Thoughts on WW1?

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Other urls found in this thread:önerer

Glad it happend ,it led us to the independence of Lithuania

Typical violent white dogs, always mass murdering each other.

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Stupid fucking waste of time and lives that brought about the twin tragedies of the fall of Western civilization and the independence of Lithuania.

Good one, very good one.
We sould play again some time.


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Wrong side won

It was one gigantic clusterfuck. The lives of men thrown away pointlessly by aristocrats and blue bloods that had no fucking business leading troops in the field

Peak Ami education right there.

He's not wrong.

This, once you understand how bloody inept everyone was you realize nobody won if they weren't an (((international banker))).

it's sad that it happened. aftermath brought us evil bullshit like fascism, rise of communism and spanish flu. it's the main reason for cucked world we live in today

It literally is peak American education. He is objectively correct.

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The late 19th and early 20th (before WW1) was the true golden age of humanity. Thank you Slav shitters for ruining it.

Don’t @ me.

WWI was the catalyst for the bolshevik revolution in germany, which was the catalyst for papa adolf
so it couldn't have been all bad

A key stage of Jewish African Cattle Planet™ by killing off strong European lines, destroying their empires and facilitating the next phase (WW2) which would allow total empowerment of the Jew. It was clearly a ritual kabbalist slaughter . Inb4 schizo posting.

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Europe belongs to germany

This. What a time to be alive.

Adolf rose because he wanted to stop degeneracy. Obviously, it would've been better if there was none in the first place

Reinstate reichsmark faget.

makes for kino movies and art

More like it was designed to wipe out European ethnic elites.

This. Based and redpilled.

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then go fight for it. no one is stopping you, have fun.

I wish Spain joined the central powers we would have won the war and taken Morocco, Portugal and a part of France

>Jewish African Cattle Planet
Take your meds schizo

You're not independent, sorry.

We won.

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>Jewish ruled africanized prison planet isn't actually happening.

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... Why did we even bother?
If you won't acknowledge our help then you won't get any next time assholes.
Fuck you goddamn baguette fuckers.

If European elites were so big brained, how did they get kiked to begin with?

Peak war aesthetics

German satellite status in the EU probably beats the shit out of being owned by Russia lol

both world wars completely destroyed europe, its cities and its people

fuck you and your banking gods you fucking goyim

An autistic Serb ruined western civilisation.

A catastrophic accident that could've easily been avoided. If the Kaiser had sent a telegram to Austria-Hungary to tell them they were pleased with the outcome of the ultimatum and that war had been avoided, instead of sending a messenge; war would've been avoided. 9 months previously, austria and serbia were in a similar position but Germany made it clear they didn't want a war.

Anyone got the Jewish postal stamps with the chickens heads showing Hitler and tsar Nicholas as ritual sacrifices?

Still not independent though.

You won so hard that now, 100 years later, because you had to import a new population, you are 50% ethnic French or less

love foightin

Biggest fuck up of humanity ever. I can't come up with an event that comes even close to it.

Russians weren't kiked, they were exterminated
Anglos have an attitude in America and Britain where they mindlessly follow the letter of the law and get mad when other people cheat. Even if the law is written to hand over your country to jews, angloids will follow it.
France was pozzed since 1789.
Germans and Italians bounced back.

We’re next on the Jewish chopping block. There won’t be a next time, nigger

If you're unconvinced then watch this video explaining this point in greater depth:

was kinda pointless but it lead to WW2 which was a pretty cool war

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Eh, not our fault if other subhuman species are not strong enough to resist us.

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>fewer Anglos
This supposed to be bad?

A lot of dead „aryan” jews to the West and a lot of dead mongoloids to the east.
Also Thanks for all the free land.

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>home by Christmas

Adolf was a fruity artist who sipped coffee in cafes until he was sent to war and realized the jews turned art gay. He was literally a soiboi who had ONE TOO MANY BAD DAYS.

Like the movie falling down.

incredibly redpilled for a muslim

Spoken like a true violent wh*Toid forest cabebeast.

Totally fucking false. Mein Kampf addresses the causes of WW1 in Mein Kampf and says it was unavoidable because ethnic tensions had already reached a fever pitch in the balkans and he Austrian monarchy was on the verge of collapse if it didn’t make moves to reassert itself.

I trust Hitler’s opinion better than some useless Bongoloid

The next war should be against jews traitors.

Lithuania hasn't been independent since they missed the chance to become one of the largest kingdoms in Europe since they reverted to paganism, resulting in them becoming a duchy and later gaining control of Poland briefly before playing second fiddle to the Poles. Lithuanians were never numerous, had no ethnic desire for large scale colonization or imposition of their culture and because the Lithuanian elites began speaking Polish it lead to polonization of hohols instead. Lithuania doesn't have the ability to fight countries of 40 million or more with its 3 million.

World Was 1 (of the Great War) is a great example of how old men destroy societies and young men's lives in eras of rapid technological change. A lot of the men in charge at the time kind of remind me of Boomers and how they fondly looked back at the Napoleonic times of their parents (Like Boomers do with WW2), constantly reference Napoleon and Napoleonic era thinking, and refuse despite all evidence (ACW, Boer War) that things have changed and that now it is "their time" to be like "the old masters, Napoleon and Wellington".

It's more interesting than WW2 because of all the what if's and nuances that could be explored, but it was a tragedy and in the end accomplished very little aside the break-up of otherwise large nation states that co-governed the world.

fuck off back to your safe space newfag

*Hitler addresses

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In the past white on white violence drove technical innovation. They wanted to relive the glories of old wars they read about. They simply didn't fathom a full industrialized war.

probably meant to be warum

He fought on the very Front, was even gassed, the rumors that they shot one of his balls may be even true, and yet he still kept on fighting because he believed in his country and people. How is he a onions boy?

This made me laugh, Nigger.

We’re living in quite possibly the worst timeline

It’s tragic looking back and thinking about what could have been, if only the British and Russian monarchies had done something about their Jewish infestation before it got out of hand

>sipped coffee in cafes
was a homeless factory laborer in vienna who could barely afford bread*

This. Just regular capitalist things. Bribe the government into starting a war so they have to buy cannons from you.
Shame the spartacists failed, the entire Krupp family deserved execution.

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Hitler was no historian, he was an art student in the early 20th century who was in his 20s who left Austro-Hungary because he hated it. Hitler was a remarkable fellow, but he wasn't a God, don't expect him to know everything that was going on.

And with an American frank manner of speech.

So? This didn't necessitate German intervention. Serbia was forced to relinquish control of Albania by Austria just 9 months prior and there was no bloodshed. In fact, if Austria invaded Serbia immediately the war would've been very quick. Instead, Austria took a month after receiving the reply to invade and the notice that Germany would not be involved in a war arrived 4 days late. This allowed Russia to mobilise, and to sign an agreement with France to declare war on Germany. This also allowed Serbia to mobilise.
Just watch the video if you are unconvinced It was literally an accident that had previously been avoided. No one wanted a war

Good fuck those assholes.
I refuse to be represented in a meme by a cocksucking Englishman.

Yeah except that you can observe his premise in recent history. What is Kosovo?



The quarrel between relatives because of the colonies and of the continental territories

This. France was once a Nation-State
Now it is just a state

>fruity artist
>UNTIL he was sent to war

That sounds like every soiboi ever though. Remembre /safety squad/? They were all homeless artfags living in warehouses


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It's also strange how the Lost generation- the guys who fought in WWI and became the generals in WWII that skillfully made sure their guys weren't dying in horribly creative ways- aren't celebrated the way the GI Generation was. It's almost like the Lost generation was based as fuck, hated niggers and the GI generation was proto-boomeresque in the sense they fought alongside niggers on the front and thought they weren't such bad guys (they were, and niggers aren't even 'guys' since that implies humanity).

GI generation set the stage for all the self-congratulatory dicksucking we see from boomers.

Hardcore History has a good five part segment on WW1. My God, what a clusterfuck.

It was the jews not the slavs

the only difference being that hitler didnt live off of government welfare, hitler did hard labor

>Hitler was no historian
Implying most (((historians))) are actually competent

Hitler had a superlatively analytical mind. He read thousands of books (apparently his library contained 16,000 books before it was destroyed). His book Mein Kampf testifies to his intelligence and written ability. He had a good understanding of events which is why Germans (at that time the most literate country in Europe) voted him into power and he received the consent of both the kaiser and Hindenburg

His explanation makes sense if you actually bothered to read it. You just want to draw your own conclusions before weighing up the evidence.

But howcome you hate niggers so much it's confusing your statements

>50% Russian population
>language is Finnish dialect

Yugoslavia existed in relative harmony under Tito. The issue with the Balkans is a result of the Turkish invasion and was a problem since the countries got their independence. Inside of the AH empire and as part of Yugoslavia, things seemed relatively harmonious. I think Hitler spent most of his time bitching because he wanted Austrians to play a more prominent role instead of being bullied by Hungary, when in fact Austria hadn't had a good military track record since the 1600s and any country joining with Austria in any war during the 1700s-1914 was a nation on the "losing side" without every having to even see the outcome.

So as an Austrian and a pan-Germanist, of course Hitler would be critical of an empire whose biggest administrative flaw was being run by Austrian Germans.

Fuck the serbshits. US should have nuked them in the 90s.önerer

Hitler was merely copying this guy, this guy was the real grandaddy of fuhrerism.