At this difficult time, I am saddened to see that more and more people are beginning to succumb to provocations and treat China negatively. I ask you to remain reasonable people and think critically, think with your own head and weigh the facts. In fact, China is saving the world. Not an American superhero, not a European force for tolerance, but China.
I ask you to view this video in order to reconsider your attitude to China and start thinking with your own head.
Chinaphobia has to stop!
Other urls found in this thread:
дa иди ты нaхyй co cвoим китaeм бл
Пpaктикa - кpитepий иcтины. Этo aкcиoмa.
И чтo мы видим нa пpaктикe? Пoкa CШA кичилиcь cвoими peйтингaми, дepьмoкpaтиями и cнимaли мaнямиpкoвыe выcepы пpo cyпepгepoeв cпacaющих миp - в ycлoвиях эпидeмии oни ocтaлиcь бecпoмoщны и миp cпacaли нe aмepикaнcкиe cyпepгepoи, a пpocтыe китaйcкиe paбoчиe. КИTAЙ cпac миp КИTAЙCКAЯ cиcтeмa oпиpaющaяcя нa paбoчий клacc CПACЛA MИP ПOКA AMEPИКA OБMЯКЛA ЖИДКO ПУКHУB
No, faggot.
Shut up Chang.
The only way the yellow nigger hate (this includes gooks, nips and the vast array of monkeys) will stop is if they fuck off back to asia. It’s a werid dissonance that yellow cunts think themselves separate to niggers, poos, sandniggers and kikes. Odd.
Sum Peing Wong?
Fuck off with your copy pasta moshie
fuck China glass those slanty eyed ratfuckers
Bcё тaк
However, the Burgers can't help themselves but need an emotional coping mechanism due to embarrassment and loss of it all. Trying to appeal to their logic and sences is pointless in such an environment.
fuck off chang, china needs to pay for many sins, this is only the latest
>web no.200 of chinks spreading snot and spit on things in stores parks schools apartments elevators electronics and doorhandles
>stockpiling shit they tell us doesnt work to send off to china
>cries about others displaying self interest
you ugly insects can choke on it
>another wave of china shill threads
you really help us get more people hating you chinks, thanks
>stop holding us acccccountableeeeeeeee!
make me, faggot
>web no.200 of chinks spreading snot and spit on things in stores parks schools apartments elevators electronics and doorhandles
Yas Forums Cherrypicking. Angloids did the same and more.
CHINA SHILL FAG HANG YOURSELF. Seriously, you arent fooling anyone.
To The Chinese Posters On Here
We know you are being paid to post CPC propaganda and spin on here. Maybe you do it out of patriotism. Who knows.
But it is your duty to do what you can to overthrow the Communist Party of China.
Organize. Protest. Spread anti-CPC propaganda.
The CPC is lying to you. They do not care about you. They have sacrificed your family and society for their wealth and power.
Do what you do to overthrow them now.
I got all day, chang
Cat is out of the bag, China will never recover from this embaressment.
Worst regime in history!
There’s a word for this already and it’s sinophobia fucking retard
We should nuke chinks, you mongoloid churka
Liberaga plez, Russians and Chinese are brothers
i'm the proud successor of the Mongol greatness, as well as China. We are brothers in blood and spirit. Both we and they are heirs to the Mongol Empire. We have the same blood and the same history.
You may not like China, but you can't deny the facts. But the fact is that capitalism is crap, socialism won
Fuck off chink. I hope you all choke
Any crisis is an opportunity. China took advantage of them better than others
1. China has effectively prepared for a new generation of biological warfare. We conducted exercises and showed the world a master class and inefficiency against China.
2. Conducted a census of the population. Quickly and efficiently.
3. Tightened the digital dictatorship. Control of social networks and all communications.
4. We created a system for quickly calculating all the social connections of the desired individual: who contacts them, who was traveling in the car, where they were, and who they communicated with.
5. All illegal immigrants were identified and many were expelled from the country.
6. Many foreigners were expelled in a soft regime. They themselves sought to evacuate. The rest were identified and brought under control.
7. We have worked out a mechanism for mass and abrupt blocking of the entire country.
8. They showed the world what China is capable of. Putting 1.5 billion people in full quarantine and putting masks on all of them is powerful, just like building a mega-hospital in a week.
9. The whole country has been taught how to maintain hygiene.
10. They passed a law prohibiting the use of wild animals for food, which is the norm for many provinces.
11. They showed the world how dependent it is on China
12. They froze production chains around the world, triggering a global crisis.
13. The use of drones and automated tracking devices is being massively introduced in the police and response services.
14. The creation of mass thermal imaging systems with automatic calculation of specified anomalies has been worked out.
15. The algorithms for working with face recognition cameras have been upgraded due to the fact that people wear, a person's gait is also taken into account in identity recognition.
16. Automatic product delivery systems are being created massively and quickly.
17. The electronic concentration camp system has been developed.
18. Protests in Hong Kong have stopped and the influence of the Chinese government there has grown.
19. The main thing is that while the world continues to fall into a crisis funnel, China is already out of it and ready:
- buy up cheaper assets
- help financially weak States by increasing their global influence
- play on the decline in oil (already abandoned Russian contracts)
- create new alliances and alliances.
And everything that happens, after completion, will lead to the renewal of the world order.
Fuck off, you fucking Commie ass bastard shill. China and the Chinese are evil to the core. They are an entire race and land of NPCs, the worst kind of hominid there is, even worse than niggers.
Leftie, chinks made this virus to destroy our American and European brothers.
Make China Taiwan Again
And forgot to add, worse than Jews.
lmao, kys chang
fuck china
> hinks made this virus
Panchin proved it. He is a real scientist and believe only in facts
Science proved that everything is just happened
fuck them and fuck you too
Haven't you had enough GTFOs and rotten tomatoes today at 2ch, chink lover? You are unlikely to get any approval here either. Begone. Nobody likes chinks, every normal person understands they are enemies of freedom and totalitarian scum. Defending them means being an enemy of the civilized world... like the one you are.
Пoшeл нaхyй, пиздoглaзый
Death to all mainland chinks they need to be enslaved by the japanese.
Don't argue with this retard, probably another crossbreed of uzbek and tatar.
Ironically mutts like him would be the first ones to sent in Chinese concentration camps
? ? fuck off chink Ivan
Hating chinks was a time-honored tradition long before Corona, insect. Check the archives for "chink hate thread" if you don't believe me and enjoy the webms.
Begone stinky chinky
oh boi it's been my heritage meaning long before the internet
I thought Russia was once a proud nation challenging capitalist globalist on its own in national scale.
Now it might just be a Chinese dog. It's sad to see great nations fall.
Spitting facts. Based. Mutts are too stupid to comprehend this and will somehow still find ways to blame China
>chinks want asspats for aiding in fighting the virus they created and didn't contain
>prease praise us
Topwew. Shameless bugs.
We own you now.
Wheres inner Mongolia again? Thats right.
Nah, we're going to war, Chang.
i know this is a troll thread but Xi unironically dug China's grave by alienating all the trade partners china is RELIANT ON to survive. the Chinese virus is just accelerating what was already in motion.
Chinaphobia exists because of the CCP alone, because they silenced whistleblowers, covered up the virus and allowed it to spread worldwide during chinese new years.
Where am I now? Do you own me now?
China is number one... enemy of the world right now!
come at me
Just gonna leave this here.
>China had no future even before Corona
What do Mongolians think of China and NK before Corona? You were part of the bloc so I could imagine people having mixed feelings about communism?
Pure kino. Embrace your inner Ghengis Khan.
It's Sinophobia you utter mong r/the_donald reject boomer
I'm Chinese and I know your language better than you apparently
The chinks are as bad as the jews. Maybe worse
>comparing niggers to chinks
finally something i can agree with
yeah a dozen niggers is totally equal to thousands of chinks worsening conditions in their host countries
chinks aren't human, you try to conflate the disparate factors, while ignoring every other bullet point on the reason to curbstomp bugs
choke on your tears
probably easier than the chink dicks you're so fond of
shill on, you turn more of us on them the more you attempt this
Fuck China. It deserves nothing less than 3 nukes dropped on it for every infected country.
Hello tibla.
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门
Fuck Chinks, the Japs were based to eliminate those bugs
Mongolians have never been communists. They were nationalists and separatists who pretended to be communist to get our help at that time.
China is the basedest
t. Proxy chink
Its not racist to hate a country and its people who are known for being soulless monsters
Fuck off from my Motherland with your lies you little condom eater till I'm not going to do that by my hands and then not even the Chinese hospitals will want to treat your injuries from how bad they will be
No really I cant wait until anti chinese terrorism becomes a worldwide thing
>China is saving the world
Thanks for all those defective test kits and infected masks, Li. This is your fault to begin with.
Or we could just kill racists who want to enact political violence against people for how they were born. That's a good option.