NYC Hospital boat SUCKS!

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where are all the Q tards and other religious zealots with their mass arrest fantasies?

It's meant for the regular trauma patients, not corona patients

Isn't it supposed to attend non-coronavirus cases? Like broken arm and such.

It's not meant for coronavirus patients... it's meant for everyone else. How many people are usually in your stupid hospital, stupid executive? I mean, aside from the ones who were there already and now can't be moved?


Ofc it does. American armies / navy are jokes and memes. Bunch of cowards

You expect me to believe that in a city with millions upon millions of people, there's only 20 people who got hurt and had to go to the hospital?

It was always a floating PR stunt. Did our leaders swallow our own propaganda and really believe this would do anything?

then send all trauma patients there?!

Calling other people cowards

Yes, so that regular patients don't get corona and the hospitals on land can focus on the corona patients. There just aren't many people using it because much can be covered by tele-appointments, plus so many are quarantined at home and not out and about, or out doing dangerous jobs like construction and getting injured (unless it is essential to city infrastructure).

Also, on ships the air is recirculated through all of the decks - they can't exactly take on any corona patients unless they want to infect the crew and any non-confirmed corona cases with a shiny new virus / re-infect any who are recovering from it.

10/10 bait, many will bite

it's a lie, they're prepping for WW3
>According to federal prosecutors, Moreno told FBI agents that he was concerned about why the hospital ship had really been brought to the Los Angeles area, saying he believed it could have been there as part of a plan for a government takeover or other COVID-19-related conspiracy theories.
>Eduardo Moreno
Q predicted this

Americans think we are still in the 1900
ships are obsoloete rust buckets piece of shits
so are all their carrier bunch of junk

Who says retarded NYC hospitals are referring to it correctly? Perhaps it's only for true overflow

The only joke here is NYC. Maybe if they spent less time virtue signaling they wouldn’t be in this mess.

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All the neurotic jews that pester doctors for every little ache are sick with corona and not alowed on the boat

Sounds like it's a seperate hospital for the rich.

The ship is there to take non-covid patients so NYC hospitals can focus on the pandemic. There are not many people going to the hospital now unless for actual emergencies, and of those even less need hospitalization. Plus it literally just fucking got there.

Tell me more about your independence, kike

They didn't do too bad on the Somme.


Checked and thanks.
Fuck England to death.

Set sail for fail!

Jesuit agents are [Active]

When was the last time the 'official' story was the truth?

Fuck you newfags are lame. The ship is there to get children from the DUMBs. It's not fill because the pedos underground aren't going down easy.

Are people treated on the boat hospital able to sue the military if there is negligence?
Does the Feres Doctrine apply?

>You expect me to believe that in a city with millions upon millions of people, there's only 20 people who got hurt and had to go to the hospital?
Well normally, no. But when everyone is quarantined and confined to their homes things are a lot different.

How much money did they waste to dock this bad boy?

NYC has multiple hospitals retard not all of them are Corona Virus only you dumb flyover fuck

say that to my face fagit

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Federal governments are back ups to states. Why do these big liberal city not have better preparation? How come no where in the south needs federal help but you fagget city dwellers cant even use your own supplies without Daddy Trump saving yalls asses. Again.

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>you can’t hide from us

How badly do you have to break your arm to get admission to the hospital?

They should have more patients having been shot by their own family members while in quarantine than those 20 patients.

>...those ships are in great shape, you could say TIP TOP shape!

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some cities are basically built off the idea of extorting taxpayers in outside areas. It's literally how they exist. Any moment like this is just an opportunity to extort, they are proud of it too. They love the gangsters and all the bullshit.

Whether it’s docked in Norfolk or in NYC I would think the cost would be the same. At least it’s doing a real world mission now.

There should be more patients in life-threatening detox because they can't get their drugs, and people shooting and stabbing one another while stuck in quarantine.

>top hospital executive
Probably a jew

That's a big nose.

Based and Turkpilled

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Do fucktards think hospitals want their non-covid patients going anywhere?

Hospitals are businesses. You can't bill for services you didn't perform.

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You may not hear about that until later

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Hopefully they die soon

who this

Das raciss.

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It’s not for Covfefe 19 patients.

Market value of a dumpster rental for one day in 1987, $200. One day dumpster rental on a Trump construction job in NYC in 1987, $2200.

Despite being only....

That would be more the fault of NYC and not Trump. Trash collection is Mafia business there.

If your not using that ship can you sail it to the UK.

We have an absurd health system called the NHS which is just as joke.
When your journalists were criticising 'drumpf' for only making 30,000 ventilators in a weekend, a consortium in England made 35.

>The last cruise you'll ever need
>sail the 7 seas of symptoms in style.

Its the same in Italy.

Oh shit...Trump knew this entire time. Q was right.

I'm kinda surprised that big white boat is docked in New York and not covered in graffiti yet.

It was one of his sites, and he was almost certainly involved with the mafia, you almost can't not be if you're a developer in NYC.

Well, there was that one conductor who tried to drive a literal train into it.

He probably used a lot of that experience negotiating with the mafia when dealing with the democrats...

At the risk of repeating myself please can you sail that ship to England if your not using it.

The only cruise anyone on that ship is taking is due to their morphine drip.
By the way, has anyone in here looked into "ghost prisons" yet?

Not the first time I read attacks against the USNSs. What's wrong with them? I heard of an engineer that tried to ram a train into them. What gives?