What this faggots problem

He is trying to ruining american economy forever

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Good luck based OS man

He probably wants to push the economy to go to a Work From Home model, so everyone be using windows and giving him money.

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Why is Bill Gates’ opinion of any more import than some random dude on the street?

He made some cash with his computer software... big fucking deal. If you want to run the show...get yourself elected you fucking arrogant nerd.

He isn't even part of Microsoft now you dumb faggot.


this, all of a sudden "bill gates" - his opinion of covid 19, his opinion on society. his opinion on vaccine matters... fuck off cunt atleast steve jobs was such a faggot

He already did that with windows ME.


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But his buddy is and they are still business oartners., Think before posting you mutt

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I'm surprised you even know how to operate a computer with your double digit IQ.

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whos the guy on far left who looks like a blurry mark cuban

Isn't this like the 10th time he "left" Microsoft but then each time kept telling them exactly what to do and how to design the software?

bill gates' father was head of planned parenthood. he took over from psychopath pp creator margaret singer. she was inspired by the creator of theosophy who also inspired aleister crowley. he comes form a long line of eugenicist globalist monster families. his success was fabricated. this is his true mission. bringing in the new world order, overseeing the genocide of the majority of earth's population sot he remaining slaves can be more perfectly managed by the technocrats.

Bill Gates is scaring me. What the fuck is his end game?

>thinking you ever stop being the founder of a top-5 technology company
this isn't your job at Quiznos, Jimmy.
they didn't take his fucking badge and deactivate his POS login when he quit.

Why is double digit iq such an insult? I dont get it, that could mean 99, just one point short of max

So having your friend build computers in your garage and then stealing them for him makes you an expert on bioweapon pandemics?

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That's is not Saint Terry and you shut the fuck up you fucking glow nigger

He helped the UN to control most rare earth propsect locations in Africa with Vaccines and meds neutering them for the Chineses.

And he's co founder and investor of the Wuhan P4 lab.

It should start you somewhere on why all this is happening.

max who?


He is saying they need more time to finish setting up their one world beast system

Kyle McLaughlin, guy who played Dale Cooper in Twin Peaks. Also a lot of other Lynch films in general.

Captain Saveanigger

acceptable bait, leaf


Wake me up when this fuck brings back the Zune in force


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i appreciate the info

>10-week shutdown
>ruining any decent economy forever

Microsoft board members probably asked him to step down last month because they knew he was about to get controversial on a radioactive level. I doubt it was 100% voluntary. He's still got some fingers left in MS, but they know it's not a good look to have the founder of a company selling product telling average people to financial cripple themselves by staying home for nearly three months.

he's right though. The only way to actually stop this virus spreading is keep the current measures until it's at 0 and keep borders closed until the whole world is at 0


Americanoid schizo moment

This was always his endgame, he doesn't even hide it that well. 5 million is the number they want the population to be at. It's written in stone. Look up the Georgia guidestones.

his daddy was best freinds with soros and the rockafellers so i wouldnt be suprised if hes in some NWO shit

Why do billionaires want depopulation? It sounds like a lazy movie plot to me.

Windows 10 is free

Which is.. impossible

More people there are, the harder it is to control them. Technology has helped them a lot, but they see us as cattle and to be honest I sort of agree with them. The average shitskin and even most whites are just soulless consumers.

Just the most basic version, which is limited in functionality. If you want to do any real business you need to upgrade to Pro and that costs $200.

Easy to manipulate and less rebellions

Billy can either write me a check out of his billions or shut the fuck up...either is good with me

lmao that's funny

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Windows 10 is gratis, not free.

fucking based, the faster global economy falls, the sooner 3rd world starves to death, which means white race is again at 30-40% world population instead of 10% now.

>heh heh this totally plausible and logical theory that's been advanced by governments and researchers alike sure is funny

Explain business

Pretend I'm a reddit faggo and do it

He is. He stepped down from the board but still serving as an adviser to Satya Nadella and still owns shares worth $15 billion+

yes, it is totally possible but why would China release this virus in their own city? If it was ever found out, the CCP would probably burn to ashes and be disgraced

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it's part of their self-obsessed masturbatory sense of righteous philanthropy. less people = less pollution.

I'm not exactly sure but it's a recurring theme as seen on the Georgia guidestones. I could hazard a guess and say that it would be much easier to control 500 million as opposed to 7 billion. I'm sure having unchecked population growth can't be good long term. I just don't trust that their plan for depopulation has the best interest of humanity as their sole mandate. The global elite want to siphon off as much of the planets wealth as possible but they can only reduce the wealth of the everyday man so much before he realises that we laughably outnumber the elite and coordinates a modern day French revolution. So if you reduce the population you can siphon off a larger chunk of world resources and still let the plebs think they are middle class.

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The most basic version limits you only to apps installed from the Windows store, so any third party enterprise software not available as an app on the Windows store won't work until you upgrade to Windows pro.

clearly the US created it.
if it's a bioweapon, there's no question.
only the jews who run america could be such a bunch of rotten cunts.

China accidentally released SARS twice from containment labs in Beijing in 2003. The Chinese are not exactly known for their strict adherence to safety regulations. If SARS Cov 2 had occurred naturally it would have been in Yuannan like the original SARS because that's where all the bats are. It's pretty clear this is just one of the many novel coronaviruses the virologists had found while cave spelunking in Yuannan. They went looking for new bat viruses all the time so they could study them. Something with such a high infection rate and a 14 day incubation period is a holy grail of pandemic potential.

So let me get this straight: Billionaires like Bill Gates are godly Job Creators who so much wealth because they're possessed of infinitely more merit than us and we can never, ever tax their wealth, but simultaneously these titans of virtue are just random schlubs whose opinions are of no more value than any random Breitbart reader? Is that right?

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Do none of you realize this is NWO endgame?

How stupid are you?

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In an area of a global medical crisis? No I don't some fucking guy who made a bunch of money of a mediocre operating system has a particularly valuable input here. Who gives a fuck what Bill Gates thinks? We might as well ask that Papa Johns fag what he thinks while we're at it.

Also even Chinese scientists who were trying to find out the origins of the virus said it was probably from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, because multiple sources claimed there were no bats or pangolins at the wet market.

It's definitely being used by bad actors around the world to introduce and implement permanent new laws and rules that people might normally protest against, yes.

Sounds like he is trying to kill his victims.

I wish he still had a real job, then he wouldn't have time for this media blitz.

>We might as well ask that Papa Johns fag what he thinks while we're at it.
He thinks we're all a bunch of niggers

Hiw many Rothschilds do you see in government? God you're stupid

I think he should be shut down.

because he's a member of the cabal that stands to gain complete and permanent control over the planet if they can keep the goyim terrified enough to hand it over to them. of course he's going to pump the terror to the max, hell the Gates Foundation fucking MADE this "chinese" flu.

He views aren’t worth dick squat when it comes to official government policy. He can run his own business as he sees fit, but nothing else.

Too many of these rich cocksuckers influencing everything outside of the normal political process... the create ‘Foundations’...’NGOs’...’Thinktanks’... this shit is a scandal, because they do stuff nobody voted for or asked for... they get influence through shekels, which is not how things should be done. The system is already fat too warped by money.

They are citizens, so they can say what they want and if they really feel a calling... go get elected. Put your ideas befor the public, and put in the work to do things through the existing system... don’t subvert it with your shitty windows OS money