True cost of US healthcare shocks the British public
People in Britain are horrified to discover how much healthcare costs in the United States. Thoughts?

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I've told Europeans these things, and they don't believe me. True story, I got a concussion a few months ago, gushing blood, and I made sure to sneak out so nobody called me an ambulance. I went home and treated my own wound, then went to Mexico a couple of days later to see a doctor.

>No need to bother watching video because it assuredly contains lies and worst case sob stories leaving out information

Almost like we're actual men and take care of ourselves and don't need the government to wipe our own asses

We have this thing called urgent care, user. Maybe you should go get that concussion checked again.
You don't have to go to the emergency room and occupy millions of dollars of equipment with highly trained specialized doctors and nurses.

Except you do. You just pay a lot more for it than we do.

That girl is so fucking cute

Is it true that all the States are trying to out bid each other for ventilators. (Or generators as Trump calls them)

So the poorest states will most likely get none?

I'll never forget the cost of a rattlesnake bite.

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>Is it true that all the States are trying to out bid each other for ventilators.

Everything costs money, that shouldn't be surprising. It incentivizes manufacturers to make more

I thought I was having a heart attack and I went to urgent care in the US and they turned me away, told me to go to ER.
I passed out in an Uber leaving the urgent care.
Urgent care is weird.

I completely agree. Fuck these pansies. When I get sick I let the good Lord take care of what I can't with a little spit and grit. And if I die? I died free!

The problem is that fees are purposely overpriced to retarded levels because they are trying to spit out high ball figures before they enter negotiations with insurance companies.

What the fuck does
>Shut the fridge

Hold up chap
*NHS sends cancer patients to the USA on tax payer dime to get state of the art American treatment*
I'm going to permit you continue momentarily
*takes huge chunks of your money*
But Britain has one of the most dubious healthcare systems of all the
*NHS on the brink of collapse*

Its a good thing Im suicidal on a routine basis. If I ever become severely injured or ill I will just forego any medical services and die willingly.

Polite euphemism for shut the fuck up


Sounds Jewish

Light way of saying shut the fuck up

Living is a mistake, not a right. If you're so obsessed with living so much you can foot the bill.

It's probably a family-friendly version of "shut the fuck up". Soft Southerners probably use it.

Don't worry, we can just keep importing more shitskins with McDonalds degrees to keep the costs down

Makes sense.


wait wait wait.... americans have to pay 40 dollars to hold their newborn child right after birth? I mean, 40 bucks for just holding your child? What the actual FUCK.

Wait wait wait wait wait.... and THEN americans actually cut away the skin and frenulum of a baby's pee pee cus whatever?


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Not clicking your shitty youtube video, Muhammed.

I really hope this is just some kind of language barrier or something because why in the fuck would you go to urgent care when it's a heart attack.

>Wait wait wait wait wait.... and THEN americans actually cut away the skin and frenulum of a baby's pee pee cus whatever?
And then have to pay for the privilege

>wait wait wait.... americans have to pay 40 dollars to hold their newborn child right after birth?
Plus tip.

Why won’t all our poor people go ahead and die then?

>In Great Britain healthcare is free!

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It is incredibly Jewish. The overwhelming majority of our health services are kiked beyond belief and it isn't just the management of the industry. There's doctors pushing highly addictive medication on patients because pharmaceutical companies are giving them commission.

Your insurer, the NHS in your case, is supposed to negotiate on that price. Guarantee this is a pre insurance NOT A BILL which is why the top isn't shown

Lying communist faggot. This is all communist rhetoric. I’ve never had insurance when I went to the dr. I always got treated.

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Keep sucking bbc creampies eurofag

Thats still such a weird and Jewish system

LOL! Sad! This is why American girls are flocking to british men. Our accents make them melt. A 1/10 male in Britain is a 10/10 in the states. American girls just love them some of the old big british cock. BBC is mouth watering for their women the average American 'mans' penis is 5 inches long that shit is TINY, in the uk its at least 7 inches. Yanks are so dumb, $40 to hold your own baby? Wtf.

cope harder, frenulet.

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Put aside the abuse of some drugs company, costs in Europe are indirect and are just as expensive.

This is fine of course and has no correlation to inflated prices of healthcare

Those "healthcare professionals" are in fat city.
They're making out like thieves in the night, no one ever questions them.. anymore.
They used to but MSM put a stop to it in the early 2000's iirc. Now the public has had their minds wiped.

Yas Forums is always talking about their proverbial "jew", no need to look far. They're right there in front of you. Clog kissers can go to hell, enabling vultures to fatten up on the sick and dying of this country. They can eat shit and have "door-dash" deliver it to them.

Wow, VAT's outrageous, how could Americucks pay so much? there's NI-ooo way I'd pay that! And then those income taxes too!

>The default VAT rate is the standard rate, 20% since 4 January 2011
>Currently, workers pay contributions from the age of 16 years, until the age they become eligible for the State pension. Contributions are due from employed persons earning at or above a threshold called the Lower Earnings Limit, the value of which is reviewed each year. Self-employed persons contribute partly through a fixed weekly or monthly payment, and partly on a percentage of net profits above a threshold which is reviewed periodically. Individuals may also make voluntary contributions to fill a gap in their contributions record and thus protect their entitlement to benefits.
>Personal Allowance Up to £12,500 0%
>Basic rate £12,501 to £50,000 20%
>Higher rate £50,001 to £150,000 40%
>Additional rate over £150,000 45%

Free at the point use.
It's not a bad thing

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I didn't say it didn't have problems, I initially said Europeans frequently spread false information about our health system. You can always refuse to give a name and not pay at all for emergency care. All insurance works by negotiation. Auto insurance will make sure you or the mechanic aren't fucking them too.

Maybe tell us how you got hit in the first place

Western Europe is hands downs the best place in the world to live overall (food,health, culture, architecture, womens), people shilling for the US/China/Russia are retarded alt right losers deserving a bullet.

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American taxes for middle class incomes aren't that low actually if you compare them to actual tax havens and the amount of public services other nationalities receive from their government in European states. 'America is a low tax country' is the biggest meme ever.

But us peons have to sacrifice so billionaires like Humpty Trumpty can get huge tax cuts and our military can protect Israel from those nations that bitch stole land from.

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Defend your shitty health care system cuck. You americans love your government fucking you in the arse lol! Trumps gonna have the most legal immigration ever wooohooo USA! USA! USA! MAGA. Keep defending your government faggot. This is why your women prefer british men.

British men are viewed as weak and feminine throughout the US.

>>plus tip
Pretty sure it's minus tip.

What's her instagram?

Same who the fuck gets insurance

>so if you're poor, you're dead
It's literally illegal for hospitals to turn people away/not save their lives for not being able to afford things.

We're not barbarians, we just structured the incentives/market forcing acting on our healthcare system differently. Which is why dumbass europoors talk shit right up until they have a serious health problem that actually needs to be solved - then they get on a plane and come begging to speak with the best doctors in the world.

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Are all Brits a retarded as you?

>your insurer

Why pretend you understand how the NHS works when you clearly don’t?

Poor people here are on Medicaid, a free "zero copay" universal healthcare plan, that is taxpayer funded. It even pays for braces up until the age of 21.

Sure we are. Why then do your women love getting fucked by us? They love our accents and our BBCs LOL! White American ''men'' are the biggest pussies ever all middle class onions boys or fucking retarded and ugly.

Nice post muttfren

They aren’t.

Why do I care about what an island full of inbred pedophiles think about anything?

Are all burgers as diabetic as you?
You fat fuckwit

You have to pay to hold your newborn? For fucking real????


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It incentivises them to charge what they want if the supply is low.

A large government single contract for them is better.

Tip is extra 40

I don't think British people know either how much their own healthcare costs, nor what American healthcare costs. Almost no one does because in government monopolies you have rationing which completely screws up any possible comparison of how much it "costs" in relation to each other.

Example: Say you're coughing up blood and need to have a chest x-ray and biopsy done on your lung tissue. In America this will "cost" $20,000 but you will have both the x-ray and biopsy done within two weeks. In Britian meanwhile you might be put on a waiting list for 4 weeks for the x-ray and another 16 weeks before they will do the biopsy. At the end of the day the British system might come out to $10,000 in taxpayer bills, so the midwit will go
even though the equivalent service took literally 10 times as long to complete, as they artificially suppress the total price through rationing.

It's a completely nonsensical comparison. No offense to OP personally, but whenever I hear people frame things along the line of
>Don't you know how much more expensive it is in America?
I immediately know they have a fundamental misunderstanding of economics.

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The thing is not to pay your debt, that's how you get everything for free

Our middle class is 10k richer than the UK and 20k richer than Germany.

>Practical tax rate: 18%
>Average pre-tax salary: $64,154
>Average post-tax salary: $52,344

>Practical tax rate: 13%
>Average pre-tax salary: $46,252
>Average post-tax salary: $40,169

>Practical tax rate: 30%
>Average pre-tax salary: $42,369
>Average post-tax salary: $29,658

Eat shit kike

Our healthcare system is an expensive fucking mess. They're not wrong about THAT fact.

British men are seen as superior, more cultured and gentlemanly by American women. American men are seen as homosexual bum bandits. Your women love us why is that so hard for American men to admit?

That's why it should be expanded.

If our healthcare system is so shitty, why can I get screenings and treatments on demand that you have to wait for? One need only look at how many machines of any type per capita in the u.s. and Britain. It sucks for the unemployed, it's just as shitty as anywhere else for everyone else. Medicare for all bullshit would cost me twice my current entire income tax burden

There's no comission. They just send former cheerleaders in short skirts to bring the office manager free lunches and chocolate and drug samples and suddenly when a patient presents with a related condition their drugs pop into your head.

Sauce : was office manager.

based and redpilled

Where are the british people?? Most look east european, african etc. no brits

Jesus, she looks malnourished. Is that Bristol?

I like how insecure liberals are. They can only appeal to emotion and are such feminine cosmopolitans that they truly think what random people in another country think matters.

That'll be the centuries of English vs French rivalry surfacing again. You are after all a French colony if you recall.

And for people with no insurance?

>don't think British people know either how much their own healthcare costs, nor what American healthcare costs.

Brits pay 11% of GDP while Americans pay 18% so an almost 70% difference which is huge.

Now look at actual hard measures of health care quality like life expectancy...

Euros pay like an extra 10k in taxes every year for their healthcare. I pay 60 a month for better services lmao.

>Thinks having only a single provider means it's not an insurer
To any other nation, it's your insurer. The faggot image I replied to is a lie anyway.

Just go back to believing the government gives you things for free. Britain is lost and your ancestors weep.

We need more government?

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yeah but then you spend 25k on doctors checkup so what the fuck

Could you try reading the rest of the post?

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I'm not doubling my income taxes so niggers get free healthcare more than they already do

The NHS is a cult. Anyone defending it on Yas Forums is either a troll, a nigger or an NHS worker.

10 Grand for a kid?!?!

No wonder Americans are so tilted when their kid grows up to be a cunt.

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I don't care about your health care system that you're rigorously defending because you love your government fucking you up the arse. We have moved on in the discussion to the fact American women love the BBC. And before you start cucking out on me thinking im in your gang I mean big BRITISH cock not black cock.

B-but isn't competition supposed to reduce costs?


Get a fucking job

>Defend your shitty health care system cuck.

You're being very vague, they've trained ameriburgers to look toward the government when they hear that term. Like Pavlovs dogs, they know to look away from the culprit and instinctively beg Uncle Sam, giving him permission to reach into their own pocket and pay the greedy rats in scrubs who are holding their life hostage.

They'll never talk about the bill itself but how they're going to pay it. Imagine getting gyped that hard and never questioning it.. imagine instead you run home and blame it on everyone but never the swindler.

Those numbers contain health care and college in Europe.
Also European 401k is not voluntary, but charged directly from your paycheck. I don't know if that is counted in.

America is good for rare diseases and experimental treatments. Day to day healthcare is pozzed though.

It's the reason I don't pay for any insurance. Fuck the medical industry, putting profit over people. Fuck them all I'm not supporting their system of kikery. Thankfully Trump made it legal to not needing to disclose your insurance status on taxes.

Lol no poor people do not die. America is 100% socialist if you are poor (by that I mean niggers and Mexicans)

Only working class whites have to pay for anything. We pay for our own shit and also Tyrone and Paco’s shit.

That is how conservatives fool the drooling retards in this country. “You don’t want socialism, you will have to pay the bills of the lazy poor people.” Never mind the fact that you already are.

I hate the fawning over the NHS recently with the organised clapping every Thursday etc... but it still is a better system than the JewSA.

Get health insurance

Disingenuous as fuck since life expectancy is influenced by far more


Apparently healthcare is free in the UK KEK

Can any americans answer these questions:

How does urgent care work?

What happens if you're unemployed and can't afford insurance?

What happens during covid-19 when millions of americans loses their jobs and therefore their insurance?

What does insurance usually cost?

Not meant as "gotcha" questions, just genuinely curious

Sir I will have you know that it is now $14,000 to have your baby in the hospital and that the jewish doctors will harass and yell at you if you try to refuse their interventions.

i don't because i'm employed, not retarded, and don't work some shit job like barista or fart sniffer, ya gypsy dog fucker

Sounds suspiciously like a nigger who got injured while committing a crime.

Yet your poverty rates are higher than Germany and the UK combined.

>Anglos law

Two and a half kg bricks of pure, uncut cocaine? Because that's what you fucking paid for!

Dude, I have never seen a hospital bill in my entire life and I will never have to. Why should I care? I don't even know what terms like 'co-pay', 'out of network' or 'deductible' mean and I have the luxury to never having to bother to learn them because I live in a superior system. Learning the intricacies of your outdated and medieval system is as relevant to me as obtaining knowledge on how to cut and thresh wheat like a peasant.

You can write off your medical bills on your taxes

Poor people literally get socialized medicine

I'm not sure why you people are so fucking retarded

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>How does urgent care work?
I dunno I've never needed it.
>What happens if you're unemployed and can't afford insurance?
You either pay the "full price" or you get kicked out. They'll check for your ability to pay for things before they even start treating you.
>What happens during covid-19 when millions of americans loses their jobs and therefore their insurance?
No one takes the test for it because it costs a lot money lmfao.
>What does insurance usually cost?
Dunno I've literally never payed for any insurance. I think cucks will pay the insurance jew like around a hundred per month or something.

This is the chart with the relevant data. Fellow burgers, if our health care system was truly superior, we would live longer.

Admittedly we do have better doctors and facilities, but care is still rationed here, and tons of treatable shit slides under the radar because testing is so expensive.

Braces aren't covered by your healthcare system. British people can't get braces for free either, neither can Canadians, or anyone in any country with social medicine. There are exceptions for thumbsuckers with open bite, that causes damage to teeth via malocculssion, but let's be honest, most people don't qualify for free braces where you live. Niggers and spics don't pay taxes into the systems they're bleeding dry.

American women love Big British Cock. As soon as they see Nigel pull his zip down and unfurl his colossal uncircumcised member they cream their knickers.

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America already also pays more per capita than the UK towards healthcare out of their governmental budget, and you fuckers still have to go in your own pocket to pay for care.

Cope more.

Inb4 some burger blames Mexicans without knowing that Latinos have higher life expectancies thsn whites snd helped to alliviate a much steaper decline.

"We're ya fuckin with it? How'd a snake get so mad, it almost killed ya?"

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lol. EU and British people are worthless.

t. Paki

this but ironically

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>if you're poor, you're dead

More like, if you're poor, you ruin your credit score. I am poor and have been to the ER. I just just pay for everything in cash now. Will probably never have a nice car. But I'm not dead.

Its not surprising. Like I said before the average size of a yanks mutilated penis is 5 inches. That's so small get a tape measure see for yourself. Here in Britain its 7 inches.

So you get to survive cancer more, but wind up wishing you were dead anyway as the eye-watering bills start coming in.

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We have no federal sales tax on basically everything.
I am betting you do.

Why do anti-America faggots always obsess over "muh healthcarerino"? Are you old-ass boomer suffering from a dozen different age-related complications, or so fucking clumsy that you get into a near-lethal accident every other week? If not, you practically never need medical attention.

It got jealous of his Big British Cock.

>hurf durf i want to go six figures in debt when i catch cancer because that's the MANLY thing to do

Fucking moron.

Ignore my bong cunt friends here, fuck socialized healthcare

I don't know what they got but when I was in the hospital it was $70 for a single Advil.

What's a credit score lol






>so if you're poor, you're dead
And that's a good thing.

god damn slithering jews.

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okay but we have guns
(that if we use we use in defense we go to jail)

No wonder they worship nig nogs.

Most states have a public service that will cover your hospital costs if you make below a certain income threshold. It's ran on state to state basis so the rules and qualifications for each vary.
I pay about $50 a month for insurance now.

There is like a 2% chance im a paki. There is an over 50% you as an American poster are non-white. How many white American bitches have you raped in prison tyrone? Yes we all know how gay you are in your prisons.

Why did you go to a hospital for something that required a single Advil?
