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Shit is about to go down, State Dept heavily implying that total travel shutdown before April 10th. We're at war.
It has been a pleasure shitposting with you, lads.
But I travel for work...and I'm an essential worker so I have to work
War is the best way to boost an economy, after all.
Let's play a game. See how many news outlets covered selective service, and that women should be drafted too.
Can you spot the country we've said to bail out of that just rammed a military vessel into another country's boat today?
Not anymore. Get home today or you won't be coming back for the foreseeable future..
I saw that, an user scoffed because NPR. NPR was bitching about it yeah, but only because it's becoming a real thing and "muh women's rights, you can't force them to serve".
almost time boyz
venezuela war soon.
leading to involvement of china and ww3 begins
No, it's the cartels
If you stay user, you are going to end up dead in the streets. Your job is willing to make that sacrifice.
Continuous War with the mongols
What are the implications of this?
Is it a confirmed happening now?
They gave a very specific day, so yes a happening...but what I don't know.
>the us is the most infected nation on earth with huge infection growth
>lmao guys time to come back
can't tell if based or dumb
I'm getting to the grocery store today, because more news is coming and unless you want to be in line for 2 hours to get your weekly shopping done while the idiots make a run on toilet paper and bottled water again... I would suggest doing the same.
Turn on the news, we are positioning in Iraq right now to attack Iran.
A lot of Americans trapped overseas with no way home. State Dept has all but outright said it.
ids happening corona was a cover for WW3
I don't think closing your borders to the outside will help now.
This is fine
organized crime and governments merged years ago... Pablo Escabar wasnt fucking around when he said he would by out a countries debt
It can't be that they shut down travel because of the virus, it's not like we have a pandemic right now. No it has to mean WW3!
Our aircraft carriers are leaving the gulf
Why the hell did they even ram a ship anyway, peak retards.
please do not use common sense
my body is ready
If I were in a first world country why would I want to go back to my third world country where I would go bankrupt to get some corona treatment?
Yay! We are finally going full isolationist, about fucking time.
Shutting down travel after the pandemic is already widespread throughout the country doesn't sound smart.
US troops must also return home
Which gulf? I’m a Texas user so I instantly think you mean Gulf of Mexico.
>Can you spot the country we've said to bail out of that just rammed a military vessel into another country's boat today?
Can you spot nigger grammar?
My bad. The Persian Gulf!
Yes, fuck off back to the US
Yes. Go wander the streets aimlessly to prove to mommy how brave you are or GO HOME! We know you're ...confused. Please..go HOME.. Cry! Mommy understands.
But you're NOT in charge, you POS liberals.
The Persian Gulf, you brainlet
First for it's already too late
>T.milfag from last thread
Look up WPPS and OGA
Tell me what you find.
Hint: it's not the military you have to watch out for.
It’s because of coronavirus, silly.
No worries user, I wonder what the fucks going down.
Sorry user, didn’t mean to flair up your autism.
Where is the sauce on the date? Will I be able to drive between US states after April 10?
The context is that nobody likes the State Dept. They are a bunch of insufferable faggots.
Didn’t see it in any of those twitter links. Spoon feed me senpai.
Trump conducting interrogation of globohomo pedophiles aboard the USNS mercy
Wuhan laboratory shut down indefinitely
Stock Market crash delayed thanks to Trump
More stimulus packages on the way
Podesta dead, Clinton under custody
simper fidelus
what day? must have missed that
Why are you shouting?
pretty much this
if you are a burger in europe, yes you are under quarantine, but if you are working and have insurance you will get much much better healthcare than you would in muttland
Holy shit this!
war with venezuela
The Happening wasn't supposed to happen to ME!!!!!
Said by April 10th.
Tears? I just blew a load all over my face.
I'm ready. AND HOW
chip technology
elmers glue
elmer fudd
wabbit hunting season
get it?
My thanks cowboy!
Flu Manchu bioweapon CONFIRMED