Millenials have had a hard life

>Enter adulthood at the turn of the millennium
>Housing prices all of a sudden quadruple
>College debt
>No jobs
>Endless state of recession/depression


in b4 boomers/genX'ers who bought $90,000 houses during the 1990's come in and tell me how full of shit I am.

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you listen here you little shit
i'm fucked aswell
stay safe fren

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Graduated into the last recession, jobs were already slim.

More recently I just got a better job after all the bullshit since the last recession.

Now the virus leaves me without a job.

I'm fucked. No chance. I'm thinking of taking what little money I have and just going to some euthanasia clinic in Europe.

>richest generation to ever be raised in America
>children in grade school carrying around 1200 dollar smart phones and laptops
>generation so decadent that they literally post every moment of their lives online as if they are all super star celebrities
>generation so pampered and spoiled that no one, up to and including their own parents seems to be able to tell them that dressing up like girls and getting fucked in the ass DOES NOT MAKE THEM A GIRL.

Oh man you guys have had it so bad. Lemme cry for you please. Here please take all the rich peoples money, you obviously deserve it for having it so hard.

>meanwhile just four generations before, motherfuckers were walking to school every day with no fucking shoes on because no one could afford shoes.

That's only 1 in 5

eat shit faggot and cry moar
your just as fucked as we are and theres literally nothing you can do about it

Gifts from rich boomer parents who don't want to give their children a helping hand.

1983 here
>raised on vidya and computers, know them well
>enjoyed real life playing outside as kid while also knowing modern tech
>did military, no college dept
>got job straight out of college
>lived within my means so recession didnt affect me
>laugh at retards in my same gen complaining about how unfair it all is

ok, welfare queen.

Yeah dude shit sucks for us and we are completely cucked by boomers.
Hopefully when they die off i'll get the house and car and their nice career. All I really want is a gf and those things will get me that. Because those things somehow make me a better person

Yea we haven't had bad lives in that way. However, as a generation we are destroyed emotionally and spiritually. These people will never grow up, they will never get out on their own. We are going to have more suicides and deaths of despair than ever. It's not all about money. Millennials were not taught what it is to be human.

Not exactly brother, I got money in the bank. :)

>iraq-afghan wars

millenial here. we've had it hard. fuck zoomers. and fuck boomers.

>Millennials were not taught what it is to be human.
I don't see how that's GenX's fault, we've spent the last 20 years basically watching the rest of the world forget we were even here while we paid all the taxes and climbed the same fucking ladders you're crying about.
Get a fucking job, you'll find, in time, you actually like working and then all the sudden you'll be like ffs dude I can't buy any more Vidya and toys I got all of them, what do I do with all this extra money?

well fuck me then only thing i got is some canned food in the closet a frying pan for the spooks and a knife for the niggers next to my bed

Nope you get nothing except pain homo

it's decimation, 1/10 of the military get the image's depiction. image only depicts a single act.

guess that makes you the 1 in 10

shut the fuck up boomer. Go to a chink and get coofed on. Your generation deserves to die for what all of you have done to everything around you.

90k houses in the 90's? Ah no. They were still 2.5 300k. A fucking studio condo was 65k

Gen X has had 2 recessions (now entering 3) in our working years and we've had "jobless recoveries" each time. We've had Boomer feet on our necks since day 1 and you whiners are just now getting a taste, fuck you.

THANK FUCKING CHRIST I AM 50 AND I DONT HAVE TO DO THIS SHIT AGAIN! You get so tired, you have no idea... yet. But you will, you'll learn realllll good. Hahahahah.

Now I gotta go out and carry mail in the rain and the virus and deliver fucking video games to you snug as a bug in a rug fugs. At least I am still working i guess, fuck me. lol

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Wow, you think had it so hard? You couldn't afford SHOES to SCHOOL?
Back in the good old days of 1500s we had no shoes and no school, only suffering in the medieval field

Also fuck off with reddit spacing.

It's purge times so take whatever you want.

Pride comes before the fall, buddy

Boo hoo

Almost every boomer complaint about millennials is a complaint against bad boomer helicopter parenting. Who bought the participation trophy, you fucking idiot. Also, the iPhone was released in 2007 and wasn’t ubiquitous amount children until the 2010’s.

Fuck off, I personally know boomers that bought 80k properties that are worth over 2 mill right now.

I could deal with all this but the rampant nepotism is just bullshit and icing on the cake. Every company I've ever worked at just happened to have a manager who's mum/dad was in a higher position. I know a zoomer who got an £80k job straight out of uni because her mum got it for her. When I was a teen I got told 'You need to go it alone and fly the nest', it was crappy advice because the deck was stacked.

Just let it all burn down. I don't care anymore

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Oh look another snowflake who deserves to live on knob hill but wastes all his cash on weed and anime

No you are just lazy. Get a job

but why are they worth 2mil tho? a peice of land and a house shouldn't be worth that much

Dude just move 4 hours away and commute

It's not the same. Clearly the generations are getting worse as we move further away from traditionalism. Boomers were obsessed with sports and failed to raise their children, nobody cares about Gen X, millennials obsessed with cartoons/vidya/internet and failed to grow up, and last of all zoomers. Zoomers are weird as shit, no hope for them. Give all the self-help advice you want, we aren't talking about an individual. I'll be fine, some others will be fine, but as a whole this generation is stuck in perpetual childhood and it's not a conscious choice made by millions at the same time. It's the result of the sickness that's been killing the west for a long time. We have to go back.

I dont even know wtf that is supposed to mean. Go back inside.

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The Boomer Remover virus will take care of your kind. That's awesome. I coof on every boomer I see.

Aww you weren't handed everything in life like . That's so sad

I’m literally a rocket scientist.

This. Let’s not even begin to talk about how Boomers flooded our country with third world savages and outsourced all manufacturing to China.

I graduated college in 2010 with an accounting degree and it took me over a fucking YEAR to find a job in my field. Meanwhile I did soul crushing call center work. FUCK BOOMERS

>Back in the good old days of 1500s we had no shoes and no school, only suffering in the medieval field
5/5 star post.

Boomers are more physically fit than you noodle armed queers

Don't do it euthanasia style.
If you want to die, just go do something where death is almost guaranteed but that is also something you always wanted to do. Who knows, it may succeed and improve your life afterwards, or you die as you originally wanted to. Win win. Go be a drug kingpin, or kill terrorists, be a non larping Q or something.

>tfw great grandmother lived on knob hill

Why dont you get a job?

The plight of the eternal wagie.

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No its millennials who flooded the country with spics since you are too lazy to work. My generation is 90% white

dont forget greater depression 2.0 next year

Depressed ppl dont think like this, ive tried to wrap my head around it but cant really get why, thry just want to die

>In the 1970s the median Sydney (Chinkville) house price was almost six times’ the value of the average annual income.
>It is now 27 times.

Wew, glad I can take a massive unpayable loan out from the kike banks.

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>richest generation to ever be raised in America
>by boomers
>value of 5 dollars in 1970 was around 33 dollars today

Life would be easy if the minimum wage was 33 dollars an hour. Fuck off boomer.

Good point, wrong conclusion. We've added 80 million beaners, niggers and asians since just when the oldest millenials were age 10.

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Maybe millenials should not have voted for massimmigration? Just saying.

Oh yeah I flooded the country with spics when I was five years old you fucking retard. Boomers in control of government, kike worshipping faggots.

Why bother giving me a (you) if you’re just going to taint it with a retarded post?

What is the 1965 Immigration Act you fucking shit? Ah, the bill that flooded the country with spics and niggers.

>be 35
>waiting to buy a house
>Chinese virus comes to America
>"The hidden enemy," I call it
>economy tanking
>people talking about a depression
>I am an essential worker
Watching the housing market now just waiting for the prices to crash

>muh shoes

Because obviously EVERY american grows up spoiled in Malibu, right? You sir, are ignorant as fuck. Go to bed pls

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Millenials have hard lives because they cut their dicks off and whine nonstop about how no one understands them.
Get it right, No one gives a fuck if you live or die.

Why do you expect things to be the same as they were 50 years ago when those were white people and you are a nigger