BBC to Broadcast Call to Prayer to Ease Muslim Suffering

we're sleep walking into a caliphate..
please help us America...

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The literal state of your country.
Smh my head

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Well if you cucks were still Christian you wouldn't be doing that, so it's your own fault for being atheists


I laugh at the UK

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They're Protestant. Worse than non believers.

Los britaños son par de idiotas. Ustedes son propiedad de los muslmanes.

>Part & Parcel

No, you fags were Catholics and then you let atheists be your leading figures so naturally another religion took your spot. At England's height they were Reformed you smelly fucking retarded niggers, go read a book about your own faggot country sometime

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Imagine. Just imagine. Actually imagine being br*tish. I can't think of a worse fate than that.

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this collapse needs to happen


Being Indian or a book.


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When bacon is going to get banned?

Implying it still available, halal only

More like ram it in amirite

Put some pressure on BBC to also transmit the Easter mass. Otherwise it will be religious discrimination. Are not any men left on England?

Bongs and Mutts are just two different sides of the same smelly anglo coin.
What they have in common:
>unhealthy and disgusting diet
>some of the fattest people in the world
>both bow down to their Jewish overlord
>completely disconnected from their roots and can't wait to import shitskin culture
>lower IQ than other Europeans

>Church of England Priest
That's literally the denomination that birthed a generation of atheists that turned into turbo faggots

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Christianity and Islam are both horns of the Jewish devil.

The Southwest US will secede from the US after the Mexican majority successfully agitate for secession all faciltated by the (((media))).
The Northwest US will be colonised by China so as to completely undermine US hegemony in the Pacific Ocean, Vancouver is already 43% Chinese and San Francisco is being used as their base in the US.
Australia and New Zealand will be vassals of China after it successfully colonises its major coastal cities via the unregulated student visa program in both countries.
Canada will be sold to the highest bidder, however Vancouver will be secured by China as part of its strategy to undermine US hegemony in the Pacific Ocean. The demographic push will then head south into Seattle and Portland linking up with the Chinese colonists pushing north from San Francisco.
The complete loss of the West coast by the US will turn it into a banana republic and global US hegemony will be over. This will be the signal for the Sunni muslims to implement their own colonisation program, specifically, Western Europe, where the population has been demoralised by the (((media))) and the massive casualties and destruction of the European wars of the 20th century.
Eastern Europe will unite to oppose the Sunni muslim takeover of Europe, leading to nuclear strikes on Istanbul, Riyadh, Islamabad and Cairo by Russian nuclear forces.

Muslim here. You bongs have to accept your women-dominated culture is no better. Be smart and go with patriarchy and take off your matriarchal chains.

ahhahah cuck island


How's atheism working out for australia Bruce?

When we win - and we will win - these people are going to be put against the wall and shot.

Based and adhanpilled.

Wtf happened to you guys

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1. Build new kaaba in hyde park
2. Encourage muslim to do pilgrimage to london instead mecca
3. ???
4. Profit

>please help us america
For years we've watched you faggots cut your legs off and warned you.
>muh mutt IQ
>muh guns
>we have such a strong identity unlike you
And even here, the most based of you have trotted around like faggots pretending like you haven't lost your identity, like your women haven't become fat painted pigs and whores, as if you are too dignified to allow easy gun ownership.

Part & parcel, the bed you sleep in, chip chip cheerio etc

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Islam is matriarchal. All that dumb shit you do comes from women.

Built for BBC

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They'll throw him in a gulag for racist, the British government is a fucking Muslim communist operation at this point

bye bye

It's time to kill your traitors and their shitskin pets.

Is this the BBCs way of apologising for interrupting the rape gangs?
Atheists, muslims, it's all demonic without Christ.

Imagine being a book.

> mother

Bongland Yes

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It took centuries to convert britain if that's what you're gibbering about. Sadly it was one of the most resistant European nations.

Like these sandniggers don't have tapes of that shit already.

It was our fault for going Protestant. That lead to all the modern isms.

>account picture shows sign ISIS painted on christian houses
>supports muslim ideology nontheless


You won't win because you have no faith nor belief in something greater than yourself.

Is even legal to be a Christian in bongistan? That is, if you’re Christian, you’re obligated to share the gospel. Can you even tell a muzzie the good news without the government putting a hand in your chest? You’re also obligated to deny false gods. I can’t imagine you cats telling some human timebomb that allah is a falsehood without going to jail.

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Tax payers have to pay for this, you bongs need a rebellion

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as if Mozzies know how to operate a radio, you are lucky they will wake up and forget about islam.

Ask help from the hindus

They have become way too cucked to do anything of the sort.

Non-upper class English are largely the most bureaucratic, "do what I'm told" NPCs you'll ever meet. Orwell wasn't being prescient when he described doublethink, thoughtcrimes etc, he was documenting English reality.

> love football
> love pints
> love the muslim call to prayer on me local BBC
> simple as

we're going to eat you when the food runs low

Chris Burns needs to have BBC eased into his asshole.

Keked at sisters/ brothers.


Will they be broadcasting christian liturgies as well since Easter is approaching?

This is just wrong.

Haha no jesus is dumb you dumb bible thumper! xD

We laugh at paris

heb je gisteren NEDERLAND 2 gemist ??

islamitische gebed en lezing van de koran duurde een uur lang.

Ofc not. That would be discrimination. And everybody know England loves BBC. English are cucked to the max. Think about those poor, poor muslims rapist and bombists.

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The sneaky goat fuckers did it all without firing a shot. Oh minus a few diversity stabbings, poor van driving too, let’s not forget the child rape or facing melting acid attacks. Feeling enriched yet!

infinite sadness F

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