Are you prepared for round 2?

Are you prepared for round 2?

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Not yet, but how possible is it? What is the predicted time window we have?

They didn't shut down like this in the middle ages and life continued on. This is fucking ridiculous


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>Jia county, whose population numbers around 640,000, issued a directive on Wednesday asking all residential compounds to be sealed off and those visiting and leaving homes to produce identity cards, wear masks and submit to temperature checks. Car traffic will also be limited.The move came after residents were unnerved by an incident in which a woman was infected after she visited a doctor who carried the virus but showed no signs of being sick.


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Watch another virus pop out, like turbo fuckin swine flu or something.

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>The move came after residents were unnerved by an incident in which a woman was infected after she visited a doctor who carried the virus but showed no signs of being sick.

>this doesn't happen like 2 times a week in a 1.3 billion country

>Are you prepared for round 2?
And what do you think will happen, exactly? If they could contain a sudden outbreak of 10s of thousands, they would elliminate 10s readily and without breaking a sweat by engaging already existing and tested measures.

this world deserves a round 10

China creates new virus outbreaks year round, due to poor ranching techniques, general filth and the fact the average chink is dumber than a Somali.

I was getting sort of tired of how smug the Chinese are being about how great they dealt with the situation.

Locking up people in appartment blocks and villages and letting them fend for themselves AKA die, is not how you deal with the problem kek.

Here the lockdown isn't stopping the virus, at least yet.

>Locking up people in appartment blocks and villages and letting them fend for themselves AKA die
Except everybody under quarantine had received rations and patrols.

What you niggers don't understand is these lockdowns are a joke, a virus spreads to available hosts until it no longer has hosts to spread to, and you can't lockdown forever.
This is the price of modern civilization, we think we're God when really we're just ants, powerless to slow the tides. People are fighting a fight that can't be won, and only hurting themselves more by trying.

Are you just pretending to be a thick as fuck retard?

Zero local cases.

Hundreds of imported cases from people returning to China

Is it that fucking hard to understand? Hantavirus?
Already did.
A week ago.

Yeah left over pork, send in with garbage trucks.

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in the middle ages epidemics used to completely destroy huge regions. Life didnt continue on if it was a destructive enough disease.

>is not how you deal with the problem
Apparently it is, since it worked.

isolation stops the new supply of hosts, eventually the virus gets fought off by individuals and so the virus dies.

It never ended. China was just LARPing when they said they were over the virus. They're still in round 1.

Not if you neutralize all means of transmission, until all of the infected get purged from the virus one way or the other.

The other options are:
do-nothing, which would basically force people to stay at home anyway, on top of plunging society into anarchy

Soft lockdown, just enough to keep hospitals under capacity, which is going to drag on and on for a year and a half - unless people don't run out of money and food first.

I guess the ends justify the means for some people.

Very rarely, a situation gets so serious that you have to quit moralist role playing and do things that are actually effective.

Yas Forums was, as usual, right all along.

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It's a regular truck. What is your point anyway?

>If they could contain a sudden outbreak

He's still believe chink fairy tales oh boy

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We're not trying to stop it, we're trying to slow it until we find a solution

plot twist: it's just one continuous wave. forever.

>He's still trying to cope by pretending that the facts are fabrication, and the USA didn't just fuck up massively

Were there more cases and deaths? Sure.
Did China lie? Nope, because it was never implied that the reported numbers are the total cases.
Did it contain it? Sure. They could not "lie" about economy being turned on, or lack of any more critical cases even if they'd wanted to.

how do I coof in a funny chinese way to make a meme

>Did China lie? Nope,
You some kind of stupid? What good does defending the absolute asinine way of rebranding and redefine until you have zero cases then open up businesses only to reinfect everyone do while preaching how good you were at dealing with the infection despite all actual evidence showing no or limited effectiveness do? What good is it to defend this kind of nonsense?
>Did it contain it?
No, it did not. If it was contained a second "wave" wouldn't happen right after they came out of lock down due to an incubation time. Use your brain a little better yellow cocksucker.

>did china lie, nope.
>china- the virus isnt able to jump human to human
>WHO- yea, that...
>rest of the world- it jumps human to human

China lied, people died.

>If it was contained a second "wave" wouldn't happen right after they came out of lock down due to an incubation time. Use your brain a little better yellow cocksucker.
Why not? Most of the cases are overseas arrivals, and a small vector of infection could still leak through the lockdown.

>You some kind of stupid? What good does defending the absolute asinine way of rebranding and redefine until you have zero cases then open up businesses only to reinfect everyone do while preaching how good you were at dealing with the infection despite all actual evidence showing no or limited effectiveness do? What good is it to defend this kind of nonsense?
Cope more if you need to, I don't mind.

6 million divided by 12 minutes

Nuke them before we turn into zombies


>china- the virus isnt able to jump human to human
>WHO- yea, that...
>rest of the world- it jumps human to human
Discovered a virus yesterday, know nothing about it, conflicting reports from all sides.

>China lied, people died.
You literally had 2 months to get ready with fairly accurate information. Was that couple more weeks really that necessary to do nothing in the meantime?

for god's sake.

put the batsoup down

Rome, Byzantium, a Persian empire or three, several chinese dynasties: All have been shattered partially or in whole by plagues

>Are you prepared for round 2?

Oh, so they're gonna crank up the 5g again to cull so more people?

Entire fucking cities and villages literally become ghost towns you inbred retard.
Get corona and die faggot.

>october was yesterday
The whole, non human spreading thing, when on till febuary. What other cope you got ccp shill?

Which round has zombies in it?

It’s China. By the time they admit to a second wave it’ll already be too late

To be round 2 the 1st round has to end

It's a garbage truck, being used to deliver fresh meat to shops and people.

Look chang just cause you learned how to choose a different flag doesnt mean we cant see through your chinky lies.
Everyone here is laughing at you and no one believes any of this shit you're typing.
Im not even going to tell you to fuck off because it serves as a good example for everyone to see that you shills are real.

Round 2 is going to buttfuck us all. No one will have the patience, money or willpower to endure another round of lockdowns.

Reminder that Round 2 of Spanish Flu claimed 4x as many victims.

Not possible, Chinese government said zero new cases recorded

>Brits call the chinks out on their bullshit numbers
>"Oh hol up round eye we feeling sick again cough cough"
lmao what a backpeddle

Not transmissible human to human

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idc anymore

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There is no wave two. The chinks never stopped it to start with.

So did this virus really come from some bat or armadillo? Dr. Sanjay Gupta says it's not passed from food. It's respiratory. If that's true, I feel bad criticizing my Chinese coworkers dietary habits.

Round 2 is just the Chinese Government slowrolling the actual numbers of their debacle.

>round 2
It's just part 2 of the numbers from the first round because they underreported everything to make themselves look good


>China fears people are waking up to the idea this ia bio-weapon they made.
>better fake a second lock down so the world doesn't converge together and destroy our chink asses


I'm tired. I don't give a shit anymore. Also, were I live we only have a few cases.


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literally nothingburger

Fucking based.