19 hijackers who trained at US flight schools stole 4 airplanes.
They crashed them into the World Trade Center.
The buildings fell into their own footprint when the steel weakened from the jet fuel fire.
Later that day building 7 fell for the same reasons.
The 3rd plane crashed in a field when passengers beat up the hijackers.
The 4th plane hit the pentagon, in a section where no workers were present due to construction.
September 11, 2001
Other urls found in this thread:
March 11, 2020
It's amazing how they were able to fly them into the tower within minutes of each other. Such timing, such precision.
Israeli air force training
Who gives a fuck about that shit you dumb faggot.
fuck you nigger
Sure rabbi. We shouldn't ask questions right?
>The 3rd plane crashed in a field when passengers beat up the hijackers.
I bet we shot it down.
everyone pls download
>The buildings fell into their own footprint when the steel weakened from the jet fuel fire.
this is completely non physical and did not happen. it is impossible for random asymmetrical damage to cause a symmetrical collapse of a steel high rise. period end of story, fucko.
Okay, let's ask questions about how wooden doors could keep in zyklon gas instead, shall we?
the day when america died
>Guilty conscience?
Kek, i must be getting jew flu.
that was just a glimpse at the brick wall at the back of the theater. America died when the acts of 1871 installed a new "government for Washington DC" when it already had a fuckin government there.
It didn't actually change anything, other than being a pretext for a war we were already trying to start in Iraq.
You fuckers had it coming. You shouldn't have gotten involved in the middle east to begin with.
Hey there goy you better stop asking questions now!
>acts of 1871 installed a new "government for Washington DC"
blackpill me on this
Have sex, schizo. Conspiracies are impossible in the modern world. How would they keep it secret?
>have sex schizo
>the day when america died
1913 Federal Reserve Act.
Burgers always thinking they so special because they had a 9/11
>wE aRe cOming fRoM A cOuNtRy tHaT eXpeRieNciEs muH tErROrizm daYLy
Fire didn't bring them down and fire didn't bring down WTC 7. If you think it did, you're a retarded faggot.
Wonder why this particular poster is getting upset over 9/11 related questions? Hmmm...Im sure its nothing. Probably just coincidence.
metabunk has the answers to all things 9/11
The Mossad knew it was going to happen but they did nothing to stop it happening. They actually got some people to film it for them and then when they were caught they pretended it didn't happen.
The City of London was attacking the USA since...before its inception. The War of 1812 they attacked the Virginia statehouse right as they were about to ratify the original 13th amendment, which would have prevented dual citizens and foreign titles from holding US citizenship. (Everyone forgot about this after the war of 1812.)
Then comes all of the corporate law inserted into USA lawbooks 1812-1865.
Then comes the "civil" war that had nothing to do with slavery and everything with fracturing and subverting the USA to the bankers. The Acts of 1871 are where the "Corporate Constitution" came from and it was the time when all government entities were incorporated and given parallel corporations. Every man woman and child were given entities to represent them in this new corporate system also - why do you think court always spells your name in ALL CAPS. That's your strawman, not You.
Humans stopped trying to overtly take over the world a couple hundred years ago when the jews figured out that if you own it in title and deed, then you can make the goyim pay you for what would otherwise be free.
Without 1871, 1913 does not happen. 1933 does not happen. 1971 does not happen. 911 and the patriot act do not happen. Marbusy vs Madison would still be sufficient to kick any of those perversions right the fuck out.
Well when you have the info already but you're still asking dumb shit. Then you're just a schizo. But makes sense a frogfag would defend muzzies.
acting like the ciamossad dont roll up to the same leadership at some stage
It did fail due to fire, though. Was a combination of the strange construction methodology of the towers, that the insulation was improper, and that it wasn't designed to withstand passenger jets slamming into it at full speed (which is a ridiculous thing to design a building for, anyway).
lookup quotes of George Washington about employing foreign workers.
Alexander Hamilton was a crypto jew.
nice b8 isaac. you get ovened last
>oops too soon
Cool story bro
>19 hijackers who trained at US flight schools stole 4 airplanes.
>They crashed them into the World Trade Center.
Shlomo, almost everyone knows that 9/11 was an Israeli masterminded False Flag, with help from traitors in the WH, the FBI, CIA, NSA and Pentagon. With lots of help from the (((MSM)))
america died in 1948.
the Federalists were nothing but agents of The City
>within minutes of each other
>American Airlines Flight 11: a Boeing 767 aircraft, departed Logan Airport at 7:59 a.m. en route to Los Angeles with a crew of 11 and 76 passengers, not including five hijackers. The hijackers flew the plane into the northern facade of the North Tower of the World Trade Center in New York City at 8:46 a.m.
>United Airlines Flight 175: a Boeing 767 aircraft, departed Logan Airport at 8:14 a.m. en route to Los Angeles with a crew of nine and 51 passengers, not including five hijackers. The hijackers flew the plane into the southern facade of the South Tower of the World Trade Center in New York City at 9:03 a.m.
They departed from the same airport with in 15 minutes of each other and both had the same destination, its not that hard to imagine. Focus on the important stuff like Israel's involvement, not the schizo Alex Jones stuff.
Fuck off Schlomo.
Do you believe in the 6 gorillion?
and they both flew over the same air force base too
Lucky Larry, isn't it?
Even Benjamin Netanyahu calls them the 9/11 bombings. Implying there were bombs in the buildings when it happened.
"Larry, this is Lucifer. I'll make you 5 billion dollars richer and get rid of those asbestos white elephants, the WTC Twins, all you have to do is agree to killing over 2,700 people."
"Lucifer buddy, sign me up!"
How is Wilson viewed in your country today?
It wasn't a trash fire in the break room "bro", it was a jet hitting it at several hundred miles an hour and exploding that stripped the insulation.
Progressive faggot who helped the jews undermine the USA, Top 5 worst president ever in terms of fallout.
Remember how they conveniently somehow found the hijackers' passports afterwards?
How anyone can believe this nonsense is beyond me.
>exploding that stripped the insulation.
lmao please continue with your larping faggotry, its positively entertaining
>it didn't
>it did though
ok, i believe you now, thanks for putting me straight
>The buildings fell into their own footprint when the steel weakened from the jet fuel fire.
>Later that day building 7 fell for the same reasons.
Planes don't punch through buildings. Steel-reinforced super sonic cruise missiles do.
>I bet we shot it down.
Yep. But it was a cruise missile.
Dont forget the part where the hijackers ID just happens to survive the shredding that destroyed everything and everyone else to be discovered just sitting there on the ground covered in dust.
Way more people were skeptical of it when it happened, but I guess life just went on and people foolishly forgot about it.
bombs dont turn steel to dust tho
And the whole world rejoiced
9/11 is the event that proved once and for all that you can literally get away with ANYTHING. There may be outrage, there may be an investigation, but just bluff it out and eventually people will forget and turn back to Netflix.
See also JFK
>most secure pklace in the world
>still only one incredibly shitty booth video
The passports surviving the literal fireball that went through the steel/concrete buildings must be the most retarded excuse coming from official institutions ever.
Fukiyama called it the end of history.
He was right.
Zoomers will never know pre 9/11.
also superrationalsciencewiki.science
>the video has like 3 frames
It's literally all documented