Brit/pol/: /cvg/ predicted this edition
>Clap for Carers: UK applauds the NHS and other key workers
>Is Keir Starmer failing to call out the government over coronavirus?s

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Other urls found in this thread:

First for are Mozza

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how's it going today lads

any fun plans for the weekend?

Too fast

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fuck off you cunts

i think my record was 24 seconds after OP

Watch the Tories saber rattle against China , do nothing about Huawei and sign a free trade deal with them.

gonna call you lot virgins and trannies all weekend lol



>conrona wont be a steady influx of patients spread over a year like air polution,
Nor does it all hit in a day like your number suggested.
Plus, summer is coming.
I'm sceptical of the number supposing that 5% of patients will need ICU care. The mortality rate for Coronavirus isn't so different from regular flu. So why does regular flu not overwhelm the NHS every single year given how many cases we have of it?

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dude, how much longer till the brownies, darkies and chavs wisen up that this is a nothingburger?

Are we really gonna have to wait till ramadan and warmer may/june+ to have them start rioting?

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Not really, was going to drink cider tonight but I don't really fancy drinking anymore since going teetotal, might just play ico on ps2


>like your number suggested.
implying you can even count
bake yourself in an oven
cringe fucking larper
cringe yank shite fuck off

Good lad


i know it's sad but it's making me happy

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Fresh links

>Police called as 'up to 100 mourners' defy city's six-person funeral limit in coronavirus lockdown

>Coronavirus: Brighton Pride 2020 cancelled

>Number of paedophiles in UK surges to 300,000 as police chiefs warn of online risk during the pandemic

>Coronavirus crisis is proof that we need a Universal Basic Income

Westminster voting intention:

CON: 52% (+4)
LAB: 28% (-)
LDEM: 8% (-2)
GRN: 5% (-1)

, 01 - 02 Apr
Chgs. w/ 10 Feb


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I unironically love trannies.

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want his steam bro

You're intimidated by me

Sounds like you've been doing numbers on her

Sex with manhands

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she's been saying she's been using me for the attention but she's a fucking larper lmao

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Coronavirus would be a literal nothing further if the NHS were privatised.

This crisis has exposed the NHS for the sick (no pun intended) joke that it is. Privatise it. Now.

Teetotalism has a rich history in the uk, if you weren't a paki you would know that.

Post the clip where the nonce bait calls him a fat nigger

Boris Johnson would go down in history as a hero if he privatised the NHS

hate how eddie the nonce and manhands is the best entertainment in brit/pol/ t b h

nothings capable of making you happy you sewage you are fucking retarded and i like how you clipped out the rest of the conversation begging me to cause drama to entertain you
nobody cares about politics
fucking homosexual faggot burn in hell
who is gonna even look at that
i got a knife kill and everybody was all "nice!" and it killed you
im intimidated by nonces a bit yea
t. your dad
imagine saving naked niggers on your pc you degenerate
cringe fucking shite flag fuck off kekistan faggot
you wouldn't know anything about the rich history of the UK cause uve never left your bedroom in your life
look for it yourself you fucking newfag
boris johnson will be dead within 2 weeks cause of virus you dumb nigger he wont do shit because his goons are in control now kys
you hate everything

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What a boring post

i can stage a situation but i just cant eat and that makes you envy me lmfao

stop fucking larping

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how long before eddie starting spunking on his kitchen floor and tweeting the pics?

Seethenonce is back lads

>"begging me to cause drama to entertain you"
good job on not having a meltdown like a spastic because i called you a larper lmfao

This one?

thanks for the you cant be boring if it gave you sommet to do innit
knife kill tho
how long before you stop circlejerking internet strangers
your dads a nonce
implying you saying anything or anybodyhere can cause me having a meldown youve never sin

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i just dont understand this anime watching shut in spastic with thousands of hours in video games is getting upset for being called out on larping

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>bbc and guardian links.
So we just conclude there is no such thing as "news", Just ridiculous "opinion" pieces. Written by the weakest members of society no less.

go outside though

get a hobby though

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i would crush your country like a bug
mutts law

>greentext outside of 4chin

it's almost as if the loser who only watches anime and plays video games is socially retarded lmfao

I'm confused, is the spastic flooding the thread manhands?

yeah she's fucking fuming

lol state of this picture

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>stare at the screen most of the time waiting for a (you)
That hit me in the feels more than it should have

well... looks like it’s time to nuke again

Is it that time again already?

good read whoever posted this

What the fuck have you done to her lmao

i dont even watch anime and ive told you that cunt
>meme arrows about meme arrows
wow cringe
its not cause of you dont have a wank over yourself
lol the state of our state
That hit me in the feels more than it should have
nuke yourself
clapping was lastnight sorry
enjoy reading it then

cringe its like boomers who use 4chin memes on fb

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>footie analogies

Manhands wanting this much attention

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fucking retard thought she

yea, be interesting to see if starmer sorts labour out, i doubt it though.


>Coronavirus: UK deaths could reach 1,000 per day around Easter peak, says Matt Hancock

>anime profile pic
>anime all over your profile
larping spastic

It's like invasion of the body snatchers or whatever

>zoomer discord drama

Fuck me what a joke brit/pol/ has become.

fuck off ufck

we need to start scheduling our breakdowns to ensure there is no clashing

she's using me but i don't care

Ah well

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so it's confirmed that manhands is eddie then

It’s all so tiring

please tell me you dont post pepes on your fb


makes you wonder why these retards even chose Brit/pol/ to sperg in

Paki in the background. Why bother

Unfortunately not

Fire, Cleanse with fire.

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>that tripname

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wait... what’s going on?

not doing the power stance, not gonna make it

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what ye avin lads?

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Manhands having a break down generally reminds me its time to make lunch


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>Shandy Bass
based, one o those pls abdul

reminder that manhands watches japanese nonce cartoons under the guise of "romance"

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Savage Avid has an upskirt cam on his shoe

what’s happened? i’ve only just come out my hangover coma

Ginger beer or dandelion and burdock or cream soda please

I remember the days of tripfags, now it's this eddie this eddie that shite
Just fuck off no one has a fucking clue what you're on about, stay on discord for that crap

>no oasis summer fruits

Nothing out of the ordinary, just manhands having a breakdown

i’m not even on the discord you seething spastic

Can of Tizer please, mate, thank you.

They will get bored eventually, they are idiotic zoomers after all.

diet coke for me lad


fucking scroll up you spastic

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>what’s happened
From what I can tell Pube added her on steam and outed her(him) as a weeb
He was ranting about deleting her last night and said he’d had a number done on him

lol i wouldnt be shocked

you say that but they've been here for months and have no intention of going any time soon