Fuck you tiny penis chink who thinks like a cat
>Baruch Feldheim
A jew price gouging?
Who would have thought.
France has taken shipments aimed for Italy and Sweden.
Germany has takes over factory that makes PPE for sweden.
Honestly all these are acts of war!!!
This cowardly country will sadly never do anything significant to defend its citizens.
imagine having a government that cared about its own people
Invaded? What a great joke op.
Yeah? And what are you going to do about it faggot?
Best that can happen is it rips apart the EU.
Cant imagine that thats an illegal thought
>France has taken shipments aimed for Italy and Sweden.
>Germany has takes over factory that makes PPE for sweden.
So much for the EU lol
I heard France grabbed our masks too
Swedens number 1 policy is cucking and geociding ethnic swedes. they don't even want those masks
Canada was taken over by Commie China two decades ago. Both countries need to be glassed.
Get raked, faggot.
Lets invade them, one war im happy to die for the joos is a war with france
I can't wait for you to fucking die. Fuck Chinkanda.
I've been to Venezuela. Socialism is the greatest evil on this planet.
The commonwealth is with you Canada! Let's do this!
I live in America. Capitalism sucks balls and is the worst thing I ever experienced.
I'm working class and tried to migrate to other countries. No other country wants uneducated Americans unless they got $$$.
This country raised me a slave and spout freedom while never letting me leave or stop.
Atleast socialism everyone suffers with me faggot.
we should all just BOMB the french!
they want it so bad
>this is a usa-Canada thing goy
>ignore the Jewish middleman
You're implying that France and Germany weren't vicious jackals before the pandemic
Trudeau will manage that like he managed every other crisis. He'll be hiding or abroad for 2-3 weeks, stall for more time by forming a committee, dismiss the committee 2 more weeks later, try crying at a press conference as he makes it a social justice issue somehow, send some public funds toward international aid or non-profits, go back abroad or hiding because another crisis just started, rinse and repeat
>I've been to Venezuela.
Hello cia nigger
Nothing was stolen from Canada here retard
Some kike ordered some medical supplies from Canada.
The Jew was then price gouging Jew York hospitals
The feds seizes the jews supplids and compensated him at fair market key value.
That name looks German, which is a supposed 100% huwhite according to Americans, unless it becomes Jewish when there's the need
Do Jews have a particular pattern of names compared to the Germs? Or is it sade to assume that every German name in America is a kike? lol
>invade america
tippest of top keks. there's a reason why there's never any battles on US soil. the best you get are cheap shots like the twin towers or sneaky snackbars. you can't beat america at their own game, and that game is war. the only reason we've ever technically lost wars is because we've grown tired of pushing your shit in, so we leave, leaving your country devastated and in ruins.
basically, your shit belongs to us now. thanks for the masks and respirators. :^)
He is a spicyou retarded chink
post the link you meme flag faggot
Fuck Canada. I unironically want us to invade and annex them.
Thanks faggot
Baruch is not a German name, you dump wop. Hence why Spinoza changed his first name from Baruch to Benedict.
Yeah let's do it so that we lose the war and they just take the west and then I no longer have to be a citizen to this nation of utter faggotry
Remember, when one of our carriers gets a virus that would kill maybe 1 in 1000 sailors they abandon ship.
The rainbow military won't do shit. All they do these days is promote diversity, recruit Pedros, and crash their boats into other ships.
When France did it to us Bojo threatened nucklear war and the fagfrogs folded.
Trudeau will probably cry into the phone and Trump will have it speaker so his staff can have a good laugh.
You're a disgrace canacuck, we disown you.
Baruch is not German, it's 100% Ashkenazi Jew
You can't call me dumb for not knowing some trivial shit about kike names.
How do you know a Jewish name when you see it? Come on, tell me
They have a lot of Sikhs, chinks, Indio-French, African migrants, and French that will need to all be shipped to Liberia, though.
Who wouldve guessed our own jat would betray us to the chinese
You deserve nothing but death leaves
Fuck the rake, we're going straight to a burn pile.
Hahahahah fuck Canada
Hat, not jat.
That's like, the first thing a Yas Forums autist learns.
Free markets,stop behaving like Somali commies REEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Canada and Mexico both should have been annexed decades ago. Were piasing around halfway across the globe to get our hands on opium and oil, completely ignoring the world sized breadbasket down south and the water reserves up north to cover all our needs, while two shitholes that serve as our natioms weakest points of entry continue to be mismanaged by leaders who clearly hate their own people.
I've read their texts and studied their cultures. There's an apocryphal Old Testament book called "Book of Baruch" written by Gnostic Jews of Egypt around 100 BC-200AD and nominally believed in by Catholics, for example.
The true blood of an eternal anglo runs through your veins fren. I'm not sure how your people have gone so long without a proper war with france.
Do something about it faggots.
Leafs eternally btfo.
What can we do?
The US is a pitbull. We are a chihuahua.
If you're trying to distract people with retarded threads maybe you shouldn't try so hard.
First we take your medical supplies then we take your oil.
Germany took our masks. It's happening everywhere.
You have more water than you'd ever need, but being the capitalist obsessed retards you are, you sold a chunk of it off to Corporations and poisoned another chunk with waste. I don't understand you burgers, I really don't.
Have you considered suicide?
Islam is sóycialism for niggers.
survival of the fittest
cry a river lol
EU has proven to be useless as POS it is.
The French are fine and contrary to popular belief, most Canadians are still white and Christian. Plus they only have about 10% of the population compared to the us. There's vast swaths of land in Canada ripe for colonization by whites for those willing to take on the challenge.
>I don't understand you burgers, I really don't.
Clearly, since you don't realize we have the highest environmental standards in the world and the least amount of wealth/food/water/health inequality per capita. Sorry about your NHS (and now also grocery) long waitlines.
might makes right. attack the US if theyve wronged you, you leafnigger
>us Canadians
>EU memeflag
It all makes sense now...
Trudeau is literally the typical Quebecois. Bernier is not, hence why they "mock" him and call him "an Albertan." The victimhood Quebecois (who are mostly mixed with the Indian Metis tribe blood) leech off of the rest of Canada, which is why they backed out of the confirmed vote for their independence from Canada in the 90s.
Man, why are Raviolis so fucking stupid
Hehe, no masks for us eh?
Lmmfaobbq watch out the leafs are coming. Just think of it as payback for Brian Adams.