Happening aborted. After the 13rd of April everyone back to work. Thanks anons. Nothing to see.
Happening aborted. After the 13rd of April everyone back to work. Thanks anons. Nothing to see
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Won't this cause a wave of new infections? Think about the youngsters.
What? Lockdown lifted?
>After the 13rd of April everyone back to work.
Ahahahahahahah, what a gullible idiot!
w il SSN!!!!
politici vi rompiamo il culo!
The alternative is an economic crash.
>After the 13rd of April everyone back to work
It won't happen
>w il SSN!!!!
Are you ironic?
Just keep working like we are you lazy pasta niggers.
I hope our Italy bros survive and thrive, but I want quarantine to go on forever. It's too comfy.
Well, if you go out and a second wave hits, it will just get worse for the people AND the economy, so yeah.
The economic crash is 100% happening, it’s no point reopening in 10 days with 100K cases ongoing with no protection.
There’s no point in spending a month in quarantine and then reopening at the peak of the contagion, you’re dumb as hell.
Just keep your borders closed pastabro, it won't be over here.
>sure dude
Wait, did you PM just announced that or is it a rumour?
At least he speaks italian and english, while your people speak english and faggotrino
Fucking burguer
Not even a rumor. Mario is lying to get attention.
That's easter monday, a public holiday. So they'll start working again on 14.
I wonder who's the lazy one...
Go fuck yourself lazy faggots.
>Hurrr lets lock everyone up and demand other countries in the EU who keep working during this pandemic to give us free gibs while we enjoy our holiday
100% fake, this thread is gay as fuck.
Sage in all fields.
>Mario is lying to get attention.
Yeah no, my fault, Italy had it so hard they were using like 16 military trucks to take pile of corpses from hospitals
Well, I understand your position. But you have to admit that the EU is fucked up.
>first place südtirol
Italos confirmed as lazy. A minority of 300.000 to 400.000 of german people produces more worth than every other province in italy.
€ or $?
fun fact: the kuwaiti dinar is the most expensive currency on the planet
Are you trolling or are you legit stupid?
3rd of April was a fake reopening date, just like the 13th of April is a goalpost date. The daily infected are still too many to go out, but surely some kind of idiot lowlife has to make the quarantine longer for everyone.
Will the benefit of less retirement pay outpay the costs of 2 month quarantine?
You must be from the south to be so retarded. They're saying that just to calm the population. The lockdown was supposed to end "2weekfromnow" a long time ago
I was convalidating the 13th deadline. I am not OP. So the bs on the lockdown ending are not mine.
First column eur, second one usd. They are nominal tho. PPP would be slightly higher.
Actually most of those Italians who are dyeing are either southern Italians or southern diaspora in the North. Ask yourself why people are dying at rate similars to iran istead to those of civilized white western countries like France or Germany, the reason is there are millions of southern descendents in Lombardy with large genetic overlap with middle easterns like iran also badly hit by Coronavirus.
There are huge differences between North and south, especially the south is genetically a mix of Arabian-Turkish-Black genes, speaking of Italian nation is just a joke.
I live in North Italy ( Lombardy named after the Swedish tribe Longobards) and here the phenotype is mostly Nordid among actual natives ( tall, quiet, fair, intelligent). Lombardy is full of 3rd gen southern diaspora who flooded after the war, ethnic Lombards are actually a minority and we're the ones working for pratically the rest of the country sending rome more than 110 billions a year in surplus taxes. We could be like Austria or Switzerland if we were indipendent.
Lombardy is much more like Germany/France than rome/naples that you know from TV series. It is wealthy (finance, industry, and fashion) and Teutonic culturally.
A lot of Northern Italians have white skin and green eyes. The dialects even sound more German.
first € then $, same as .
No, the mafia will take that money and normal people will have to suffer.
They are going to extend the quarantine for everyone until nobody follows it anymore, then declare it lifted and just ignore that people didn´t follow orders.
>But you have to admit that the EU is fucked up.
Yes, the EU is fucked up for this very reason. Why should other countries have to cough up money for another countries shitty decisions?
This sentiment is basically what Northern Italy has towards the South. You left us in dealing with them, but when we cannot sustain it anymore, and the now-in-place system crashed even the North, you say goodbye. NIMBY faggot! It's like: we love refugees, as long as they aren't in our country. Fuck you! You want a full barrel and a drunk wife. Guess what? It ain't going to happen!
yeah right, you guys have 900 deaths every day lol
Stop trying to be something you are not. As a South tyrolean I see you people daily and it´s just not true that you´re quiet, fair or tall. Your people are the modern north italian and you have to live with that fact. Sure, Southerners are their own breed, but you argue over shades of brown and think some of them are blue.
Nothing to see. Only 13 000+ deaths so far
Start of June. but it won't be possible to go beyond regional borders.
Why italians are dying alot isnt a genetic thing it's a cultural one. Alot of italians live with multiple generations under one roof. So people bring it home infect the whole household and the grandparents die. It's hard to isolate this vulnerable group.
Yeah I got some, for lack of better word, telepathic transmission that this shit is done. Didn't get the date tho, so thanks.
Kys wagie.
Fun fact: I am a glowie stationed in Italy. Ginsburg is dead.
so what? Italy is always crashing.
Infections? Which infections?
>No, the mafia will take that money and normal people will have to suffer.
then it's simple, just kill the mafia
>memeflag shitter
>proud of being a useless parasite
Yeah, that checks out.
per OCSE è il 5°migliore.
Quindi significa che è il 1°
Tieni conto che han tagliato 37 miliardi € in 10 anni, HAN FATTO MIRACOLI.....e gli infetti sono colpa del governo.....leggiti www.maurizioblondet.it che te lo spiega
Just that corona sickness everybody is talking about?
...but italy is the mafia.
>The alternative is an economic crash
dude we already have a crash
Work harder wagie.
You have to go back mohammed
All Italians plot south to the southernmost Spaniard, despite having often fairer features. The lake of iodium and other vitamins must have made you retarded
the actual news is that we extended the restrictions from 04/03 to 04/13. conte also added that we can't yet say if in ten days the measures will be loosened up.
Are you all being made to keep paying all the bills?
Over here the government has gone full communist, no more rent, no more mortgages, no more paying for child care, everything has been cut. And he's doubled the welfare payments. No idea how long it's going to last but there's no indicated end in sight over here.
What a nation of retards and corrupt fucks do you have to be, to call your most efficient people cripples? Dont be proud of statistics that prove you are nothing more than whimpering polenta eaters.
I don't want to start a polemic, but it sucks. This is cherry picking. It's wishful thinking. You have to define what best means.