Week one: temperature spikes, headache, random muscle pain, seriously bad shit

>week one: temperature spikes, headache, random muscle pain, seriously bad shit
>week two: same symptoms but new strange pain in the balls (i shit you not). Insane nightmares. Feeling like shit
>week three: getting better, some days feeling like its over
>week four: burning chest pain, feeling like passing out - cant really go anywhere because of that
>week five: again feeling better
>week six: temperature spikes again, now my heart hurts like im about to have a heart attack
fuck this virus bros and eternally fuck chinks i hope they all die

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6 weeks holy shit, it only got me by 3 days. Good luck user

You've been sick since 45 days?
How old are you Czechanon?

hey idk from my first symptoms its like 25 days i think i just made week by week compilation so i dont have to elaborate by days. My first symptoms went away after 3 days too, actually. Thought im done but then it came back. Went away, came back again.
im 30

sorry bros my time perception is blurred as fuck to put it in perspective the "Week" is more like a 4 days cycle

Same for me.
Pretty much the same.

Fuck the CCP.

Do you have those extreme chills as well?
When it hits me I have to sleep with 4 hot watter bottle and 5 wool blankets. I don't get any sleep at those nights... because to afraid to die while sleeping.

**** the bat eaters and **** the CCP


yes lol the same im freaking out from the heart pain and that my heart may fail when i sleep kek. Really the only thing that helps me is aspirin. It actually completely goes away for the night when i pop one

uhm. but you dont have breathing problems?

>don't get any sleep at those nights... because to afraid to die while sleeping.

Fucking faggot, close your eyes and let go, you need the sleep to allowed the body to recover.
Worst thing that can happen is the illusion of being alive is over, is not like this fucking simulation is real idiot

hey maybe i did but not anymore i think during the time i felt like passing out i needed to stop and focus on breathing so it could have been because of blood oxygen yes

I have been experiencing the following symptoms. They come and they go. Sometimes they last for maybe a few hours and other times the whole day.

>Headache (rare)
>Burning lower lungs (common - worsens in the cold.)
>cough (common)
>itchy throat (common)
>balls aching (infrequent) (I jerk off a healthy amount, this feels like something else)

So far I haven't experienced a fever that I am aware of.

I have a great immune system, but it has been fighting something off these last 3 months. When everyone caught the flu in December, I didn't get sick once, despite all the coofers around me. But come February, I started experiencing different symptoms from day to day. Hopefully it isn't the corona virus wearing down my immune system.

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yeah you got it

another common symptom is the lack of taste and smell

I think I had it, I’ve only had mild symptoms so far. However, something strange did happen to me at the end of March. It was when I went to bed, I coughed a little, and then I felt this huge surge in my throat of an almost glass like substance. I first coughed, but that didn’t work, so instead I swallowed that stuff. Ever since I’ve felt a bit tired, but no complications so far.

However, I do think that the coughing is the key to all of this corona stuff. If you cough, you send it down to your lungs, which are very fragile. However, if you swallow it, it goes to your stomach, which is much better equipped to deal with viruses. After this stuff, I had a few days of diarrhea, but nothing spectacular. So my advice would be to avoid coughing, and instead swallow.

Allergies? Now that pollen season is upon us, a lot of people are going to freak out thinking they have the covid when it's really just allergies.

Any loss of smell and taste?

Uh...coughing expels substances and air from the lungs outwards into your mouth, forcibly

>new strange pain in the balls
You've just been sterilized by the bioweapon sorry user

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You favored have allergies. Hay fever.

The illusion is that you are in control of your body when it floods you with all kind of adrenaline and other panic inducing hormons. When you have no breath and your heart beats at 180 you can't just fall asleep user. Or the chills shake your body until you get cramps...

This is no joke. It is completely different to a flu.

I have no allergies.

>balls aching

have this too, but only my right ball

dont know about taste as a sense but im not hungry at. Smelling seems fine as i just farted and its some real fungus shit kek

Are you consooming alcohol? If so, it's gotta be because of that. My infection only seems to affect my tonsils, while my alcoholic colleague who got infected around the same time has a hideous cough, sustained fever and full-body pain.

>tfw unironically feeling balls pain and week 2 symptoms
please keep checking in, if you make it I'll make it too

no i dont drink at all. I workout and live healthy, actually. I have never got a flu and whatever shit in my life. I was considering myself pretty fit and strong but this shit caught me buttnaked dropping a soap

Your sense of time disappears and you lay there and drift in and out of consciousness having wild hallucinations instead of proper sleep.

I think I had this shit in February for a week. I have very heavy coughing all the time, felt like dying. Then I had a couple of nights where I had the fever and I couldn't sleep. Muscle pain as well all over.
I'm in my early 30s and don't smoke and I should really go to have my lungs checked when this thing is over. I'm afraid they might be fucked.

also I'm feeling like puking all the time, you've got that too?

I don't believe you, sorry. You took every rumor about the virus including attacking the testes and inducing cardiomyopathy and also extended the length of illness by a ridiculous amount just to get (you)s

It’s just the 504hr flu..
Gotta date or something?

I had weird common cold like this, or that’s what i thought at that time. First few sudden chills, feeling like fever rising but when i checked, meter gave me none. Tiresome and difficult to focus on reading, thinking, etc. Achy calves and thighs, stomach got upset a little. Itchy throat and random wet cough, runny nose. Minor ball ache and for few days my back and sides would hurt if i tried to inhale too deep, also minor restricted feeling on sternum, the place where ribs meet on chest. Symptoms kind of went up and down and went away completely around two week mark or so. Never thought it would we corona but not so sure anymore.

>>week six
>25 days
Get your fucking LARP together before starting this thread next time, faggot. Oh and might take it to Yas Forums or /bant/ because your shitty blog post isn't politics.

yes until you take aspirin or paracetamol then ur good actually even hungry again
i was wrong about the timeline bro already said that the "week" is more likely a 3-4 days cycle its hard you know your time perception is weird when u have fever and feeling like passing out for weeks. Also, whatever... i genuinely did have pain in my balls for few days it went away after few fap sessions

There is a small redpill here in that the way to teach your body to most effectively fight a virus is to realise you have to eat it - you can't be afraid of it, you can't think it's icky, you have to devour it.

Coughing is from your lungs so it won't work like you think, other than if it was only in one lung at first.

i took ibuprofen yesterday to sleep and today i feel worse, gonna try paracetamol

time to gas the chinks kraut

I got corona from my job (DHSS called me saying I’ve been working with someone who tested positive and instructed me to get tested)

Mine was totally mild (my prior history is chronic nasal congestion) but here’s the play by play

>tested on March 15th
>notified I was positive, quarantined instructions given to me

>notice mild cough, back aches, thought it was a kidney stone at first
>I drink 5-6 liters of water per day under belief that I have a kidney stone

>back ache continues, maybe flu related low back pain?
>getting up out of bed is a process only because my joints and muscles are sore. But this could be attributed to me not being active and mostly just lounging due to lack of energy
>cough subsides

>This week
>feeling better, only symptom I have is general soreness getting out of bed. I’ve been taking Tylenol routinely in the morning for the last week when I wake up.
If I don’t take Tylenol, I’m sore for the next 2-3 hours. When I take Tylenol, I’m feeling normal in 1-2 hours.

Also, getting swabbed sucked. The nurse pushed the swab in my nostrils and touched the back of my throat I think, and kept it there for half a minute twirling the swab

bro this is exactly the problem with Italians do you not have internet?? Its confirmed that ibubrofen makes it worse, bro... seriously. Take aspirin asap

also do you feel like a fap tires you , i fapped this morning and felt like running a marathon i was out of breath and not because i fapped for to long i tried to make it fast

Fucking hell cunt, not gonna lie mate sounds terrible. But after 6 fucking weeks you have to be on the tail end of it. You'l get better soon cunt, im sure of it.

Actually me too, bro. I thought I'd sat on my balls at some point, but couldn't remember doing it. Maybe it was the chinkiepox?
Maybe I'm making connections where they ought not be.

I thought they said don't take nsaid, too?

next up is the balls pain period kek then a heart attack and then either see you on pol or in hell bro

It seems like its a roll of the die and most are just getting mild flus whereas some are in living hell for weeks.

>tfw fucked up back from military
>in constant pain
>can't tell if it's because of a virus either way

maybe you need to coom who knows after so many years of cooming you might be physically reliant on it

What the fuck is going on

Why are we all feeling ball pain? I’ve had that too, it was nasty

Had a similar symptom with throat. It would like pulse (at night) as if I was being stabbed in it

ibubrofen is toxic shit just dont take that it makes your body stop fighting the virus. Aspiring actually helps your body to fight it off. Also, what kills people with covid is the damage cause by inflammation so why the fuck would you not want to control it? You need to use common sense. Dont pop a pill everytime you feel not completely fine and dandy but dont fucking kill yourself by letting fever and inflammation go hail mary on your body

5G is boiling our balljuice.

i wonder if gay butt sechs cures the corona... unfortunately for those with the corona i mean being the catcher

It's crazy coming on here, ATS, and GLP in the morning and "reading the news."
>lol look at the pleb going to other places on the internet
>muh pattern recognition right go--i mean user

the new approach for the psyops heading into the weekend seems to be

>damn i know we've been joking about this but i have it now and THIS IS FUCKING SERIOUS

its not. its still the flu. also
we're rounding you up soon.

is a not confirmed rumour, but considering how i felt worse taking it i wouldn't say its just a rumour, i feel like fainting out and dizzy now

I got it, too i know exactly what you're going through, heart aches, shoulder squeeze, headaches, balls aches you name it, I look forward to sleep time every day, I rather be a sleep or die in my sleep, who gives a fuck afterwards, I am in week 4 and this fucking thing is not letting up, when the fuck is supposed to go away?

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Just say fuck you faggot.

how did you faggots get it?

How the fuck is it lasting 6+ weeks? I had it for about 8 days and it fucked off. I'm already back delivering mail and shit. Got any other illments?

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it's corona
>balls ache
corona attacks testes

Get tested and get HCQ Az/Remdesivir/Favipiravir prescpition

>Burning lower lungs
Corona causes fluid accumulation/pnemonia at lower lungs first

>freaking out
>heart pain
i'm pretty sure this is just from giving yourself panic attacks, user. freaking out leads to increased heart rate and sustaining this strains on the heart obviously.
just calm the fuck down and drink some orange juice you're going to be fine

Is everywhere, I was driving uber and some fucking panic idiots either from Seattle of San fransisco whe coofing in my car as I was driving them to their new home in south west wa state.
I still wanna go up there and kill the selfish ass holes I know where they live

hey man i genuinely feel sorry for Italy its terrible just spread the word out bro stay away from the fucking ibubrofen im pretty sure the high death rate is because of this toxic shit. Last year i was in Italy and the drugstore woman tried to shill me ibubrofen when i asked several times for aspirin

you should coof on their cat

You can develop allergies any time though. I didnt have pollen allergies until my mid 20's

>fuck chinks i hope they all die
If it's any consolation bro, it looks like millions of them already did.
And they're getting a new wave of infections now, probably due to telling everyone to go back to work & try to make it look like it was over.

I hope you feel better soon, Czechbro. you're going to have to tough it out, but Czech's are good at that.

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Av shalom

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Timestamp or didnt happen

The rest of you newfags should be ahsamed for being so gullible

>every sickness is now COVID19.
Go figure a board full of schizos would also be full of hypochondriacs

post leg calves

shut the fuck up you gigantic nigger faggot

sounds like myocarditis - OP look this up

I have a terrible cold every month. I want to be put out of my misery and I don’t even have corona yet. I hope it will be quick and merciful.

lol OP I thought i was bad cos I had an aching back and I was wondering if that is a symptom of Corona.

Think about it this way OP:
If you get all the symptoms of Corona, a coof, muscle pain, short breath etc its still far more likely to be the regular flu than corona.

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Worst part is they're most likely sociopaths rich ass holes from SF they're everywhere here worst than the fucking plague and they're smug like a mother fucker.
I detest every fucking cali fucking nigger they ruin every single place the touch, they were staring to do month long gay pride festivals I never seen shit like that in Portland

get a portable radiator heater