Wow this image is so powerful, just look at everyone faces. They must think Trump is the biggest clown,retard...

Wow this image is so powerful, just look at everyone faces. They must think Trump is the biggest clown,retard, buffoon president of all time for mishandling the coronavirus outbreak.

Attached: merlin_170597025_9a27ee06-a71e-458e-8080-09420efb441a-superJumbo.jpg (2048x1682, 577.56K)

Other urls found in this thread:

You're a fucking idiot.

more like every single one of them is realizing how mush shit trump goes through on a daily basis just being him. The media is so bad that even fauchi and Deb get angry and explode at them all the time. The media is making themselves look like morons as always and driving more people to trump, the Democrats are doing the exact same thing they did the last two times that failed and helped trump. I do not understand why the Democrat party has not splintered yet. When they lose 2020 for running an autistic virtual candidate after killing people with their obstruction to trumps virus response the democrat party will finally split in two and be powerless. All democrats are the worst people on earth and should be exiled to the middle of the Sahara desert.

None of them want to lose their jobs with the 25% unemployment of the Trump economy.


how is it cope if we run everything? nigger

How do you breathe with Trump's cock so deep in your throat?


though his nose like a champ you dog

You see the truth in my words and it hurts. I understand.

Orange Man mad. Orange Man tell COVID to fuck off, he in charge and Orange Man means business!

Orange Man shift blame for his dismal failures to Chink land, like any good leader would!

Attached: Corona99.jpg (467x637, 58.28K)

its funny how loud minorities can be

Don't forget to add blaming Obama and Hillary for your failures haha. Funny how Trump has no legacy anymore, best economy ever now worst economy ever lol

you live in Croatia and are talking shit about economies? Truly sub-human

This is pretty much it. Watch the rage and seethe from the Chink shills in response to the truth.

Oh the typical dumb American response "mention his nationality. Yes I live in Croatia and I will still being making fun of Trump and America, deal with it.

If China did its job Trump wouldn't have to do anything whatsoever.

They don’t really dig The Donny too much... it’s very apparent.

He seems like the worst person to have in charge under these circumstances. A complete fucking moron and clown. Everytime he opens something profoundly stupid comes out. Dems only have themselves to blame if they can't unseat him in November.

You act as if this is permanent. Watch how the numbers soar and Trump gets all the credit for saving the country

oh hit a cord with that one, you fucking neanderthal

Why are you such a cum guzzler OP.
Did your dad molest you?
I think he did.

MIGAtards evolved gills so they can suck cock for hours on end.

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You wouldn't be here if I didn't hit a cord with you with my thread but keep crying haha.

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Its absolutely what is happening, and it has happened twice already, democrats are insanely trying the same thing over and over again expecting different results

I have nothing else to do motherfucker i am on lockdown due to the chink virus

we gave them the 15 days and the spread sped and for that we get 30 days in the hole and 250k deaths projected

God punished you with a quake, don't make that another one.


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>God punished you with a quake
Zero deaths while the rest of the world dies of corona hehe

I don't know if you watched what's happening in the pic live but at every single one of these press briefings whoever takes the mic spends three minutes sucking Trump's dick by effusing him with praise and telling him what a fantastic job he's doing against the gookflu. It's a hilariously bizarre clown world on display.

Test. Was banned for posting p3do

Like you do with your dads cock tucked tight in your mouth, fucking piece of shit

Same way your mom does, nose back, throat open

t. Luc Besson

This is your brain on Zionist cum

back2/ptg/ simps

Not defending but
>the year of our lord 2020
>current year + 4
>using your mom as an insult

Yeah... you are not, and this pandemic proves it.

Jesus Christ Trump is embarrassing cringe boomer.

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Their expressions look completely blank to me, what are they supposed to be doing? Sucking his dick?

>25% unemployment

>m'lady beta cuck simps buzzwordzz
more like the year of yo mama faggot

>30% unemployment
>look at these beautiful unemployment numbers, so many people on vacations!

>a literal nothing country
Neck yourself you ugly piece of slav shit.

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Migakikes seething itt

/ptg/ get irrationally angry when they see people not actively sucking trump's dick

I knew he was a complete retard when I saw this pic
The fact that trumptards think people around him "respect him" and not lick his ass for favors is baffling me

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Aww widdle pissbaby multimillionaire tycoon trump and his pwecious feewings

Trump can't be the world's biggest buffoon because the dumbshits at the DNC are worse.

There's no way Biden beats Trump... But I guess they don't care so long as Sanders doesn't succeed, and when Trump wins they can spend 4 more years bitching and whining about how horrible he is while they keep making money.

This. Trump is bad, but not as bad as hillary or biden. The same people responsible are the ones raging the hardest.

Get over it ffs
Hillary lost like 4 years ago
The dems are not in charge of any meaningful decision regarding this crisis

If Biden wins we will only know that Americans still are dumb as fuck for choosing another senile retard as their representative

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Yes fellow who not China shill

usa and the Italy at fault.
-american flu lives at 100000+
-america army at Wuhan
-great china economy now.
-we link supply countries europe no thanks.
-china solved American flu.

Why is the responsibility of the world because of bases American not looked at for spread virus?

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US Surgeon General just standing there while no one practices social distancing.

Atleast trump isnt taking photo ops hugging on a bunch of refugees like a fag

>Be subhuman trump supporter
>Take trumps advice that it is a hoax
>Not prepared
>Trump says it is not a hoax, instantly believe him
>Trump tells everyone to wear scarves instead of masks
>His subhuman supporters believe him and follow his trash advice
>Get corona

Kek the cope in the (yous) is fucking palpable.
Fuck chinks

>the Chinese virus isn't Chinas fault

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Then they must be traitors.

On an unrelated note, anyone giving credence to this massive corona hoax deserves a swift end.

The Democrats are owned by the Chinese.

>As president, Bill Clinton essentially wiped out any strategic advantage the U.S. had by selling advanced U.S. missile technology to our enemy, the People’s Republic of China.

That “administration’s voluntary release of all the secrets of America’s nuclear tests, combined with the systematic theft of the secrets that were left as a result of its lax security controls, effectively wiped out America’s technological edge,” David Horowitz writes in the recently published, The Black Book of the American Left Volume 7: The Left in Power: Clinton to Obama.

>Unlike the administrations that preceded it, the Clinton administration accepted millions of dollars from the military and intelligence services of at least one hostile foreign power. All of this was done in exchange for illegal campaign contributions from a massive totalitarian country determined to eclipse the U.S. as a world superpower.

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>The dems are not in charge of any meaningful decision regarding this crisis

Didn't they just block the relief bill for nearly two weeks? Controlling the house is pretty important

What's it like sucking off an old hag they hands out pens instead of dealing with a crisis?

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What a stupid fucking nigger fraud

Reminder that Trump gave Israeli agent Jared Kushner a top level security clearance against advice of multiple intelligence officials in his own cabinet. You are a literal kike if you support Donald Trump.

Attached: jared-kushner-0317201.jpg (1200x1200, 116.37K)

dude. mitch mcconnels wife is a chinese national who makes 100s of millions from China. its all in this book

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Oh yes having yourself surrounded by yesmen is a good strategy

>Zero deaths while the rest of the world dies of corona hehe

2 deaths actually

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