Marquis De Sade

Was he based?

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No he was a degenerate french nigger

Yes. Read his work.



No, he was a degenerate pervert and a...sadist.

No. He was a degenerate frog.

>The only way to a woman's heart is along the path of torment
I dunno, sounds pretty based and true to me.

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He was the origional /pol poster.
It was all in his imagination, he did none of the things he wrote about, he made them up while lockeddown, then fapped.

>fuck! Is one expected to be a gentleman when one is stiff?
Well, he sounds very honest to me.

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>Absolute freedom, unrestrained by morality, religion or law.
That's a nay from me.

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No you polish nigger. He was perverted degenerate frenchie who would shove wooden dildos up His ass and write shit. Yes literal shit. So fuck off u polish fuck

Read his work. And read about his life. There is more to it than degeneracy.

QRD or fuck off.

From what I understand, he advocated rape as a natural behavior and as something admissible. Adopting Sade's outlook on the nature of freedom and society would unironically destabilize the status quo if it was implemented today. The world of today is merely Sadesque, but not entirely and conforming to Sade's vision only as long as it doesn't challenge the state which is something Sade would probably disapprove of.

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>his name is sade
>he's a sadist

funny how that worked out. like an icecream man named "cone".

Why so hostile? Here is another interesting quote:
>in order to know virtue, we must acquaint ourselves with vice; only then can we know the true measure of a man

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Right, what should I expect when reading "The 120 Days of Sodom?"

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I am not confident that you're baiting.


He was a degenerate. That's it

>Sade later hid at Lacoste where he rejoined his wife, who became an accomplice in his subsequent endeavors. In 1774, Sade trapped six children, including one boy, in his chateau for six weeks during which time he subjected them to abuse, which his wife allowed. He kept a group of young employees at the chateau, most of whom complained about molestation and quickly left his service
Sounds like the modern veneration of Sade is a gradual, subliminal normalization of pedophilia. The dude was a pedo before it was cool in aristocratic and elite circles. Was he actually convicted of pedophilia at any point or did he just write about pedo shit?

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Extremely based for his time.
Murder, torture, cannibalism, pedophilia, literally every type of fetish like scat, crossdressing etc.
It gets intentionally hilarious and philosophical at times though, and it's way over the top at all times. I've read it three times, always get a good chuckle out of it, and some parts are kinda sexy.

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The plot of the novel is actually strikingly reminiscent of what is happening in the world today with the reversal of gender roles, all the gender and drag queen shit and the likes. We're not quite there yet, but we're getting there. Sade's vision is just that on steroids, but is unarguably a lot more violent than what we have today.

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Might as well watch Netflix. But I am not one to easily part with my money.

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>Was he actually convicted of pedophilia at any point or did he just write about pedo shit?
He was only convicted for political reasons.
>but is unarguably a lot more violent than what we have today
I assume you mean within our first world bubble. Look at Mexico, I doubt he could imagine that scale of violence outside of a real war.

Basically Weimar before Weimar.

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Tolkien predicted this.

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Weimarer Republik's degeneracy gets overblown around here. Germans have always been prude so the standard American level of perversion hit them harder after the war.

That's exactly the point. The current pop culture is a diluted vision of Sade that has been adjusted to the status quo in order to prevent any actual transgression against the state while simultaneously profiting from the process of turning society into a degenerate cattle, making citizens dependent on the state more than ever and ultimately expanding its scope of power. It is immensely ironic that what was essentially the ultimate manifesto of individual freedom has been molded by the powers that be to serve the state, turning it into an instrument of tyranny.

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For an puritan ex-colony. I wonder if it was the Jews who turned degeneracy in America up to 11.

I think this is why the Bible preaches against degeneracy. Often devilish "freedom" is the ultimate form of oppression. Epstein knew this.

I mean sexual violence and the radical individualism espoused by Sade. Rape continues to be frown upon because it still is seen as dangerous by modern standards; any form of violence poses a threat to the omnipresent state because it empowers actors other than the state itself to inflict pain and exercise power normally wielded exclusively by the state. The state has the monopoly on violence, therefore violence perpetrated by non-state actors is still essentially taboo. Likewise, the legalization of rape would belie the petite myth of consent arising from the antiquated ethos of classical liberalism and would divulge the sinister intentions of true leaders of the world, which is to enslave the general population by eroding any kind of authority other than their own.

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im the reincarnation of marquis de sade.
in this incarnation i only like very plain hetero sex with one partner whom i love. sex is the beautiful expression of love and creation not the heinous profane self indulgent degeneracy it is seen as in today's society. nor is it something to be obsessed about. tender loving sexual congress with one whom you deeply love is utterly fulfilling unlike the twisted kinks, s&m whoreish bullshit so popular with today's rotting corpse soulless ghoul people.

Of course. Degeneracy is not to be frowned upon because it's dirty or something along those lines, it's because it's destructive on the fundamental level and completely undermines the fabric of society in the long run. It may not be instantaneously apparent, but ultimately it sinks in after a while. The aim of the current period of degeneracy is to displace any forms of authority held by institutions other than the state in order to impose extreme authoritarianism in the end and to assume power over masses.

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It won't work in the end because Human nature dictates the elite will begin to step out of bounds in the pursuit of pleasure. People already have a good idea about what they get up to and the power they have at the moment is their only insurance.

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>Marquis De Sade
Literally whom?
Take it to /his/

Hopefully. My hope is they will fail in the end because they're just retarded as the rest of the pathetic human race. They're not especially intelligent or wise and their only bond keeping them all together is predicated on blackmail and pedophilia. There is only so much you can do with that, it's got to collapse at some point, especially given that any secret society based on primitive blackmail as opposed to virtues or beliefs is bound to disintegrate sonner or later. Hopefully.

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The only problem is, there is other players who are taking advantage of this. t. Not Human with a body temperature of 35°C. However I am not the villainous sort.

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BTW, why do you always post dolphins, dolphin Brit bro? I've seen and talked to you in other threads. Just for the heck of it?

BTW, this board is utter garbage now, no one wants to discuss Sade of all people, one would think he would generate much more interest, but of course most people here now are inept Trump cultists who obsess over orange man's tweets and his 'le epic libtard owned' quips.

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Islam is socialism for niggers.

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Degeneracy is antievolutionary. Degeneracy is selfish. It is evil. Not "based." De Sade had a rotting soul.

Trump cultists are some of the worst. However Trump himself has done many interesting things such as merge the federal reserve with the treasury and is now sending troops into the caverns.

He lived before the 20th century so therefore he's Trad

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Not a big fan of Trump, but I'm the first one to admit I probably dislike him more because of his moronic fanbase and their retarded mentality. They are absolutely fucking retarded, posting facebook-tier memes and regurgitating the same tired phrases over and over again, they're ridiculously obnoxious and offer zero insight into whatever topic is discussed. It's unironically more interesting to talk with leftist shills than Trump supporters at this point.

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Sorry for not making my intentions clear. I do indeed love my Cetacean brothers and sisters.

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They are incredibly stupid. They gawk in utter amazement when I advertise a thread that isn't about Donald Trump. They are people who lack intellectual independence.

Fair enough. Seeing the resurgence of nature in the wake of coronavirus lockdown is pretty heartening I must say.

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I know that feel bro

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For the purpose of relevance. Many species of Dolphin seem to live successfully by Sadism. Male Dolphins are known to rape and murder Porpoises for the pure pleasure of it, however unlike Humans there isn't an element of blackmail or corruption, therefore fulfilling the libertinity.

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I am not however, sexually attracted to them.

>They are people who lack intellectual independence
Yeah, this often makes me wonder whether they're real people or just bot posters. If NPCs truly exist, then the average Trump supporter is probably as close as you can get alongside establishment Democrats. The reason why so many of these people have come here is probably because of the Q-larp which has been an absolute disaster for this place. The quality of posting here has never been universally stellar, but the shitposts used to be funnier and there was a lot less of this mainstream, normalfag mentality. Shit, I sporadically get reprimanded by them for shitposting which is like going to a Trump rally in a pussyhat and yellling 'lock him up'. I really don't get these people.

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kekked and saved

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Yeah, I've heard about dolphins' sexual predilections, which often prove as extravagant as humans'.

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Had this idea for a species of matriarchal Cetacean of a hybrid origin inhabiting a formerly oceanic desert planet with salt marshes.

I think they are completely unaware of themselves most of the time.

no, he was the ultimate degenerate

It's a good thing people like this are genetic dead ends.

>Was he based?
kind of

Based mountain dweller

>Degeneracy is antievolutionary. Degeneracy is selfish. It is evil. Not "based." De Sade had a rotting soul.

Degeneracy is the sick of freedom.

It's okay man, in Canada it's legal to fuck them.