Due to Viktor Orban's pro-native European family initiatives.
Hungary's birth rate increased 9%+ in the last year
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Oy vey! We can’t allow these filthy goyim to reproduce! Shut it down!
communist jewish kike cunts btfo. fuck you seething kike jewish pieces of shit. you deserve death and beheading everywhere you are.
Is Hungary the future?
jews run both capitalism and communism. better to go survival communal mode like in hungary's case. please now collapse (((USA))), (((EU))) and other anti-european organizations
>increased white fertility
>increased white birth rates
>twice as many white marriages
another proof orban is literally hitler
Orban *personally* fathered half of that extra 9% baby boom. He’s just like that.
the newly cucked stepdads should be honoured for the gifts from the new allfather
This is absolutely pathetic, we are a weak race destined to disappear
these newborns are all gypsies
Sad but might be true
Oy vey, shut it down!
Hungary super power 2025
we wish, but evil antidemocratic orban thougt about it and put nazi racist conditions on marriage and birth benefits that target oppressed and marginalized populations (like needing to have a job for few months and not being on unemployment benefits)
How many of those policies are supporting ethnic Hungarians and how many gypsies?
I've visited Hungary twice and literally only thing I remember any local saying was "I hate gypsies"
They can't keep getting away with it.
No. Other countries that tried to bribe women to have children saw a spike as women are having their 1.x children sooner to get their gibs, not more. It will peak, then start to decline, and Hungarians in 3-5 years will wonder why it's no longer working (It will not work so long as you ignore the core problem, female empowerment)
its all the gypsies, they multiply rapidly
That's above the fertility rate of the white population here.
The only issue I have with this number is that it probably includes the gypsie high fertility rate.
The root cause is industrialisation , even literal shariah states like Iran and the UAE have below replacement fertility
Enjoy your orphans
Cant get your old borders back without the man power.
The future is hung
Who knew, you dont need to import 3rd worlders to accomplish this!
>+100% marriage rate
Most of that is Gypsies.
I'm not sure what you're trying to imply.
I've been trying to get Eastern European gf for a while, I meet them on dating sites and they're all very nice which make me suspect that they are just trying to scam me for money and citizenship
But rather than give families support and tax breaks our (((overlords))) prefer to import immediate invade- er, I mean workers
>give generous help for having 3 children
>punish people for having 3+ children
Could it realistically work? Stopping gypsies from multiplying too much and also heavily encouraging normal people form having 3 kids.
NOOO don't procreate! You need african bulls to live! STOOOP NOOOOOOOO!
No way, man. They're more feminine and they cook and clean and don't talk back. They would NEVER use a guy from a rich developed country for personal gain.
Thank you bulgarian user, you have convinced me into investing in eastern bulgaria.
looks like demographics is a policy
Tell them you're poor and see how they react.
It's amazing that such common sense decisions may make him the most based leader in the west.
Before you do that you should know Eastern Bulgaria is slowly filling up with R*ssians.
It actually works? Man. Some good news for once.
this isn't true, fucking kike lies
what exactly did he do to achieve these numbers?
>jews run both capitalism and communism. better to go survival communal mode like in hungary's case. please now collapse (((USA))), (((EU))) and other anti-european organizations
"Running Capitalism" is a dumb thing to say.
lol, look how many shills came out of the wood word
Better that than g***ies
fuck off
Shouldn’t be hard when you are 15% gypsy.
>Inb4 gypsys are not receiving those gibs only white aryan magyars are
they give tax deductions, and gyppos don't work so they can't deduct shit.
The sad truth is that most of that are gypsies. They are projected to be the majority of newborns by 2034. Hopefully Orbán uses his new powers to curbstomp them but I wouldn't hold my breath because he's a gypsy himself
t. hungarian
Still way too low WTF
it's true tho
to be eligible for the gibs you have to be employed, you have to be married, and you have to have a clean criminal record
A Hungarianon was kind enough to gather the points of the policy which single-handedly dismantle the "it's muh gypsies breeding" shill a couple month ago, thought I might share.
>couples must be married - 13 year old gypsy girls knocked up by their 22 year old cousins won't benefit from this
>must have worked for 180 days and must have paid taxes - Self-explanatory
>must not have a criminal past - This one alone filters out the majority of gypsies
>Most gypsies are functionally illiterate and are unable to request the initial loan to begin with
>The best part of the deal is the lifetime personal income tax break for mothers of four children, which is fucking useless for women who don't pay taxes
Just admit you're coping gypsy shills already.
Gyppo subhumans btfo
No, it's tax deductions not gibs. As already points out, main beneficiarys are every day hungarians.
If there was a large migrant pop of poos or asians that do work (by stealing native jobs) then there'd be an issue.
Kurucinfó shills never fail to amuse with the gypsy Orbán meme, you've been blown out of the water 10 years ago.
Culture forms birth rates. Israel atheist jews had over 3,0 births per women. They dont get money for this. They just are not feeling as full women if they dont procreate. Thats the solution. Culture.
cue the popular revolution to topple that racist
better gypsies than niggers
>More gyppos
Not at all sure about that. At least gypsies won't wake up one day annexing shit because the dear leader told them to.
the problem is that culture cannot simply be steered in an arbitrary fashion, financial incentives can
Surprised someone here knows about that
What if you decided to demographically conquer your surrounding territories back? You know, the way the Vlachs descended from the mountains to the big cities or Russia conquered Vyatkaland.