Soon frens
Other urls found in this thread:
next week
next month
by the 11th
niggers tongue my anus
Please fucking happen, if nothing by the 10th im giving up.
I'm gonna be so fucking disappointing if nothing happens by the 10th. We've been hearing about the "Storm" and what-not for a few years now and nothing has happened. Hopefully this Q shit is real and whatever they are planning happens by 4 10 20
If nothing happens then just continue to prepare for the worst, as it only grows more likely
be patient we are getting tesla technology and free energy and shit
Bring this to mind. Either Q is real or we're fucked. Either way, prepare for the Boogaloo. Consider the different theories, but don't have too much faith in any.
Says who? David Wilcock? He's spot on with some info but his alien wormhole newage shit is sketch af
i feel deep in my soul Q is real
the times are changing
I hate the waiting but I hope with everyone something happens
oh i know. i though celebrities drinking baby blood was some sketchy shit too and look where we ended up
I am, but dates have been given, and I expect shit by those dates.
>Either way, prepare for the Boogaloo
So, be positive and hopeful.... or fearful and hopeless.
Well, drinking baby blood and getting addicted to Adrenochrome is not quite on the level of Ayys and time travel and wormholes. Yeah, it's some crazy shit, but it's much easier to imagine some sick fuckers doing human sacrifice than ET being real.
"Disinformation is real - disinformation is necessary"
Same game different front. Fuck off faggot this is a based redpilled user thread. Brainlets like you need to lurk more. Or better yet, stay on your shill slide threads. Begone.
Well well well look who we have here. Pleasure seeing you again my friend.
>dates have been given, and I expect shit by those dates.
ANONS made the 4/10/20 prediction based on Q drops. Q themselves didn't give any specific dates.
I totally agree with you. I think disclosure of this crazy shit has to happen in waves so people don't go insane. I was in 5th grade and some dude from NASA came in and told my whole grade that they had tech that if we had seen it, would have put us in a state of "techno shock" his words not mine.
I can feel it. Reply to this post if you feel it too.
Yeah the Goldberg thing has lost all credibility. The name (((Goldberg))) should have gave it away to begin with.
How come I always know its you?
Lol this shits awesome. Does Korea have a samurai equivalent? I say samurai user because it sounds the coolest desu.
I can feel in user
You don't get it. 4 10 20 is the same as D J T for Donald John Trump. It's some connections that Qtards made in like 2017.
When the Nordics arrave who do they think they will spare?
>Yeah the Goldberg thing has lost all credibility.
so has Q
the world is never going to be the same after the next few months of disclosure
Then Q itself needs to get off its fucking ass, and fucking do something.
It's like a really big shit that hurts coming out and takes forever but its happening
Bruh you shill faggots have leaders that were handed a script. That shit was supposed to happen. But it's not going to, they're lying to you saying that it'll BTFO da ebol raycis Quadchans on pohl. Turn on them, report their shit and give acces to your account so that someone may infiltrate and pull a barry soetoro on these MSM paid faggots shills.
Remember when they told you Hillary would win?
Yeah..... about that.....
too many proofs at this point. too much autist digging and clues found. Q is definitely real we just don't know if he's good or evil. I feel like Q is good
If by easter nothing happened, then it's unironically over.
I know what the numbers mean, I'm saying the people saying "IF Q DOESN'T DELIVER ON THIS DATE HE IS A LARP AND I'M DONE WITH HIM" are likely shills pushing a divisive narrative that doesn't fit with anything Q has explicitly stated.
Haha, I have had a lot of free time these days!
Islam is socialism for niggers.
i started noticing you as well your probobley one of the only Koreans that come on these kinda threads
good speed samurai user
Lol me too. Posting here is so tiring.... Have you meditated to "force will" some beneficial combat boosts to the light?
>too many proofs at this point
and by this same logic Goldberg stating that Zephyr would happen via a literal virus that would cause the global economy to crash - which has actually happened, unlike 90% of what Q has said(its all next week)... well then how has Goldberg been debunked? I have seen no verified proof Goldberg is a AI generated face other than his shoulder looking weird.
On the first, they brought out General Milley and used the word war a fuckton of times even before he spoke. I'm pretty sure this confirms the 10 days, although "10 day darkness" doesn't mean necessarily what it implies directly.
Dan scovino tweets are also sort of counting down as of the first. starting with 10.
Maybe the 3 day bible darkness will be after 10 days, or right at end like. Friday the 10th day 1 until Sunday three days and sometime during the night of easter, it will end.
after this
but after that then OP's "soon" happens and all this wonderful stuff happens. we end the fed, reveal free energy and counter all that bad energy will a long string of amazing good energy and let the world know we are free and in a new golden age.
Godspeed frens, we are certainly in the midst of incredible happenings. Pleasure sharing the battlefield with you. Light, Love, and Truth!!
>Have you meditated to "force will" some beneficial combat boosts to the light?
Indeed I have. Tomorrow will be a particularly strong meditation... Lucy will guide.
Plenty worthy of speculation and consideration, I agree! Still, I'm cautious about setting any particular date as THE date. That said, again, things seem to be building up quite exponentially...
4-10-20 is D. J. T. Donald John Trump. it happens in one fucking week anons. on GOOD FRIDAY, that Saturday and EASTER.
this is the reveal to the masses about all this shit, the coup , the child trafficking, the pedo cult and pizzagate and then after all that we will do all the positive stuff like end the fed and kill the dollar and end usury like Hitler wanted and reveal hidden technology and sonic medicine to cure cancer all that shit.
the golden age is right around the corner anons. Doomers turn into Bloomers.
country goes on total lockdown soon enforced by national guard, so make sure you're stocked up with food, water, and ammo to kill looting niggers.
user it is April 10th, 11th and 12th, easter sunday. so don't off yourself on the 10th.
good Friday to easter. 3 days of darkness, to assencion. "it is going to be biblical" remember that? like jesus died for 3 days and then asended to heaven.
that is what that means. the 3 days of darkness will be a internet shutdown. people will be confused and for three days maybe be in panic, or unsure of what the hell is going on and then BOOM it all comes back on again BUT with a universal message of truth. We will have total attention of the masses after those 3 days of darkness and the TRUTH will be heard by all ALL AT ONCE.
and it is fucking happening in a week. FINALLY we made it. patients is a virtue and the virtuous were tested!
are you ready anons for the great awakening? dark to light? wwgowga, THIS IS IT. tick tock, enjoy the show.
"Q is a larp" are like "its a nothing burger" and "the holocaust happened you NAZIS!" the sheep will be awakened "sheep no more"
>we're so powerful
>we're so great
>we're the greatest
>you wont win
>wey wihl b kangz nd shietttt
Dude you fucking shill niggers are retarded. Imagine there is actually a scared little lizard faggot behind this post seething that hi entire demonic race is being btfo before he got participate in multispecies blood orgies.
Regardless. if you think we're so shit.
Imagine how much you're seething from being btfo by your average "poltard" AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
>Indeed I have. Tomorrow will be a particularly strong meditation... Lucy will guide
Yeah the 4th is their supposed counter plan.
I prefer using a phoenix manifestation to guide and illuminate the troops, give energy and giving their bones the luminescence of gold so that the luster of the phoenix's imagined gold pierces through their flesh from within providing warmth and interconnection for greater synchronicity.
Agreed. In the end, no one truly knows unless you have a looking glass or have TTed through Eye of Horus. I do think the disclosure will happen quite soon though, not of everything, just the elites child farms and MSM cover. Enough to be the deepstates sum of all fears. Public awakening.
This. The universe speaks to us....
Another based connection.
Anyone felt any deja recently?
>>Indeed I have. Tomorrow will be a particularly strong meditation... Lucy will guideLucy?Yeah the 4th is their supposed counter plan. I prefer using a phoenix manifestation to guide and illuminate the troops, give energy and giving their bones the luminescence of gold so that the luster of the phoenix's imagined gold pierces through their flesh from within providing warmth and interconnection for greater synchronicity.
Ah man.... I really dont think any of that is going to be happening. I think we all want that to happen - but we all truthfully know that is not going to happen
But there is good news. This will show a lot of people to never, ever rely on a perceived infallible force of truth and justice to get things done for you. Nope....
I am afraid this situation my friend is far more dire indeed. There is only one person who is going to change the world around us - and that person is staring into a screen right now wishing someone else would do it for them. I know user, because I am that person.
message of what truth? you could reveal aliens are here or give everyone star trek food replicators and grant eternal life, but my retard neighbors will still be retarded and people are still going to be lead by their wants and greed. what do you expect to happen that will change human nature?
letters of the alphabet. D J T Donald John Trump... the 10th is good Friday, the 12th is easter Q says it is going to be "biblical"
jesus died on the cross and for three days he was dead and then he arose and assended to heaven
so those "three days of darkness" are the internet and tv and netlix it all goes DOWN, aka OFF, aka DARKNESS and the masses are all confused and scared and then after 3 days the LIGHT comes back on and a universal message is given to the masses, on their phone and on the internet on tv, ONE universal message to the masses while we have their total attention, they all hear it all at once. EVERYONE hears the SAME THING and that is the ONLY THING anyone is going to be talking about.
the TRUTH of the evil, our victory over that evil and then all the good news of our new golden age of mankind happens all at once
the great awakening... THIS is what it is all about and we have either country wide or WORLD wide attention
its pretty fucking amazing. worth the wait. well played Q. *tips hat.
it will be The Day Of The Rope, Krystallnacht, and Hiroshima all at once.
>never, ever rely on a perceived infallible force of truth and justice to get things done for you
>only one person who is going to change the world
>I know user, because I am that person
Wew lad.
7 presidential tweets during the 3 days.
Did you know who Jesus really is?
Look at my namefag. Where does it come from?
is it possible that the entire USA has lead poisoning?
everyone lost job, rich and poor got fucked, market crashed. BUT after all that desperation and panic comes the REVEAL that income tax is GONE!, the federal reserve is GONE! the American fiat currency is GONE! and a new TRUE American currency replaces it. Usury is GONE! like Hitler wanted, aka freedom from debt slavery. no more interest on loans. Corruption and selling the people out, stealing our tax dollars is GONE. so all that money is now in our hands, our peoples hands not the corrupt politicians , not off to some Paris climate accord, our money is OUR MONEY once again and so much prosperity will happen it will be insane
remember Germany in the 30's? how it took off like a rocket ship out of depression? because they had FREEDOM and control over their money, they ended usury well think of that prosperity coming to America! think how much easier it is going to be for everyone when you are not taxed to death when you are not a slave to debt and intrest payments. think about how much easier life will be. less stress, you will not have to work as hard to live a good life.
it is all coming, a massive infrastructure plan will be passed and massive amounts of high paying jobs will be available and all those jobs coming back from overseas will provide safe clean, easy factory work,
also all debt to the banks will be forgiven. DONE! no more college debt for anyone! and all under TRUMPS watch. he is going to BTFO the radical left, the TDS morons by WINNING SO BIGLY they cant even image how fucking based Trump is.
He likes to win, he gets revenge over those who fuck with him, he has a massive ego and he wants his legacy to be one of the greatest ever and its going to fucking happen anons.
a massive shift. a new golden age. Victory!
I just want an end to the pain. Is that too much to ask?
Why are we still here? Just to suffer?
I just want Alien disclosure, and a better world to bring in a kid
Qanon AMA "Is JFK jr alive?" Q - "No" but yet he is. the great awakening. he is the cherry on top. the glue for it all.