Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck niggers
already a thread up reported for spam
the other thread is fake for homos
first for julia's mommy milkers
Praise him
Already a thread up, this is just gonna fuck up the whole night by splitting the post count. Idiot.
Still no toilet paper despite limits.
t. cum guzzling faggot
Kill yourself
Why are they bathing in their period blood?
>fuck up the whole night
>post count
who the fuck but literal quuers and glowniggers cares?
fuck off poofta
Is the anonymous who lost $1000 betting on counterstrike last nightaround
I for one welcome our new Eurotrash overlords
Give me 1 legitimate scientifically-backed reason why gay marriage and gay adoption shouldn't be allowed/encouraged?
Kys pedo
Anastacia Palasczuk deliberately mispronounces her name. The correct pronunciation is "Palla-Chook"
Seriously. She' a pole and the poles pronounce the czuk part of the name as "Chook" because the letter z has a 'h' sound over there.
As a manlet, I laugh when I see memes like, because I have no insecurities about my height. I know that due to my good looks I will always be physically superior to 95% of men, regardless of height. Can you facelet / jawlet / DYEL / overweight / ugly as fuck faggots say the same? No, you can't. If a girl calls me short, it means nothing to me, if a girl calls you ugly, you probably go home and cry. lol!
because faggots fuck shit holes, get AIDS and molest kids
its gay
hows she pronounce it
who made that faggot thread
This must be the QLD edition... yer, I'd fuck whoever ran this state. I miss anna and her 50yr old banker/accountant head of her's.
bust a nut. hes back with a fucking vengeance.
some faggot
Better still, and it's juicy, her family modified their Ukranian-originated surname to sound more Polish so they could gain admission to the country during the White Australia Policy - which largely barred entry of Eastern Europeans.
She says "Palla-shay" and all the reporters here just go along with it for some reasons
Children need mothers
Gays are more likely to be degenerate
Children aren't property and their consent can't be implied
Forcing religious organisations to hand children over to gays violates the church state separation and freedom of belief
Gays are more likely to be pedophiles
wonder if this cunt posted this cause of that twitter.com
Like the Bucket woman on keeping up appearances. lol
Make it a persistent enough joke and some hack comedian will pick it up and use it
Not joking though. 100% serious. A Pole or Ukranian would pronounce her surname as "Palla-Chook".
"Pala-shay" for people who speak Queensland (also called Australian) and "palouu-shey" for foreigners who adapeted to English.
>Children aren't property and their consent can't be implied
I'm sorry, wut?
Parents don't consent for medical intervention and make decisions about things like vaccines and whatnot for their kids?
My family are friends with hers (not her personally however) and you are correct. Even her dad Henry pronounces it Palla-Chook, however apparently the correct pronouncing of the name does not go well for her brand so they changed it when she took over as leader of the party.
Mmm, you seem a little defensive, refer to picture.
Yeah that's why it has legitimate chance of getting absorbed into some form of comedy once they need more "inspiration"
normies are going wild in their homes i hear yelling every night going out for a smoke
He's probably just a faggot.
>reporters here just go along with it
>some reason
Reporters would be called racist if they highlighted the foreign background of anyone in power
That's right, you heard.
>people who speak Queensland (also called Australian)
Blimey no. Have you heard the ghastly way southerners speak? You'd think that Mick Dundee was real. Best to keep a distance from them until we can finally excise the tumour (ie. everything below Newcastle).
Such patriotic acts like this should deserve a OAM
Finally they have to live with their girlfriends who can't cook, their house full of shit, their totally feral kids and their mclives
Aye cunt?
Domeccy violence going through the roof. Normies cant handle realising how fucked up their wives actually are to live with when they cant escape.
Kek. Based.
kek what kind of dero area you live in? I have peaceful suburban young white families and retirees
I have literally never had sex.
Probs housing commission Lel
Me either, fellow Australian.
We've already seen aus/pol threads get 404'd today. Put some fucking effort into it.
My gf is a Chinese national. Is she going to get deported?
We'll you're more than welcome to immigrate to the fag-enabling child molester thread :)
Rather. They're all foul-mouthed mix-breed bogan scum below Coolangatta. Even that's being generous.
It's a good thing the border is shut to them, and we can return to being the Smarter State.
You sound like a boomer though
>missus and I move up to QLD for a 3 month contract job with QLD Child Protection for her
>move up from Sydney 3 weeks ago
>work is going fine, take out 12 month rental contract
>mfw QLD Govt now turn around "Sorry Mrs.user, everyone is cancelling their leave and we didnt budget for this lol"
>mfw she is now out of work as of next Friday
>mfw all QLD Govt workers are getting pay rises
Looks like its Ceno for her lads also
Oh, you mean the one you started.
No thanks cunt.
Stop pretending you're impressing anyone at 9pm on a Friday night, because no one cares
Now would be a great time to fake a suicide attempt waste hospital resources lmao
So when do I start getting my extra $550 neetbux?
i hope so
>We've already seen aus/pol threads get 404'd today. Put some fucking effort into it.
It happens every time new jannies get in.
They noobs want to be the best they can be and start deleting good threads.
Threads like our politicians being pedophile sanists somehow is not political according to this new janny. That or the new janny is a glownigger and removing th threads to keep people from viewing the evidence.
you should go with her
praise him
She'd look pretty good if she didn't eat like a pig
Hope so
Do younger generations not get formal education in your southern hellholes?