China's Punishment

>6,000 dead Americans
>expected at least 200,000 will die
How are the proud and powerful Americans going to reply and punish China for these deaths?

Hint. They won't. They are owned by the corporations who need China to survive.
The land of the quarantined and the home of the scared.

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Punish them how, exactly? The U.S. can't win in a direct conflict with China. It's have to be through sanctions and tariffs which would be painful for U.S. citizens.

>The U.S. can't win in a direct conflict with China
Cowards. You will fight this war for us. China is the world's ennemy

Pussy. You sanction them to death. You cut of all ties.

I think its safe to say that americans will forever view chinese goods and labor differently after this


kielbasas law

dats rite

Nationalize US corporations and companies and forbid them from dealing with China. Fuck the free market and fuck libertarianism. This event has opened my eyes to just how fucked the free market can cause us to be. The free market will always drive corporations to value the cheapest least ethical option even if it destroys the lives of their own countrymen. Fuck China. Nationalize and require manufacturing come back to the US and pay manufacturers a proper fucking wage, export our goods. No more cheap Chinese shit. Strong, viable, effective American manufacturing needs to return.

Amen to that

Modern American, afraid of everything

They need BBC

This virus is the best thing China could have happened. It fucks all their competition to the ground and they will ironically rise stronger after this pandemic than anyone else although being the original country. Even more spooky when you add the possibility that it may really "accidentally" escaped a bio lab. The chinks are a even greater threat to the world than the Jews. I mean they brainwash us with diverse Hollywood movies to like niggers and babyshit like that but the Chinks really are at legit war with us and nobody sees it.

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True, but I'm still going to spend all my free time calling for people to boycott all things made in chinese.
LarryMcJoeFucktard might not have any power in his own government, but we still control our wallets and where that money can go for the most part. Hit them in the money where it hurts.
An easy step is to stop using amazon. Shop local. Shop intentionally for things made in your own country and not elsewhere.

People love to blame [x] or [c] for [w]'s rise, etc but the people played a huge part in this too recklessly throwing their cash around without any common thought or reflection on its cause and effect.

Alright, thanks for reading.
Fuck you.

>we still control our wallets
No, your boss controls your wallet.

Nothing will change and you know this. We'll rabble rabble for half a year after the pandemic is over and then go back to the way things were.
We are all insignificant in the grand scheme of things.

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it's pathetic. I used to love Americans but they've all become weak sheep.

>We are all insignificant in the grand scheme of things.
Not an excuse for not being a revolutionary terrorist nigger killer.

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I disagree. Because it’s not just America who will hate China after this. An entire generation is coming up that got fucked out of prom who will lose their grandparents and even parents maybe siblings/ cousins over this.

This isn’t the luxury problems that westerners are used to. This will leave an impact on every member of all families for decades or even their lifetimes.

Western people have lived in luxury and had made up problems like their penis isn’t the vagina they wanted. Or people look at them when they’re two guys making out or whatever bullshit they want to whine about. Now it’s serious. People will die. Immigrants will leave America and western countries when this is over because their homelands will need them. Europe, esp Italy might even ask us mutts to move back to our homelands. But Chinese goods likely aren’t on the menu for anyone after this. Retirements have been wiped out people are fucked all to hell. China isn’t worth the trouble anymore. I think this will kill globalism.


Says the ones who gave up all their rights

>Chinese goods likely aren’t on the menu for anyone after this
n95 masks are all from fucking china, nobody gives a fuck about muh china but magapedes

> punish China for

You are fucking stupid. China is saving the world.
Check the video. China girl told us the truth, just accept it

Typical French faggot lol

Stop buying cheap chinese shit that falls apart as soon as you buy it, chinks cant even feed themselves they will starve to death

Whatever you want to believe, I'm not here to argue or debate over view-point semantics. I can already tell you're just foaming at the mouth waiting for this reply so you can start screaming about captialism or whatever mind poison you're ingesting this week. Let me be perfectly clear. I don't care.
What good is a king and a crown if you have no people to rule over?
Think about it.
Alright. Last you'll hear me here. Have a good day.

Right now, You’re right.... but right now isn’t pleasant and people hate it. So what’s going on right now is going to change.

Will there be Internment labor camps(china does it there)or nationalizing any chinese owned properties. (They wouldnt even allow foreigners to own property)?

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The plan backfired, it's only fats and trannies in major cities dying. If I had to guess, the polluted air makes the disease worse. If the USA had taken it to its conclusion, we'd have several million fewer Democrat voters.

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Well China is about to have a massive surplus in a few months so you’ll be able to negotiate for an even better deal.

>Whatever you want to believe
It's not a matter of believing whatever one wants.

Norway has cute blonde girls that aren't fat, so Norway is better than America.

Biden and Trump are both faggots
Boris is the leader of the Anglo-Saxons now

Oh we will frog, people are pissed. This shit is going to explode

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>threads pic

>kill globalism

>nothing will change

In 10 years Millennials and Zoomers will become a solid voting block as white bernouts and white trumpoids merge into a socialist-protectionist clique, destroying the established parties as the silent generation goes off into the night and the boomers sit in their old folks homes screaming how they deserve free money

Kill all square head scum. You're a third world nation.




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Liberals are so brainwashed to be not racist that they will die before they blame china.

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Nobody but the lowest common denominator is getting butthurt about china but trump is pointing the finger at them. After he killed Soleimani they were like muh sandniggers for a good two weeks and then just stopped.

You'll have to kill and bury your son's.

White boys love black people. We are their God.

>France calls US cowards while expecting it to fight wars for it
I'll kill you too fucking faggots.

Israel is relatively weak, if Jews controlled Sinai, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and there were 100 million of them they'd be a bigger threat.

But this is the worst thing to happen to China since everyone knows China fucked up, then they pretended to help and all their help was faulty masks while they shipped real masks back to China. This is a PR disaster for China and a massive wakeup call to the rest of the world that relying on the third world to make stuff for you is stupid. China is going to lose a lot of money for this, not gain.

Nobody "gave up their rights" you retarded burger. Did you give up your right to the 1a willingly? No, you weren't consulted. How about when you "gave up your rights" to own full auto weapons? Just stfu & stop embarrassing yourself. I know you faggots love to larp about "muh guns", but you never actually use them & you never will, a dick I guess.

Start by kicking any chinees ass punch them so hard the dog they ate last night comes out their ass

>oh we will
No the fuck we won’t. I saw what happened after 9/11. They sent a bunch of white kids to die in the Middle East and then let the Middle East move in to replace them. Fuck that no. Not a single bullet needs to be fired. Just stop trading with the dirty fucks. That’s it. Stop trading food with them. Stop answering their calls. Just ghost them. That’s it. Like a psycho ex girlfriend.

The USA can handle direct war with any other nation if they choose to ignore the public distaste for total war. Boots on the ground won't win a war against China, sure, but cutting their supply lines, carpet bombing their cities, factories, fields and homes, blocking the South China Sea with a superior navy and choking the dragon would win, but of course then the rest of the world would see America as genociding the Chinese people.

>Just stop trading with the dirty fucks.
Or more to the point, kill every major politician in D.C., every CEO of a fortune 500 company and every single minority in the country.

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Better to have and not want then to want and not have.

Norways bans hate speech, no? Also they have no such thing as self-defense for firearms.

We literally could blow them to pieces, we won’t because sanctioning is easier, but we could. are you retarded?


everyone's an enemy and out to get you, amirite? maybe, at the end of the day, it's you that's the problem, but everyone else.

not long ago you were the evil nazis

>lowest common denominator

Retirements have been wiped out, stocks haven’t found their bottom. And you think China is just going to walk away from that? Lol. K.

Its because blacks are still throwing house parties and bbqs, they don't read the news or give a shit about anything other than instant gratification.

>it's all china's fault
only dumbass magapedes think like this though


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Not really. You fuckers will still clutching them desperately and saying "any minute now, just you see, muh gunz will get muh freedumb" while being led up the ramp to have barcodes stamped on your foreheads & your children tossed into the big industrial Moloch furnace. If you were ever going to use em, you'd have done it already.

Implying you like jews? Gays? Niggers? Anyone who’s been to the Middle East knows that’s a lie. You use them as wind chimes or slaves.

>Kill 200,000 worthless old boomers who were a burden on our entire social system
>punishing them for such a helpful favor
user, you're a jerk. The only people who need to be punished are those who shut down the economy to try to stop such a great coof forward.

>projected 33% unemployment rate
>people were marching on capitols to protest with guns before corona
>homelessness looming over families
I don’t think you understand the dire circumstances that are coming and how pissed people are going to be. This world is old and this isn’t new.

>people were marching on capitols to protest with guns before corona
That was only in Richmond though.

Is that a dude? Please take that spooky SHIT to /x or something

1.5 million Americans are wasting away in nursing homes with no reason for living. Let them die.

>Best way to punish China is to turn the USA into a 3rd world shithole.

Brilliant plan, your grasp of economics and the world economy is fucking genius.

This. The only reason wars are lost is because pussy liberals feel guilty about killing the enemy. It's why we still have muslims chimping out and chinese engaging in "economic warfare." The US would btfo of any other country if no one gave a fuck about "civilian" casualties.

A civilized nation does not need guns. You have guns for self-defense yet are 1000x more likely to be a victim than I am.
Fucking burger use your guns to punish China.

>A civilized nation does not need guns.

Mexican behavior

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Yes burger. Every country is stripping peoples rights. Right now, you don't have the right to free assembly in a lot of places. Or the right to bear arms in a lot of others. Certainly not the rights as actually written on the constitution. Did you "allow" that? No? Are you going to go shoot some politicians & judges, maybe a cop or 2 to get them back? No? Then stfu. Your larp is tedious.

As long as we're still becoming a minority in our own country then all whites in America are pussies, 'liberal' or 'conservative'.