ᛋᛋ Hello, and welcome to /nsg/+/sig/: National Socialism General + Self-Improvement General. ᛋᛋ
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>But what really is National Socialism?
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/NSG/ + /SIG/
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National Socialism is the only way forwards!
Socialism is a finger trap for midwits
PROTIP: So is Satanism.
Who is unironicaly a statanist ?
I would imagine i would worship a phisical manefestation of evil only to piss of some christians
>Who is unironicaly a statanist ?
Jesus Christ is the manifestation of the philosopher king. Anyone hoping to create a non-degenerate society without venerating Christ is doomed to destitution and destruction.
Watch who responds with 'christcuck' these are satanists who do not understand the power of Christ.
niggas really out here shitting on siege
Why the janitors banned the /sig/ generals from Yas Forums again?
Siege is good. It's follower not quite.
"Not related to politics"
I don't agree with what you say, and I know you're a shill, but satanism is genuinely just LARP. I can understand paganism, but satan?
You're a fucking redditor. so don't lecture poeple you cunt.
also Sportgeschifte asnfjfno is also out!
>Pic related but different cover.
when the jews were too lazy to invent something and instead just played the opposites game
Because jews fear the lion
I'll use as much
as i like
Satanism is exactly the same LARP as socialism. Fuckboy.
Edgelords that are just mucking about. National Socialism is a genuine ideology with merits and morals.
Like I said, you're a bait. You got it right once, I'm not gonna listen to you bitchboy.
There's always someone who jumps into /nsg/ and makes the same retarded claim against National Socialism:
>SOCIALISM?!? you just like da commies
Despite having to claim over and over again that we believe in free trade, enterprise, and private property. Why is it that people can't think past economics as if it's all that matters?
Bro stop posting low quality baits. You already posted some so no one is gonna take you seriously now. Take a break.
Hey, terrone, I'm a different poster with the same ID color.
Maybe you should change the name.
We believe in social policies though. We see the economy as a tool and nothing more.
Manipulating people by manipulating resources sounds really hebraic my dude.
What are you talking about?
>We see the economy as a tool
super heeb magic my dude
No. Heebs believe the economy is the centerpiece of everything. Their entire ideological outlook is purely materialistic which is exactly why Commies and Capitalists are virtually the same. The societies they want to create have the same end goal with different means. Both ideologies see people as nothing more than production units and consumers.
There are also those who pretend to be the light here, for some sort of recognition or whatever selfish reason. I'm guilty of that.
To be geinuine is a second nature. Think I should stay away from these topics for some time, like philosophy, religion, psychology, etc. because it fosters either doubt or dogmatism. The finite and ever-polarized mind cannot fully convey the substance of the All. It can take glimpses, create some beliefs around it but it still falls short. And you take glimpses when you temporarily surrender the reality you've knowingly or unknowingly created. It feels liberating and overall great, especially if you are troubled by harmful mental patterns. These snares are relinquished, for the time being at least. Although afterwards it may trick you into chasing this pleasure and anticipation. All intentions and expectations need to fall away. It never comes at the moment you think it would. Also why not chase it? Because you'll run away from struggle but you won't deliver yourself from it. Which means you're still afraid. When you forgive yourself and whatever situation, a new inspiration rises. Likewise, don't disrepect the wretched state of others. If it makes you sad or angry or disgusted, it still found its place under the heavens. That will come to an end, so don't let it poison your mind. What we really need is already there, it always is. And let us work and prosper by this grace.
Oh God I'm sorry. Didn't realize. Guess there's a reason I wear glasses.
Don't try to argue with the shills still though.
>It never comes at the moment you think it would
Also this process always occurs differently. That's important to note.
Who we?
National Socialists.
>Heebs believe the economy is the centerpiece of everything.
So do Socialists. I wonder why?
You have been conditioned well.
You mean Marxists.
Explain how you think Satanism is the same as Socialism. I want to hear boomer drivel.
Some are. A lot of the O9A retards are genuine though.
Yeah but those people are pure evil incarnate. I don't know how they became so depraved and why they decided to associate with National Socialism.
And you stand for nothing except sneerimg at how "liberated" you think you are.
No nigger, I mean socialists. All socialists.
It wouldn't be socialism if you weren't manipulating people by manipulating resources.
You don't deserve the explanation with that ad hom nonsense and blatant memeflag. Be nicer if you really want to know. If you just want to debunk you can go debunk yourself.
The satanist weirdos pushing national socialism on behalf of the ADL.
Why are they satanist?
They're essentially jews. No really that's not a euphemism, real hard-core Satanists are basically goys following Sabbatean jewish teachings (look it up if you haven't heard it before). As for how they latched on? The taboo & association with violence. But they're notable for also becoming Antifa, Islamists, Communists, police - any group with a propensity for violence. Guys like Tarrant don't exactly help either. So yeah, they're not interested in the ideology, only twisting it to cause as much death as possible.
They’re just edgy atheists who like the dark spooky aesthetic and want to piss off Christians by putting up statues in courthouses and suing everyone.
Actual Luciferians or Diabolists are completely separate, and that just refers to any occultist who calls on Lucifer (not the same as Satan that’s a meme). Then there’s O9A type retards who think Satan is the true god and embrace a Satanic version of National Socialism.
So you don't have any reasoning? That's what I thought.
In /nsg/ this is my flag.
Satanism is a convenient and proven initiatory path to create easily controlled patsies.
To back this up,
if anyone wants a taste of just how malevolent these men are, go read the first few pages of "Iron Gates"
These are people you need to know about and be made aware of if you're a National Socialist. They're called the Order of 9 Angels and they associated themselves with various "Accelerationist" type groups. Words can't really describe how depraved they are, they're basically a bunch of death worshipping cultists.
>It wouldn't be socialism if you weren't manipulating people by manipulating resources.
Every state in the history of man has had legislation to control resources whether it be minimal or not. You can't operate a state without having market regulation, especially not now when everything is globalized. That's not what National Socialism is about in the slightest, I suggest you read Mein Kampf.
Socialism is a convenient and proven initiatory path to create easily controlled patsies.
Because they're larpers dumbass. They're trying to be unique and edgy while really just being a bunch of retarded meth heads, like all "neo-nazi" gangs. I'm willing to bet they haven't even read Mein Kampf, Feder, or any other essential National Socialist literature and just wish to have the hatred and disdain the word "Nazi" brings.
Reminder that this is one of, if not, the most shilled and derailed thread on the entire board, or at least that's what (((they))) intend to do with it.
(((They))) hate it when we talk about self-improvement, and they especially hate it when we talk about National Socialism. Therefore, a thread that combines these two topics must, in their eyes, be shut down posthaste.
If you see any shill posts that attempt to derail the direction of the thread's discussion, then don't respond to it. Don't feed into the trap, but instead, flood that post with a wave of redpills, so their shitty posts drown in it.
Amen and Hail.
Their goal is to become Noctulian, basically vampires/demons. No shit, that's what they believe - if they can kill enough & summon the dark gods they can ascend to demonhood. They have a whole apocalypse fantasy where they create an empire of demonic superhumans. Its basically Warhammer 40k level larping, except they've been around for decades & they've actually followed through.
>number of Christ
Politics is just nationalized /sig/ change my mind
Yas Forums has changed dramatically but I'm glad that /nsg/ stands as one of the last bastions of genuine discussion here.
/NSG/ is my absolute favorite board on this thread. It shines among a sea of shit. I've also found a lot of interesting red-pills thanks to the efforts of this thread. This thread series must be protected at all costs.
You're just putting words together that have no meaning in this context. Socialism, even of the Marxist kind isn't "initiatory" any more than Capitalism is. Its an economic system. I could say
>Capitalism is a convenient and proven initiatory path to create easily controlled patsies.
And it would be an equally meaningless statement. Meanwhile, Satanism tends to be about exalting the self over all else (very crudely) - which has a lot more in common with hyperindividualist systems like Capitalism.
Neanderthals and )ews (1/3)
Yep, this. Only this & a couple of other generals bring me back to 4/pol/
Neanderthals and )ews (2/3)
Is the kid okay?
Neanderthals and )ews (3/3)
Do you not know what those words mean or how they relate?
Have you not seen someone posessed by ideology to such a point that they sacrifice themselves and their community to the devil?
PROTIP: While satanists venerate the self, they also venerate the will.
>hyperindividualist systems like Capitalism.
Socialists are angry at what they cannot control.
Satanists are frustrated that their will is weak.
well that's embarrassing lol
guess they deeply loathe themselves
Because they're cunts, the only thing you're allowed to talk about is this stupid virus
absolutely based and christpilled
Amen and Hail, brother.
Is America socialist for having a mixed economy in your eyes? Social service for working people who deserve it is not a bad thing.
>Who is unironicaly a statanist ?
me in the 10th grade
I cringe when I think about it
>We got our views on an anime image board and hate Jews because anonymous users on the internet with inforgraphs told us too but were totally not larpers.