
You may already know this, but /pdfs/ still exists on 8ku n. I still miss the good old days, though.
Book dump: Zundel's bunker. Different folders are different categories. Use well anons.
KJV is the only version thats accepted in academia as a credible source
You can't hop around the canon like this picking and choosing things that reinforce your ideology. This is an excellent way to become even more retarded. It's far too easy to misinterpret things.
Just read Plato's complete works from start to finish chronologically. Do NOT start with the republic. His writing is laid out like a lesson plan. You will get more out of this than your entire shitty chart.
Also why is marx before kant and hegel. Chart is too blurry to see what is going on, but this whole thing looks like a mess.
Read Roman history.
if you have a spare hour someday read euthyphro
Re-reading Caesar's commentaries now that I have the Landmark and it's pretty darn good.