Why are people acting like this is a huge world changing thing...

Why are people acting like this is a huge world changing thing? As soon as this is over things will go back to how they were and people will just be like "that was weird lol".

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>Thinking government will relinquish newfound power
Zoomer detected

>As soon as this is over things will go back to how they were and people will just be like "that was weird lol"
Holy shit your thick.
Protip, zoomer. Nothing went back to normal after 911. This world is now pozzed as fuck.

Right, because society didn't advance by leaps and bounds after the black plague or the Spanish flu right? Each time in our recorded history that a plague wiped out huge chunks of the population, we entered a new age you moron. Ever hear of the Renaissance or the technological age? Stay healthy, read your history and get motivated. A new age is coming! Be a part of it!

Zero chance anyone else will look back at this and think it was weird. At some point you'll realise it's not weird but actually a pretty serious virus that's not going away. You're still thinking of covid like a normal cold/flu that once you've got it it's gone. This doesn't break for Summer and will reinfect anyone and everyone forever with a fairly high mortality rate.

Not going to happen this time.

This is a big nothingburger that the world governments are using to further tighten their grip around the necks of their citizens.

I hope so, can't stand this libertarian drivel anymore

>huge chunks

Italy is the worst affected & even their still only at 13k..

Why are you here then?
I'm honestly surprised your government masters gave you a permission slip to visit this site.

>Nothing went back to normal after 911.

The press finalized its pozzing, and you now have to pass some chimps groping you before boarding a plane. Thats it, nothing changed. Thanks for proving OPs point

Except for the patriot act, where the NSA intercepted all electronic communications for about 15 years until the FREEDOM act passed.


Microchip age

>As soon as this is over things will go back to how they were and people will just be like "that was weird lol".
Because next year it's going to come back in the same way the flu comes back, new and improved with a random mutation.
It's not going anywhere.

You’re forgetting the bagillions missing in China also factor in exponential growth.

The world went to shit after 180 AD.

We must protect the Chinese against negative undeserved retaliation
Everyone is going to look for someone to blame after this

>No knock search warrants
>Everywhere within 300 miles of the coasts and borders allow warrantless detainment and searches under the guise of national security
Fuck off kike.

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Im talkking about the civilized world, not some pedo ruled third world glowniggercracy.
Your Glowies executed a president in broad daylight for cutting their funding and you think some laws are a big deal. your country has been maximum pozzed for over a century.

Really hoping you're right user. Stay safe and stay healthy.

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I hope not, the way things were was a behavioral sink with no end in sight.

>As soon as this is over things will go back to how they were
user, I...

Lefties have to act like this is the ACTUAL apocalypse so they can get white people to pay for the entire world’s healthcare.

>25% unemployment and rising

I've seen too many webms and lived next to too many chinks to know that hate is well deserved.

If we ever go back...imagine losing 1/4 of the population in the US...it would be hard to do anything then because we would still be fighting the virus for years

lol so the cold?

>things will go back to how they were

Not a chance. The mass-unemployment alone will guarantee a fairly deep economic contraction.

hmmm lying about the virus and locking everyone down knowing what will happen to the economy, sure sounds like a big fucking deal to me.

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A flu with roughly 3 times the infection and mortality rate. Flu is usually 0,2% here average, this shit is 0,7% here now.
Some years it'll be mild, others worse. It'll be in addition to flu and the cold and all that shit so buckle up for the long term.

It isn't about the virus, the pandemic is just a mask to keep everyone preoccupied and safe until the G-d emperor rounds up all the globohomo pedophiles and brings them to justice. It's happening right now and no one knows....

Q - simper fidelus

Because the normies (human surplus) secretly crave a happening because it injects a tiny granule of meaning into their pointless existence.

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That 3 times rate is being generous. Italy has a mortality rate of 11%, Spain was 8% last week or something.
If you just treat this shit like a typical flu season, say a happy medium of 5% mortality rate, that's a fucking lot more than 0,2% of the flu.

You're comparing clinically verified mortality rate with the reported case mortality rate. These are two different numbers. For example 48% of people over the age of 80 who present to the hospital with the flu die. Versus 14% with COVID-19.

Seems to me the only people worried about this shit are degenerate law breakers

If you die of underlying causes while you have the flu, you're still counted as having died from the flu. This is standard operating procedure whether you fucking like it or not.

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It is already above 1%

It will fall in line with the norm of 5%, sadly.

Onde distrust sets it could take a life time for you to get over It.

We’ve already tanked the economy. The Fed is printing fiat currency and we are quickly realize the dangers of having everything made overseas.

The world and especially the US is going to drastically change in the next five years.

I don't know man, amount of people in hospital is dropping steadily and not due to people dying like flies. Still, it is way too early to tell.

lol OP is confirmed for zoomer baby.

Even 911, a much, much smaller happening than this causes a change so dramatic worldwide that you could literally feel like you walked into a different dimension.

Stop being so naive OP. Consequences will never be the same

Right now millions of people are at home out of work and realizing that they can make due without wageslaving in pointless retail and service industry jobs.
Companies have their whole staff working from home and are seeing their productivity continue uninterrupted.
People are having things delivered to their door because they can’t go shop and are beginning to understand that the modern economy is full of waste.
Parents are educating their children from home the way people did for all of human history until the 20th century.
Skies are clearing from smog. Oceans and rivers are flowing with no trash, no litter.
If this goes on long enough people will start to realize that we have an economy based on waste. The essentials get done with relatively minimal effort because of technological advancement and much of our current economic landscape is out dated.
Think of the billions of lost hours each year just due to “Rush Hour”. How many billions are corporations wasting on office leases just so their employees can show up, write emails, make phone calls, and enter some data in a spreadsheet?
How much time do people waste going to the grocery store, shopping for clothes, gifts, home goods etc when they could be at home getting it done with a few clicks?
How many mothers are finally spending full time with their kids and learning that being with your children who love you more than anything in the world is more satisfying than LARPing as an important businesswoman in an office somewhere just doing power point presentations?

>thinks things are gonna go back to normal!
dude, my dude..... THIS will be the new normal forever.

the very Future people like Bill Cooper warned was coming.

buisness has to rely on online working much more than before. This will effect on office rent prices, traffic, therefore ecology and probably tons of other stuff.

The standard fuckibg procedure right now is also to only test the severe cases.
Meaning for every confirmed case you most likely have 10 with mild to no symptoms, making your MSM pamic numbers into a joke

And how many people test themselves for the flu every year vs how many people just stay the fuck home until it blows over?
I'd say roughly the same amount of people, so statistics are statistics.

>implying a bunch of dead chink bug people is relevant

Thats because it killed a huge amount of old people allowing the young prosperity.

Let me tell you how the boomers do things

Governments and neoliberal authoritarians are having a field day right now generating fear and panic. We have to end the propagandists

Life will never be the same again

Lol retard. If anything this is making globalism seem awful and that countries should be converting to nationalism.

Lol this plebbit transplant doesn't fucking know

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Yeah. Maybe. But economy is dead. It also show how all this globalism fall apart when you are in crisis. Countries steal their suplies. Every for himself. But there is also possibility that Covid is aids flu that will kill you sooner or later.

>Two weeks!

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It is. If these numbers continue at their current rates, this is a demographic changing event.

Miniorities are hit hardest. This thing is going to reap Central and South America like the bubonic plague as well. Say goodbye to that baby boom.

And Good God. Africa.

and you know that for certain, how? Oh, i get it, you're one of those shitty fortune tellers huh OP

>large gatherings may never be a thing anymore
>going out to bars to meet people a thing of the past
>no more hugging your mom
>no more handshakes

Makes me want to cry desu thinking about the implications of this

why are americans so retarded