The mortality rate isnt 2% as claimed by China

It's 10%, just like SARS. Just look. Out of the 1 million that are infected, 5% have ALREADY died. That makes the FLOOR of the death rate 5%. But all of the 700 000 currently infected wont make it.

We're so fucked

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Everyone who has been infected has been tested

that doesn't factor in the millions of asymptomatic or mild cases that if counted would drop the death rate to

>Chinese test kits don't give false positives

>That makes the FLOOR of the death rate 5%.

Not necessarily. There are probably 2x to 3x the number of unconfirmed cases that just resolve on their own. We know this because most reports agree that ~80% of COVID cases are mild, and that many government refuse to test anyone unless they are serious condition.

>everyone that died in italy died from Corona.

Because that is literally what Italy was recording as 'corona death'

>replaced common cold death counts with covid19

The real death rate is higher than the lamestream/chinese estimate but lower than the apocalyptic numbers proposed by some, since half the cases are asymptomatic.

>only 1 million infected

Fucking absolute brainlet. You are aware the vast majority with the virus have never been tested?


>it’s nothing

"its just the flu"

It's more than likely hundreds of millions by now since CV19 supposedly has an incubation period of about 3 weeks and the virus has been in most countries for about 2 months now

>everyone who has died from it has been tested


confirmed cases are pretty much meaningless. most people have no symptoms or mild symptoms that resolve themselves. it's pointless to even go to the doctor and get tested at that point since there is no cure

btw this is from imperial college london report 9. anyone know where they would post updated fatality rate numbers?

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that rate is people who have been tested
there are fuckloads of people who havent and dont get tested, and 3rd world countries full of people dying and infected that wont be reported

>Have no data to bank up % untested infections.
>Just assume whatever number makes IFR go down to non-scary levels.
>"Italy, Spain, and America are all testing more now! It'll be lower in a week!"
>Repeat the above every week. IFR never budges even if testing increases 500%.

1.2 million dead in US. Resurgence in fall and inability of governments to commit to full shutdowns. A handful of states will be smart and do a Wuhan style shut down and seal their borders and be ok.

Yes, the fact that its in over 190 countries alone is very compelling proof that its essentially already run rampant through most majorly populated areas

We are experiencing the peak right now. Was it worth shutting down the entire world, ruining economies and lives for this shit?

Nope, sorry to ruin your fantasy bro

this is the rate even with stringent restrictions in place

Attached: Screen Shot 2020-04-03 at 9.53.41 pm.png (1910x984, 2.07M)

>Everyone who has been infected by SARS has been tested

>500000 officially infected last week only
>takes 1 week max to die
>takes 3-4 week to "recover"
I mean it's not rocket science.

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Will you reclaim what's yours after the pandemic? The emperor needs to come back, so people will get their shit together.

yeah they only give false negatives

>The lab confirmed cases are the total cases
Lmao what a retard. 15% of Spain is infected, 10% of Italy is infected, 3% of the UK is infected.

I think the virus is just a ploy so certain countries can use it as an excuse to implement a police state although I could be wrong. Regardless the virus isn't as deadly as people are making it out to be

thankyou doctor!

Don't panic.

You are playing into China's game. And yes, they have the cure.

>China lied
Bullshit! China would never lie

They never lied about:
The Great Leap Forward
The Hundred Flowers Campaign
The Dalai Lama and Tibet
Trying to steal the Philosophers Legacy
The Tiananmen Square Massacre
Falun Gong
State Sponsored Organ Harvesting for Profit
The SARS coverup in its early days
The theft of government and corporate IP
The buying off of the UN and it’s affiliated organizations like the WHO
The Kidnapping of the President of Interpol
The Coverup of the Wuhan Virus
The buying out of world PPE supplies by its state owned overseas companies
The origin of the bio weapon
>You are here

>I think the virus is just a ploy so certain countries can use it as an excuse to implement a police state although I could be wrong. Regardless the virus isn't as deadly as people are making it out to be
How about:
I think the virus is real, and certain countries can use it as an excuse to implement a police state

They haven't updated their fatality rate so must still be confident of the original 0.9%. They updated the estimation of cases last week though. Big variation though because we have found out China can't be trusted, and we still don't know how many asymptomatic cases there are until the antibody tests come out.

Attached: imperial estimated cases.png (769x356, 18.73K)

>10% death rate is high
nigga you got at least 90% chance of surviving it, what do you think the chance of you getting cancer by the end of the year anyway?

I agree, the actual mortality for sars is also under the quoted case fatality rate

>closed cases
fake news
recoveries take a lot longer than deaths. Like 99% of deaths are people over 70 or with an underlying medical issue, most of the time both.

It's called chinavirus shill. If i meet one of you shills in the street im going to pull my pants down shot in my hand and fling it at your nasty body

>and lives for this shit
you could stop larping and openly tell everybody that you wouldn't go to any hospital in any emergency and just die because its "nothing"
>but you are just a shitposter on an imageboard larping grandiose nonsense

yea, good. okay

serious doubt.
as pointed out, how many people have gotten it and didnt get tested?
also has a strong point i think i have seen 30% chance fuckup on those screening kits.
ultimately is right. i have a coworker who claims to have it. hes also a hypochondriac, and we shared a vehicle coming and going to work every day for months before he "suddenly" came down with it. no one else who has been in that vehicle has any symptoms, myself included. i find it hard to believe that if he DOES have it, i dont. shits airborne. theres no fucking way i sat in a car with him for 30mins with the windows up twice a day for months and didnt also get dosed.

>Oh no! Even more boomers and landwhales will die!

Why should we be scared again?

>just ancap things

More scaremongering. Stop being such pussies.

Yeah and how many have died of a direct cause of it? A tiny amount in the big picture.

India will get those numbers up.

OP is a FUDshill for the commies, democrats, NWO, banks, WHO, UN, media,

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Since testing is limited, only the people deemed worthy enough to test are placed in the infected category. Out of THAT group, 5% have died. The actual number of infected is higher which will almost certainly make the mortality rate lower.

I hear, (not sourced yet) that testing kits in the UK have tested positive, yeah they're infecting people then telling them they're infected

yes, this is really believable considering Australia's barely .1% mortality rate

much scary indeed

100% of people who have died are dead.

Nah it's around 0,2%. Look at the korean or german figures to have numbers close to reality.

Remember the Boomer Boat? Filled with one of the most vulnerable population and only 1% of the infected died.

Not every country test everyone and a shitton of people dont even get sick so its much lower death rate and much more infected

No shit!
I thought japs were supposed to be smart. Maybe tentacle hentai porn has a bad effect on the brain.

>Out of the 1 million that are infected
Our counts for fatalities are much more accurate than our counts for infected. We've been seeing huge "increases" in the infected in the US, but that's a result of widespread testing.

I'm pretty sure I have it (been running a fever from 99-102F for the past few days, with no symptoms besides a cough). I'm even asthmatic and my *coof**coof* is rather mild. Plus I've got the good drugs.

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this is a useful statistic, it reminds me of the aphorism
>there are only two kinds of people
>survivors and dead people

>10% death rate
>700k currently infected will die at a 100% death rate

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Only idiots who can't think for themselves are fucked.
Or maybe you're a glownigger?

Attached: Corona4.jpg (838x521, 101.76K)

These threads are clearly shill threads. Stop ignoring the overwhelming amount of recovered vs dead. All you people do is go from infected to dead and ignore this fact.


Look at the Diamond Princess you moron. Half the people weren't even symptomatic. That was basically a controlled setting.

Closed cases 80%recovered 20%dead
ok , what happens to that 80% if they dont get medical care?, do some of they die?If so throw me some numbers, an aproximation.

I don't care. This is life faggot, I don't sit in my house scared of the air I breathe or terrified of being near people. Ignore any restrictions on your liberty

Good Lord you're dumb

Kek you realize that the KMT was born out of the Xinhai revolution against the imperial system I hope and its founder, Sun, pretty much advocated for democracy then for the current Mainland system as a transitory systen when he saw that democracy in China would be a mess.

You're not factoring in the hundreds of thousands that have had it, got over it, and not been tested like me.

I had shortness of breath, fatigue, and gut pain. Very faint fever. A cough a few times a day.

Ive been taking vitamin d, c, b12 and garlic for weeks. I don't smoke and I'm in great shape for 42.

Anyway point is..the numbers are wrong. You still can't even get tested in my state.

The best case to look at is the diamond princess. Defined parameters and everyone tested. Mortality rate so far at around 1.5%. Sure, they are overwhelmingly fat, old boomers, but those that were wicked got the best medical care possible in the world with a team of doctors pretty much devoted to each patient. Still a lot of them in critical condition I imagine

>Not an accurate sample size or representation of the population by age, race, and other factors
>Our best testing data

What did he mean by this?