/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #2881

► Detected: 1,030,324 ► Died: 54,207 ► Critical: 38,178

— 4.2 billion people put under lockdown —
— 207 countries and territories infected —
— 3x more confirmed deaths than swine flu pandemic —
— 2,856 different strains have been sequenced —

Under 1 year old in the US dies to coronavirus

US intelligence says China concealed cases and deaths

Jew arrested for hoarding supplies, price gouging, coughing on FBI

Brazil confirms first indigenous COVID case in the Amazon

COVID-associated acute bleeding necrotizing brain damage

Virus infects bacteria, lives in guts indefinitely

17 year old in the US dies after being denied treatment

Coronavirus is airborne, WHO officials confirm

Rapidly mutating

Patients remain on ICU for 20 days on artificial ventilation

Olympics for 2020 cancelled, postponed until 2021

China covering up "second wave" of infections

UK doesn't report deaths outside hospitals

China province covers up "viral pneumonia" explosion

H1N1 estimates took confirmed deaths and multiplied by 15


10:15: 445 new cases and 1 new death in Romania
10:07: 2715 new cases and 134 new deaths in Iran
09:45: 5645 new cases and 587 new deaths in Spain



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Other urls found in this thread:


fuck me

do you faggots actually think that whoever doesn't suck jewish and mutt dick is a chinese shill?

fuck off, you don't belong here. If the Chinese trigger the jews, then they're doing something right, end of story.

>fuck me

Faggot nothingburger virus

arrest that kike

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I'm still having a hard time processing that this is really happening.

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>NZ Health Minister ignored his own lockdown to go mountain biking

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At this point, everyone is doing so.
I think nothingburgers are coping with this with denial.


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The only mildly interesting thing about this gay virus is the societal reaction. But sheeple have always been retarded so is it really surprising? The death toll is literally nothing and it's mostly people who were on their way out in the next 5 years. Nothingburger.

Get a plan going.

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I hope you're enjoying the apocalypse.

moshe i’m asking you to stay inside and wash your hands

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hang in there wagecucks

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The hardest part is not the virus itself for most people I reckon, it's the empty stores, seeing people walking around in gas masks, the forced lockdowns, the closure of stores, etc. Then coming to terms with knowing you should have been prepping for years but never listened. What's going to piss me off is when this virus scare is over in a year or however long, no one is going to learn from this especially not normies, they'll eat their canned stock and sell their masks and never prep again until the next scare

>I'm still having a hard time processing
I've dreamt of this shit since I was a kid.

Damn it feels good to live in a functioning western country. How is the 3rd world going britbongs, euros, burgers and leaves? Kiwi bros you can keep 1st world status

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There are literally 0 corona-related deaths in my region, but all non-essential stores are closed anyway. I need to buy a new pair of shoes, but I fucking can't!

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What is that?

>I'm still having a hard time processing that this is really happening.
That's because it isn't. That's your rational brain talking.

You can't order them? How is that working btw, no idea how your mail system works

>The death toll is literally nothing
>5,975 yesterday alone

>functioning western country
Literally copying china.
Fuck you, abo.

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Saw this University of Cambridge published diagram and eventually found the original paper. If you’re academically inclined with an interest in computational maths, you’re in for a (scary) treat.


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Sometimes you just get that urge to hit the trails, it's best not to fight it.


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That's how you keep deaths at 0 user

US Borders officially closing shortly.

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>They know something is coming, and that's all they need to know.

What did he mean by this bros?

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nah fuck her I want gyms to reopen

Yes and even if this kills hundreds of thousands it will not be the end of the world. The economic effects are the worst part about this whole thing, no one's going to remember the names of the dead as sad as it is, they will be a statistic and people will be more upset that we're in a depressio

and how about you give a tldr for anyone who isent a complete and utter nerd?

Bait aside - prayers up for your country pastabro

You aren't the only one

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God I hope so

Get fucked

Same here. I need new work trainers and my hair is becoming a fucking mess because all the barbers are closed.

that's because you were / are a nothingburgertard.........

US #4

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Dutch statistics agency report 1200 excess deaths in just the last week of March, well over the 713 reported coronachan deaths.

the filth that leads you is being opportunistic again and are trying to gain from the happening, what there plans are though, only the devil knows.
but im going to tell you right now, it will involve a lot of dead white people, it always fucking does.

It's simultaneously happening and not happening. I just can't get a clear answer unlike other events. Congrats on this psyop or whatever because the chinese shills are in full force disrupt information.

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Fuck the illuminati, pay me to be silent or I will keep exposing the truth

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When will western governments grow balls and fire the communist nigger from WHO?

in italy this number is 4x and italy is overcounting deaths to corona. its probably worse than just 30% in your country too

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How many deaths a week do you guys get on average?

excess deaths are everywhere people dying in their homes aren’t counted for

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Does this account for bums not following the lockdowns?

Fake deaths. Fuck the illuminati

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shut the fuck up retarded nigger

take my energy corona chan


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You can do it corona-chan

why don't all just wear swimming glasses and mask and go on with our daily life?

>Fake deaths
hope you will be among them soon faggot.

Attached: hospital in equador, official death count 79.webm (480x600, 2.86M)

>350k births a day in the world
>150k deaths a day in the world

It would have to kill 200k people per day to put a stop to the growth of the Earth's population. After that you have 7 billion pathetic h*mans to kill. With a pace of 1 million per day that would take 7000 days (5 years). The sniffles will be forgotten by summer.




But they do show up in aggregate statistics. Of course Bill will day these are all suicides from the economic depression

How is the american virus going?

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I love it, though I wish it were longer. Add it to the list. On that note, we need an official Corona-chan archivist to maintain a pastebin list, make sure there are duplicates on bitchute, etc., and download all Corona-chan AMVs to their harddrive in case of removals.

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The graph of tests done over time looks the same as the number of cases over time. In otherwords there is no statistical evidence that it is spreading at all and there are anymore infections than the previous day. Hell, there is no evidence that it is even a real thing, let's pretend it's real for the sake of the argument, though.

The tests actually only test for coronaviruses not cv19 in general, they are also not entirely accurate and with the small proportion of the population who tests positive it means there are a lot more false positives than false negatives.

All of this is extremely obvious when you look at the average age of death and the proportion of comortality, 95% were dying anyway and the other 5% just died to a generic virus which happens all the time. This is yet to make any impact on any countries weekly mortality rate.

You guys are braindead believing everything the MSM tells you and are going to miss out on seeing the biggest happening of the century for what it is.

was it HEPA ?

This is a bot

Imagine the leader of a nation writing somethign like this lmao, second page is even more hilarious

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>not being barefoot long haired chad

humans have survived without "MUH ecnomy" for thousands for years........

Wew, that's quite the uptick and it's just starting.

>I love it though I wish it were longer
Top kek

Why did you suck off s nigger?

Wyeth is signed on to help make vaccines
>same Wyeth who marketed Rapamune for off label use to black patients
>same Wyeth who hid evidence of deleterious side effects of Premarin
>same Wyeth publishing papers supporting HRT/GNRH treatments using drugs they own
>same Wyeth that covered up deleterious side effects of testosterone replacements they made in men
>same Wyeth that violated codes involving breast milk replacement production
>same Wyeth involved with Monsanto in Agent Orange production
>same Wyeth that paid for ghost writing for Prempro
>same Wyeth that made a nausea/allergy medicine that if you inject wrong causes gangrene/amputation then tried to get out of court when someone did because they didn't put warnings on the stuff
>same Wyeth that was involved in the Cutter incident sending away live polio instead of vacines
>same Wyeth that filed a citizens complaint to try and get competitors of shit when they caused a contamination of Progestin
>same Wyeth that lobbied for universal mandatory vaccine in Australia of Pneumoccocal while they were the only producer
>same Wyeth that tried to cover an SNRI that has an increased chance of suicide, serotonin toxicity, etc.
>same Wyeth that produced fenfluramine/phentermine and tried to cover up that it causes fatal pulmonary hypertension and heart valve problems
>this list can just keep going for hours

I think I would rather risk death.

>BREAKING - US hijacking mask shipment from China to France in rush for #COVID19 protection. The masks were on a plane at Shanghai airport that was ready to take off when the US buyers turned up and offered three times what their French counterparts were paying.



The French stopped some of ours too so FUCK them

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>source: my ass


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Top fucking kek.

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Vermicious Knids from Big Cities Need to Leave the Great State of Maine.

My whole REGION is banned from making New Posts.. STILL!!
Safe passage to NH or CANADIALAND is Virtually Guaranteed.

It just shows that the longer the hard lockdown is, the more it is effective. The graph shows there are 2 ways to flatten the curve.

Of course, there also should be mass testing to make it more efficient.

Up here we call those pakis.


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Zoom out fag. This will end as quickly as it started. Nothing ever happens and even if something does happen, it's not the eradication of the human virus.

>still hard to breath
>starting to sweat
Oh boy, anons am I going to be okay?

Fuck, that's two threads in the last few hours after months of never having been got. And it's an important post!

I wish that THIS post would fucking turn green.

again or is this faggot reporting day old news as breaking

Is Ecuador going to hell in a hand basket because they were exposed to an earlier version of Corona? No seriously the clips I’ve seen look the same as Wuhan back in January/February

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>eradication of the human virus
you misspelled jews there bud.


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What in particular is hard about it?

If history has taught us anything it's that people never really learn. The normative is the majority god.

this your last warning David

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Fixed. This is the shocking (scary) future unless we shoot the homeless and the blacks

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sorry, wut?

Iran looked like that and if Lombardy didn't have world class health care it would have too

Same here. In some region, deseases are doubles but not every ili (influenza like ill) dead is tested for coronavirus.

down here we call this cope

They're closing all international flights user. Full lockdown mode. Not war mode.

They did the same here. Any Indian who wants to come home has to wait until lockdown is lifted - presumably on April 14.

>Citing Bill Mitchell

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It's slow now anyway. Post it agein once the threads get going

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Am I the only one hoping this is as bad as they make it sound?

who knows, im guessing south american meztizo indio things have just as shit health and hygiene standards as the chinks, and thats whats killing them.

>he is working in the gym to get a better body to please women and raise their beauty standards
If you say you don't do that for looks you are either lying or you are autistic with no other hobby.
Inb4 "I want to be the best version of myself" "I try to be healthy" "It gives me confidence"

Fucking SAVAGE. I bet that kike shat his nappy reading this.

No way, my dude, is it going to go down on my PERMANENT RECORD?

checked, kek'd

>Not war mode.



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Hey anons info on naturally occurring zinc ionophores? Would be greatly appreciated...

>Zoom out fag.
That literally doesn't mean anything.
>and even if something does happen, it's not the eradication of the human virus.
Never said it was. That it won't lead to human extinction doesn't mean, and I quote: "The sniffles will be forgotten by summer." Just accept that you're a myopic retard who has no sense of scope.

>being so obsessed with clothes you can't live another week staying at home without new shoes
Post tits.

i wish we nuke china

Are your knees weak, arms are heavy?

So the longer the lockdown the slower the virus spreads? Amazing insight, thank goodness we have such smart people working on this.

Too soon for war. We have to get over the hump of corona before we can attack. The coalition is growing...

Just few months before the novel coronavirus likely began spreading in Wuhan, the Trump administration ended a program aimed at...detecting novel coronaviruses.

They were working with a lab in Wuhan

Papa's tagliatelle

Neither of all these things, I just like picking weight and throwing it above my head

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Because it isn't THE happening. But a happening.

Your a Dumb Ass.
Just because the Patient had Cancer doesn't mean you get to absolve The Viral Bio-Weapon from Their Death.

Hope Your Insurance Company doesn't see it The Same Way ...

>there's no in-between of "just a flu" and extinction of humanity
Are you drunk?

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> Be me, Boomer
> Have mild diabeetus because American
> Driving home from wagecucking at Walmart
> Zoomer TikToking while driving T-bones me
> Die in horrible accident
> Cause of death: Diabeetus

5 IQ move Bill Mitchell

just because an individual happens to be a tard, does not give you permissions to holler at them. Inless they holler at you.)(Y

Common mistake, can happen to anyone.

It's not, you are just seeing videos taken from years ago spliced in with 1 or 2 real ones. Nothing is happening there but it's easy to hide this fact as it's a third world shithole

You must be a fat slob. Working out and lifting is addictive because you release endorphins and makes your mind sharper. Try it sometime.

my supermarkets are filled with canned goods, the speciality stuff is not available, but ok pasta, rice and potatoes are there
that will change when they can't find the farm workers during march to august, then we will have the first real food shortages in autumn
i work for infrastructure companies and they have work until I retire, and I can work where my laptop finds a wlan signal
after the shit is done, we will have long talks about preparations, having special hospitals for this kind of happening
because even if you keep 1000s of nurses and doctors to standby for 10 years, its much cheaper than just one week of the next shutdown

Estonia bro your country needs to stop spamming me to set up a business in Estonia. We're all whores but no one advertises itself as much as you guys do

Yes, even if the hard lockdowns and mass testing, those people you are referring to will always find a way to spread the virus.

So happening's gonna be over by June, right?
That's what the projections suggest anyway

bruh I'm starting to need my meds
today during the daily RKI press conference here in Germany some reporter asked why everyone who has covid19 and dies gets classified as a covid19 death, what if they died of something else like one of the health issues they had?
and the answer he got from the guy in charge was literally
>well we don't really have any method of discerning that at the moment...

so did they just admit the covid death toll here is lower than reported?

So you fit in the autistic category, still more respectable than the others but not great.

No point replying to that, user. It's automated spambot doing same in every cvg thread.

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Yes WIV was funded by USAID via PREDICT and EcoHealth Alliance.

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show us the fireworks show US bros :)

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YES this was supposed to be a subtle hint that the Y axis of ANY graph is very important. 660,000 ooy vvevey, tththathat sounds a little HIGH.

I'm leaving you now forever. See you tomorrow, maybe.

I'll bake next, OP

Coronavirus literally causes pneumonia and bronchitis.