It's Happening

Hey do you remember that train derailment attack on the USNS Mercy?

Well it turns out that is something to do with the fact that it's happening. The mass arrests and children being rescued are real and it's HAPPENING NOW.

Just a few days ago doctors in NYC confirmed they are caring for the victims right this moment.

What is the real reason for this pandemic? Why was #FilmYourHospital trending on instagram and twitter showing that every hospital in the US was empty? Why have we never seen footage or pictures of a real corona virus patient? Why is every death being counted as CV now? Why are 99% of deaths from hospices and nursing homes for elderly? Why are only pedowood elites getting the rona? Pope, Trudeaus,Coumo, Tom Hanx, hollywood, NBA, NFL. What's the real reason they are prepping for this quarantine? Why are they asking you to donate blood? Why is the Salvation Army asking to donate clothes? Why are Food Banks in LA and NY asking for donations even though there is not any food shortage in supermarkets? Why do you need all of this for a flu like virus?

There is no virus. These are preparations for the human trafficking victims AND THEY JUST ARRIVED

Donate Blood(except if you are a faggot)
Donate Clothes to Salvation Army
Donate food to the Food Bank.

The Storm Is Here

Attached: CV19 Fake 8 children saved.png (599x956, 472.03K)

Other urls found in this thread:

take your meds

Post kobolds.

Didn't get to reply to last thread.
Yes Ellen has always been a CIA asset. Take a look at these threads. I recommend you check out Tiffany Fitzgerald on twitter.

Look at this one, they are AGING LIKE FUCKING FLIES without adrenocrhome

Attached: Adrenochrome Sharon Stone.jpg (1110x648, 94.2K)

If this is real I finna buy myself a MAGA hat and I'll wear it proudly


What train derailement? nigga how can a train ride on water? are you fucking retarded?

Read the news memeflag

Explain the rest of the world then? I agree there's way too much panic, like the funerary services in Ecuador refusing to pick up any bodies because they could have Corona and that led to a collapse, with some people waiting days with a dead body and then just burning then in the streets. But the virus shit is real.

Someone posted side by sides with Sharon Stone and it last month she's aged a lot

You missed out on the thread they deleted. It was titled "What happened"

Rest of the world is currently being targeted. We already wiped out around thousands of members of the CNJG cartel in the US during the first weeks of our "quarantine." Same thing with Italy's "shut down" they took out thousands of member of their mobs/cartels.

Attached: Italy Quarantine Mob Arrests.png (599x969, 467.71K)


Pic related is you OP. A pussy wearing a tin foil hat.

Attached: 4301DE2E-894C-4CD8-B756-83F4E2F2DA11.jpg (1280x1280, 511.33K)

Spicie meatbal

Shortly after we took care of our cartels in the US, we deployed 20,000 troops to Europe.

Attached: US deploy 20,000 to Europe.png (597x870, 414.29K)

Nothing good ever happens in this world. We've only ever gone from neutral to more depraved evils.

I see. Qanon was overtaken by agency.

This. Does this world have any heroes in it?

Yeah. You.
What are you waiting for?!

If any of this were even remotely real we would already be hearing about it. Trump would be telling planet earth every 5 minutes he saved everyone.

The secrecy isn't needed.
The military could follow track and nab anyone they wanted anywhere in the world without exception.

Tricking people into believing this is real is almost as cruel as the shit they say is happening.

>listen to me, only I know what's real!
Truth is we all have a part to play but most of you are spineless and afraid of your role.

What's your stack?

I've tried risperidol, clozapine and haloperidol and none really did the job.

What a fucking retard... people intubated have to be tubefed... Jesus Christ Twitter normie schizos are the worst

OP is onto something when alphabet boys come screaming "schizo"

Attached: 1582304262880.jpg (960x720, 62.91K)

So literally every country, including Russia and China are just going along with it? Shutting down their economies because Americans are arresting some pedos???

Attached: 1507525871501.jpg (978x1114, 349.28K)

Web Search it
Interesting shit
The guy who did it insisted “People have to know what’s really going on here! I did it so the world will know the truth!”
Very interesting indeed

Attached: 798E967D-DB0E-46D1-B248-E6B43089421E.jpg (1668x1958, 600.48K)

They have pedos trying to run those countries into the ground too, you know.

This... Hopiumchrome

Attached: Paint the wall.png (730x765, 937.5K)

Only if true

i love you OP great thread

Meme flag = Shill

Attached: 9F36DACD-8006-4292-9706-F905569790D4.jpg (261x224, 22.61K)

it was such a good thread too

Attached: 58F6EA09-B42B-420F-A733-52728ED0238A.jpg (648x646, 76.54K)

nurse user here,

ventilators arent trailed behind the bed and you dont use ABX for a fucking virus. Moreover, you dont put a patient on a cardiac drip if you dont have to.

That little blue square is the mobile ventilator traveling with the patient to wherever theyre going. This is retarded

Attached: mobile vent.png (214x136, 69.95K)

that womans picture was taken from the US Navy twitter

Attached: nav.png (601x614, 395.25K)

so fucking cringe, doesnt "God" create everything? so he is responsible for everything? so he is responsible for whatever allegedly happened to those "kids"
boomers are so cringe

בניס חה

geez how much brain damage do you have?

Perhaps he saw them taking children on board
Thinking they were doing something sinister rather than helping...

>med status:
not consumed


Attached: 1517846906942.jpg (505x490, 74.45K)

I think every major city has tunnels and compounds under it.

Attached: mickey-mouse-no-utilidor-o-tunel-secreto-do-magic-kingdom-1502991206885_v2_900x506.jpg (900x506, 61.21K)

take bupropion like a chad

>American sperging out on Yas Forums thinking the Covid-19 outbreak is a HOAX to coverup a small operation of child trafficking

Please, conduct yourself to a near psychratic hospital and treat your fucking head

>Unironically believing something that is hitting 200+ countries is about AMERICA OF ALL PLACES

Fuck. You.

And the nutrient drip you cunt ?

Attached: 1585813905917m.jpg (498x1024, 51.23K)


I don’t know
I do know those ships are not being used for corona virus patients
They’ve specifically stated the ships are for “other ailments, not corona”
I think the prevailing theory is that the ships are being used to treat rescued children
Children rescued from the pedo elites
This guy was a 44 year old professional train engineer, they are drug tested regularly and have to be fairly normal to get that type of position
I worked for a major Rail Road
Train engineer is a highly respected and vetted position
Tons of responsibility and pressure in that job
This guy didn’t do this shit lightly

How many people you know who have died from el rona ?

>Nutjob did something thest IT MUST be true

This just validates how dangerous conspiracy nutjobs are becoming.

You can’t fucking eat with a vent in you so you have to get nutrients some way. You can either get tube feed through your nose but if your stomach isn’t tolerating it then you get IV nutrients

Definitely something up
They say its for taking non rona patients..

The hospital er's are empty
So what patients?
Not to mention the link i posted...

Unironically I know one, but that doesnt fucking matter because:

1. Even if with all the proof in the world, you ACTUAL negroes would just deny it. If it doesn't fit your narrative, then it's a HOAX
2. I will never waste my time to prove a point to a schizophrenic

Imagine thinking people won't be taking advantage of the lockdown

My fellow Qniggas,
If nothing happens between now and Monday, then it’s officially NOT happening.

It’s now or never.
To many good sources saying this is it. If nothing happens EVERYBODYS credibility is gone.

Apparently children are being rescued from elite sex trafficking rings. If this isn’t happening nothing is.

>Imagine thinking people won't be taking advantage of the lockdown

What you wrote makes 0 sense.

What these schizos are saying is that this outbreak is a HOAX made up to cover child trafficking in America

A HOAX that is affecting 3 billion people, because burgers think a few burguer children are being kidnapped by tha joo's

They'll just move on to the next thing like they always do.

Yep, someone who is weak from being ill would need nutrients after not being able to eat from an extended period of time.
The problem is that these conspiracy theory fucktards have no real world experience, they sit at their computers all day long while their psychosis and weight problems get worse.
None of them have any real idea of what happens in hospital and I’m amazed how these lockdowns seem to have lowered the quality of ‘trolling’, it’s like these normies think they are some kind of alternative news service all of a sudden.

>USNS Only used to treat non caronavirus patients due to overflow of hospitals
>hospitals fucking ghost towns
>muh you skitzos why wont you believe the ney york times and CNN

Tired of you lot really.

>I will never waste my time to prove a point to a schizophrenic

Denise and projection... Fuck off then meme flag wanker, We don’t want your kind here.

As long as it fits into the narrative of the latest chapter of "Qanon indiana jones national secret adventure!" they'll say anything is really a hoax or hidden message

My sole problem with them is what this nigger locomotive guy did, they are getting fucking dangerous! If they just sat in their basement all day long I would never reply to these threads.

One of these faggots here might unironically try to do some sort of bullshit (well, one has already done) because of a conspiracy theory

Attached: 458C8FA2-C227-4507-9FE2-3544443F3DEB.jpg (658x409, 73.14K)

People think it’s a globalhomo Elite ring
Not just US
Who leads the western world’s military though?
Who leads NATO?
What country has military bases in nations around the world?
The US would be taking the lead in operations, but it would be global
Seems crazy to me too, but a lot of crazy shit is happening in real time all around us right now

How many times have you projected schizophrenic in the past 24 hours?

Maybe you're schizophrenic for thinking everyone else is schizophrenic..
>Brazilian nigger
>Too black and dumb for anyone to give a shit about.
You're greatest achievement would have been skateboarding gold in the 2020 Olympics

Cover for child trafficking ARRESTS. If you're going to mock someone, at least mock them for things they actually said faggot.

>Maybe you're schizophrenic for thinking everyone else is schizophrenic..
Maybe I'm not the negro saying that a schizophrenic derailing a train was valid because >muh cospiracies

Go back to your tribe, you worthless ABO monkey

Attached: Austrialian poster.jpg (700x467, 36.08K)

fuck off back to china.. or to cnn

Attached: 1581244291392.jpg (500x499, 72.89K)

I hope they walk into a hospital to check if they are empty and since obese niggas get instantly owned by Wuhan Flu they just die lmao

Attached: xi jinping china racism.jpg (1080x2158, 75.15K)

>Why have we never seen footage or pictures of a real corona virus patient?
We have in China.
We have in Italy.
We haven't in the US because of HIPPA laws. Patient privacy.

>Why are 99% of deaths from hospices and nursing homes for elderly?
Fucking really? Think about it.

>Why is the Salvation Army asking to donate clothes?
Because that's what they do.

>Why are Food Banks in LA and NY asking for donations even though there is not any food shortage in supermarkets?
>Why are Food Banks asking for donations
Kill yourself.

>Why do you need all of this for a flu like virus?
What about this virus do you consider to be Flu-like?

>There is no virus.
All of the world's nations tanked their economies to trick you.

>Well it turns out that is something to do with the fact that it's happening. The mass arrests and children being rescued are real and it's HAPPENING NOW.
Zero evidence presented. Eat shit and die. Stop posting on my board.

>Cover for child trafficking ARRESTS.

Sure, but STILL that doesnt sound any better.

>med status
Not taken
>voices in the wall
Yep it's schizo time

And you're sole problem is worrying about this whilst living in brazil..
A 3rd world shithole...
C'mon m8
You're so concerned about the united states?
Glowing so hard you're charging satellites

My nigga there is definitely a virus.
More than one thing can happen at a time m8

>Doesnt agree muh conspirashuon
>Must be CHAYNA SPY!

Yes burguer, very smart, very cool

* 1,300 CEOs around the world resigning and being arrested for human trafficking including Disney, Apple, Microsoft, MGM, Samsung, Papa Johns.

* Heir of Du Pont was facing minimum 20 years for raping his 3 y/o daughter

* U. S Attorney's office arrest Harvard professor along with Chinese researcher who was a Lieutenant in the Chinese Army

* Dozens of Hollywood actors post videos right after they have been crying saying "It all depends on Hanx"

* Some of them look like they have aged 20 years in 5 days.

* Right when NYC started locking down, 17 Prison ships have been floating around New Jersey.

* Corona Deaths accidentally being reported as Arrests

* US sends 20,000 Troops to fight "corona virus"

* Italy Arrests thousands of organized mobs and cartels coinciding with "CV deaths"

All of this happening under the guise of "quarantine." Take a look at this final piece. (You)

Ever notice how many shills say "take your meds schizo"? The instant I made this post this bot replied before I even could. Yup, Follow all military and gov agency accounts. They are hinting everything.

Attached: Qresearch USAF.png (653x679, 413.42K)
