I'm gay and I can't understand why pol sometimes seems to hate gay people so much. I'm curious if you hate gay people please tell me why.

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Unironically because they’re closet homos

Being in closet sucks ass. Especially in Poland where people really hate gays.

Unironically because you aren't gay, you just like easy orgasms and find it easier to get them amongst members of the same sex.'re not gay, you're just a lazy sex addict.

Faggots can't keep their shit in the bedroom like everyone else. You don't see straight people parading around dry humping each other in public shouting "LOOK HOW STRAIGHT I AM I LOVE HAVING STRAIGHT SEX WITH THE OPPOSITE GENDER" and demanding special treatment because they're straight. Faggots are all attention whores who don't understand that fucking nobody wants to see or hear that shit.

No, I'm pretty gay. I never had any interest in women. Pussy is disgusting to me. I never even thought about sex with women. Since childhood, it wasn't my way.

Yeah, fuck faggots. I'm talking about normal people, not those idiots.

OP is a faggot

Probably the attention-whoring and incessant need to make everything about being gay.

(Like this thread.)

I made this thread after trannie thread appeared yesterday with honestly disgusting stuff.

I don’t hate gays. I hate gay propaganda.

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I don't care if you're gay, just don't be a faggot about it.

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I don't hate gay people, I hate faggots.

Double faggot.

They don't detest you for being gay, but for being too weak willed to deny yourself the porn jew that conditioned you gay.


Kys faggot.

If you were my gay son I would disown you so quick. Imagine raising a son expecting him to be your heir and he comes along and says that he's basically never going to procreate with a woman, and is basically a useless sack of shit and genetic dead end who you're better off severing ties with now and try again.

What a faggot.

>>sometimes seem to
No faggot, we ALWAYS do
You're a degenerate disease spreader and statistically speaking a future pedo

This. The hatred for women, the weird obessesion for boipussy and the roman empire. It all makes sense

its all the stupid parades you idiot. stop waving your dicks at children

I don't hate gays. I don't have a problem with male homosexuality. (Females are larpers)
However, I hate degenerates , turbo whores, pedos, super extrovert gays, trannies, lgbt defenders.
But if you just like males and don't advertise it, there is no pb. Lots of males were gay and based in history, it's not natural but it does exist and it not a pb.


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I don't watch porn. I never liked it. I used to but just got bored of it.

>democracy is good for everyone!
>American democracy was designed for a multi-ethnic shitskin majority country!

i dont hate gays but it disgusts me, feel free to do what you want in private bed marcin but dont expect to more for this degenerated behaviour

have you been abused?

it being wrong was beaten into my brain throughout childhood. can’t look at it from a neutral standpoint :/ sorry user.

also i’ve been sexually gay, probably from trauma, but i don’t think men loving each other is real.


Because anyones brain can change for the better but gays are exceptionally stubborn.

Because you're a degenerate who is grinding down the white race and molesting kids. Even if you don't yourself you still legitimize a culture that does. also
You're in for a wild ride buddy

yeah, I'm scared about love. In a current hookup culture, I don't think ill find someone any time soon. I don't want to know someone just for a one night.

based beyond belief

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>the fate of all shitposters

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All the gays i know are supporting Spiring party and are trying to destroy polish tradition. Its that simple.

i dont hate gay people. not everyone here thinks the same thing. don't take anything said here personally OP

>don’t think men loving each other is real.
Why? Do you think that in general or it's universal?

lol, rekt

I didn't choose to be gay or join this "culture." I just don't want to be scared of being beaten again. It's scary to live in Poland sometimes. Especially when it's mostly acceptable to name someone a faggot (a bit different meaning in Poland). I just want to live a nice and comfy life with someone I love.

Honestly Poland is gonna start hanging your lot soon enough, I'd go straight while you still can.

i like girls but i can understand why someone would hate them

I think it is purely physical lust. Every gay man i’ve met is sexually deviant and somewhat unstable. Man and woman is an epic combo if she’s not a whore

No, fuck you. You are a threat to white families and to tradition.

why are you gay?

I don't hate women. I have a lot of female friends(the stereotype is real even if you are in the closet). I just don't find females sexy.

pol is God, God hates faggots

>why are you gay?
Probably molested as a kid

isn't that contradictory?

I was born this way. I didn't choose it really. Just as you probably didn't choose to love the opposite gender.

Kys faggot.

I think gay sex is the culture. Haven’t you noticed that’s all they want to talk about? except the based gays

well if its physical lust... I mean, if you are lusting for another man's body that makes you kinda gay, doesn't it?

Yeah, I don't like those people. I try to stand away from them. I don't use being gay as a conversation started or part of my personality. Its more of a burden of me. It's really hard for me to find love. You would never notice anything about me in everyday life.

I blame the boomer lifestyle and general greed for low birth rates in whites. Dont underestimated boomers they will eat their offspring and the world like typical runaway locust

>based gays

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No, never I stayed as far from priests as I could.

i think there has been a miscommunication. the point i was making is that i don’t believe two gay men will have a loving relationship the way a man and woman can—because gays are only in it for the epic anal orgasms

What are your political views then?

The disgust you felt looking at the tranny thread is the disgust most straight men feel seeing gay shit. You’re just a different type of degenerate. Christ calls you to a life of abstinence. I tell you this because you’re my brother, and I love you (no homo).

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Not really. I'm looking for a long and stable relationship. Sex is just a nice addition but nothing more than that.

And there is source of you being gay - lack of faith in God. If you trusted in Him stopping acting acording to your lust would be much easier. Repent while you still can


If I was in the USA I would vote republican if that helps. But I'm mostly for freedom of people's speech and economy. I would say libertarian but this word was taken, by idiots.

kill ypurself for humanity

See, it’s people like you that make me say “dude be gay whatever i don’t care”
i get triggered by the flamboyant fags who are a) most likely to become pedos and/or b) were most likely molested as a child which is the explanation for their obnoxious promiscuity

I don't hate you, I just think you're gay.

no one believes you, you disgusting degenerate faggot. you are a drug addicted piece of shit. you shouldnt be alive. stop you failure. nature has failed with you. you are an abomination and not normal. you are sick. you are a freak

Homonausea. Gay is so gross it makes one physically ill. Was born that way. Never a moment it didn't want to make me puke.

You are not "gay", you are a homosexual.

I was a Christian for most of my life until 21. But after hearing all day that I'm a degenerate pedo that should go to church I listened to polish Christians and left the church. I feel way better about myself since then.
Nobody likes annoying faggotry when they just want some calm evening. I find them just as disgusting as you do.

not much difference.

I don't hate gays or trannies or whatever lgbt people but I hate the fact that most of them are pro censorship and demand media to bow to their retarded ideologies

Nobody should hate gays. Just as nobody should hate adulterers. But both are sins and an abomination to God. God doesn't hate you either user. He loves you. But you're drifting on the path of depravity and sin if you continue on your path. Return to the righteous path and let Jesus guide you.

No seriously faggot go take a header off a bridge.

and this is refreshing for me and i enjoy opening my mind on the matter

People on Yas Forums who post things longer than 50 words are unironically lifeless losers.

Right-Wing politics generalize groups of people based on intersectional categories because most sub-80 IQ people aren't smart enough to engage with nuances of any given topic. I.e. one homosexual is a sexual deviant therefore all homosexuals are sexual deviants. It's an easy take which retards can follow, they ignore all nuance associated with the topic of "homosexuality".

Conservatism is just fear-based outrage politics with no basis in reality. They hate gay people because they "feel" like men having sex with men is disgusting, and they do that because they themselves wouldn't do it personally. They literally cannot understand people different from them, they're unable to engage in nuance at all. They have the one NPC line "it is degenerate" but fail to demonstrate how moderate groups of non-traditionalist people are doing anything but creating a better world for everyone to live in. Right-wing have to look for the most outrageous acts from the fringe factions of the Left to constantly chimp out about.

It's only people with a weak mind who unironically believe in conservative narratives and ignore all reality of the issues they're talking about. At the end of the day, the right-wing is a death cult that tells low-lives to look at the world in terms of race/gender groups and that these losers need to "fight" to "protect" it. It's the ultimate LARP as the mythical fantasy of an ancient trope of heroism. It's baseless and idiotic.

Anyone who has studied any social issues become more left-wing. You can be gay and live happily, only LARPer Nazi's with an incoherent worldview and no lives will think otherwise.

Why do you eat da poo poo?

Idiots infect every group. I can't do much against those people.

>dont watch porn. doesnt affect me
>oh but i used to!!!! oh boy!

you are gay because you failed and had no one loving around you to correct it. suicide would be better than the life you are living

I don't, reducing the population is a good thing and you're helping, bro.

This is what Satan will tell you, OP. He’ll also tell you that what you’re doing is okay, and you are your sexuality—that the two are intertwined. Don’t listen to either one. You know Christ loves you. You were made on purpose, with love, and with a mission in life. Buggering men isn’t part of that plan, and I don’t know why you were given this cross to carry, but you can be holy.

No problem. I usually see the difference in how people react to me after the know me a bit more.
will do

How sweet! Just ignore the fat disgusting incels on this site. They are a waste of air!

I agree that lots of gays are unstable, and man + woman is the only natural relationship. But I do think some men can love other men and care about them beyond sexual attraction.

glad to meet you user.
p.s. can u help my find my lost polish lover her name is victoria and sometimes she goes by june i think she moved back ):

personally, the problem is that I don't understand so I relate it to some form of abuse or absence in your life. hope you don't mind answering a few questions, you might chance my mind.

How is your mother? Were you close growing up?
How is your father?
Were you accepted as a child in social groups?
Are any of your early friends gay?
At what age have you started masturbating?
Can you remember any differences between men and women that you've noticed as a child?

"gay" stresses a feeling and conveys a positive image. It's a propaganda word. It operates as the rainbow flag.

"homosexual" tells the fact.

I'm fed up with the gayness, the carnival pride parades and all that shit aiming for privileges.

I have no problem with people keeping their sex life for them and doing properly their work.

Its Your soul, and you will do it what you wan't t do it with it, no one is going to stop you. But its also your most prized possesion. Are the moments of joy during sex worthy being punished for?
Now that pope has alowed people to confess withouth priest and talk directly to God you should confess Your sins to Him. If you will do it with faith your life will be easier.
You don't know day or hour He will come to claim your soul.

I was Christian until Christians decided I shouldn't go to church. I'm not going to go to a place just to hear every day my fellow Christians talk about how immoral and disgusting gay people are. I feel way better after leaving this place.