I'm going insane

This is my sixth day of quarentine. I was on one of the last planes from America before the border was shut down. I had to sign papers saying I'll self-quarentine for 6 days. I already have crippling anxiety and being isolated like this is taking a mental toll

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Pussy. 12th day of quarantine. Just fucking boring really




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Suck it up you fucking female

*14 days

Pussy. When I was in the navy I was put in a mock pow camp and tortured for longer than that.

Oh but muh feels!

I don't care about the quarantine but the shit I just wiped all our groceries off with after they got delivered is burning my fucking hands

dude, just lay in bed for a month. It's easy. Eat rice and beans. Let your body recover if you work a man's job.

fucking normie.
I'm self isolating for at least six years now.

its not hard to be alone, we've all been alone for years before this

I did 20 years in the can.

one of the funny things about coronachan is watching all the normies implode. being "traumatized" over having to stay at home and watch movies.
the absolute horror!!

Yes, but I would delude myself that I was "going out" by going to shops. It was an occasional adventure that made me feel human. Now I don't have the challenge of social interaction with the cashiers so I'm trapped in my own demented mind

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Do you not have any hobbies?

what a faggot. 3weeks and counting here of not going out except 3 times to buy groceries, and everytime it was hell, seating keeping my mask from sliding down, keeping distance from everone while looking for the food my mother asked for and some extra just incase, then the fucking 30 min line. Thank God that was a week ago and no infection signs.

I watch porno

But you are not FORCED to stay home. I want to go outside and smell the flowers

I haven't left my house since March 16th user. Stop being a bitch.

Luckily I have stuff to work out with, otherwise I'd have killed myself desu

>i have crippling anxiety
>i need to get out and party with random people i don't know
you're definitely not just another random faggot trying to be special

sage and hide all plebbit tranny nigger threads

Yes we are. The police will beat up anyone outside without a proper excuse and their last ID number matching the day of the week said by the government (say if your ID ends with 1 or 2 you can go out on mondays for food and medicine only)

While I hate being somewhere with people I don't know, hanging out with friends drinking a couple dozen beers is something I will miss in the apocalipse.

get fucked spic

No wonder you are going insane then.
Watch less porn and do something creative or physical intead.
Paint in photoshop, code a small game, practice to handstand, anything really. Your need to go outside is your mind associating the outside with the stimulation it needs.

Time to make social connections online OP. Have you seen any good youtube channels on traveling? Some people document them well.

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Navy torture is where they dont sodomize you, right? Must've been hell

Im on neet quarantine since 2008. It seems it finally was good for something.

It's the bare minimun because retard here are still going out and getting infected. We can't handle this getting out of control, but it will.

Look for this book... pic related..

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just go out bro its just a hoax lol

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m8 I am on my 3rd week already lost track of how many days passed but I am fine just make sure you contact friends and family regularly and have enough video games, anime, manga and pirated books, I have enough of these to last for millenia entertained life is comfy If you want I can share my 40k book stash

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You chink fuck. Quarantine or hang in the streets. Your choice.

>not being capable of staying indoors for lengthy periods
I love the outdoors as much as any human who thinks himself free, but damn, this manufactured crisis is really sorting the wheat from the chaff, so to speak.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

Lol imagine being this much of a normie. I've been a neet for over 8 years and this mexican beer hasn't changed anything so far in my life style. Wagies and normies need 2 die, peace.

former recovering neet here, its good to be back. done nothing but listen to music, sleep in, play vidya, work out, and eat good food.

this is bliss

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Thank you for your service

This is day 33 for me. I quarantined after 3/2 because I saw what was coming and I cam work remotely.

Call a psychologist and get latuda 60mg

you sound like a soulles meat bag

>no tendies, working out, good food
Pharisees are gonna have a field day.

Pussy. Its day 22 for me. I still go out for walks though. I fucking dare some faggot to report me

>working out
yep, im going to be a chad neet

So what you are saying is to stimulate myself with different ways of jerking off. Prostate stimulation perhaps?

Dude the quarantine is ging to be lifelong just get used to it. This shit is NEVER going to end.

didnt thought japanmoids could be so gay you have to be larping


Hows it feel that wagies are now making BANK off unemployment? Your neetbux are nothing compared to this. Looks like waging finally paid off, huh sport?

How long until the US economy just collapses? Unemployment at this scale is simply not sustainable for much longer. Youre going to get insane hyper-inflation.

Literal socialite vagina flower, go talk to an animal you consoomer insect.

>Report Post

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Your going insane? Bro I’am in the 25th day. God Bless you anyway cause I have a PS4 proudly made in Japan.

Fucking normalfag. I've been doing this shit for years.

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Get a PS2 and some old RPG's delivered to you.

>Quarantine for six days
>Going insane

Jesus fucking Christ..
I could do 2-3 weeks of quarantine before going crazy. I know some real no lifers who've been doing quarantine for the last 2-3 years.. they can literally go weeks without leaving the house.


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What a bitch you are. Try a decade or more, you faggot.

How do you post here AND get (((anxiety))) from just chilling at your house for a week? I have been social distancing myself as well as living my life as a hermit (besides going to work) for years now

Kek fucking emu bants

Imagine having anxiety. It's just fucking boring at this point.

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Yea we already know. We are fucked. The unemployment boost will last 4 months. Thats enough time to stock up on ammo, guns, food, and find some spot outside the cities. Its gonna get really bad, virus or no virus. The damage has already been done. ...godspeed frens

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Only retarded women and moronic chads are finding this quarantine hard. I am home playing Vidya while my fiancee freaks the fuck out and complain as all women are biologically mandated to do.

godspeed user.
give em hell

Im gonna hurt you..

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Video games i guess are ok. Depends on the type. Anime and manga....ya we need to talk. Not that its ever ok, but once you turn 15. At the latest. Its fucking gay and sad to have anime in your life. Im sorry you didnt have a good father or manly friends to help you pull the cock out of your mouth but we can help you through it. Just go collect anything with a stupidly drawn animated girl on it and put it in the trash then come back and start your healing

I hear there's a special forest over there just for that.

Normie faggots


We need this more, since the US military protects Europe, eurofags need to say this more

lol, they literally locked down everything here and so i can't go outside and buy food, predicting i will start starving in a week or 2