Replies saying their wife is scheduled back on the 10th. State Dept drops heavy hint that the 10th is too late.
Fuck that's ominous.
Other urls found in this thread:
Return to a war zone? Why?
Why do you think trump was talking about "fighting cartels" today? He's going to use the border patrol and related goons to blockade people inside cities.
Curfew and Martial Law incoming.
You`re at war with Iran.
at 4:15
War incoming
>uuuuh can you wait like a whole week?
These people deserve death.
look at the bootlip replying
Too late for what?
It's happening isn't it
Good. Iran has been needing to get fucked up for decades now. They are a thorn in our side. Hopefully Venezuela is next up get fucked up followed by China and Russia (topple the regime in Moscow and let the Russian people reclaim their country and open it back up for budiness) with Hungary getting fucked up at
You will he unable to enter the US indefinitely.
Or worse.
Is this guy waiting in his mail order bride to come in?
>Transportation options may soon be unavailable
Global carriers have planed and announced to cancel global flights for months
The entire world knows about that since last month. Amerimutts are just retarded and need the government to tell them on twitter whats going on
This is really it isn't it?! Its all falling to bits for real this time! How many of you are going off the grid innwoods thing?!
find an aircraft willing to fly to the united states
war is coming.
where the skykings at?
The government needs to stop telegraphing their hits. I want to wake up to breaking news. Military barricades at airports bridges to Manhattan explosively demolished. RWDS sweeping through Orthodox Jew enclaves
Just went to get groceries and the store had chink tourists and few Indian guys. Wtf? Why the borders are not closed and why these people are still here? No wonder why it spreads like wildfire. I don't care if it was just a flu or not, just don't want anything unnecessary shit. Fuck this country. And fuck Chinese.
yeah this is all odd!
lmao checked
That's actually standard and acceptable and predictable. Feel free to share but don't be an autist about it. There are no "hints", it's pretty explicit. US will be shutting down the borders (I thought they already did?) or at least are considering it.
digits confirm everything is going to hell now
This travel shutdown has nothing to do with the virus, the virus is in literally EVERY country already, they might as well allow flights, something else is going on.
>war is coming.
I think they will lock the whole damn country down!
I don’t know about you all... but because of Corona this is the first time since college that I’ve felt alive. I have lots of silver and been waiting for something like this to happen for 5 years. The point where things get so bad that 1 silver Roosevelt dime will buy me a blowjob from a formerly well to do housewife and her 18 year old daughter at the same time. I’ve been waiting in the shadows laughing at these cuck husbands who buy their wives range rovers instead of buying silver bullion... knowing that I’ll be face fucking their wives mouths for the 1.30$ it cost me to buy that silver dime.
Just yesterday at Whole Foods I seamlessly entered into conversation about Corona with a roastie milf that had a ring on her finger in the water aisle... and I said this is all a cover for trump to bring us back on a gold standard. She started looking at me in amazement like she wanted me to paint her lips in cum. At the end of the conversation I’m like take my number l have plenty of protection and freeze dried food if you ever need it and she took it from me.
oh noes
think of the eternal english teacher
Francesco is about to be on lockdown without his piece. Dumb move francesco!
sounds pretty based bro
This shit has been going on for months now. Who the fuck travels during this shit? Fuck em, let em die.
What's the real invisible enemy!?
I will miss u anons. Maybe we can shitpost in camp
I'll suck off the guards for free wifi
It's going to be interesting to see how these people like Francesco panic once they realize a SHTF situation in Mali is very different than in the United States, especially if you're an outsider. There will be no AmeriAid humanitarian flights. There will be no Patreon bucks. There will only be death and tribalism, which people like him will be on the wrong end. They're being warned and all they can think to do is virtue signal about how much they hate the US. We'll probably never know what happens to Francesco, dead on the side of the road in a third world country, stripped of anything valuable and left to rot and be eaten by stray dogs and vultures.
90 percent of Australia's corona chan came from overseas travelers and returning citizens
Return to your homes and places of businesses
These people have no sense of national responsibility or national duty. They're driven by purely selfish motives
Let them rot
And a cruise ship that docked in New South Wales Australia and let all its passengers off is responsible for hundreds of coronachan infections and deaths.
Indefinite period? This seems weird. What are you burgers up too?
>waiting for the daughter to be 18
Not based in the slightest.
Neet incel fantasies, kek
Culling the weak from this plane of existence.
>breaching OpSec for second hand pussy
I remember years ago when cringey young men were typing similar stories about how they'd turned diner waitresses on to star citizen, and how the women were totally going to call them.
they've been saying that shit for a while
when can I travel and eat in yummy restaurants? june? july?
18 year old 10/10 virgin here. You have silver dimes? WOW user FUCK MY FACE
they dont die, they kill you and your granny when they coof on you
It's time to boog. Fuck the government.
I feel like if you are in another country right now, get ready to die in another country.
it can mean only one thing
>intending to return
that counts me out
Nice pasta
Like one of the last countries to do so.
It's not some ominous ww3 hint your retards, it's because many many airline companies are on the verge of shutting down. International flights are going incredibly sparse in the next few months, many airline companies simply can't recover from this.
Soon, domestic flights will be halted in the US. I guarantee it. You will see more companies go under.
Aus/NZ warned people to get home or prepare for a long stay overseas a month ago due to this.
Fucking schizos its common sense. Before corona many airlines already struggle.
Time to pay your taxes, come on home now Americans.
America is about to invade Venezuela so this makes sense.
please dont shutdown 4channel.
it's really important that it stays up.
I came here to say this.
Everything they're recommending and enforcing seems to be avoiding mass shooters, as it will only lead to outbreaks of C. Diff and Tuberculosis...
Why would change anything for anyone anywhere besides Venezuela?
>4/10/20 is too late
Is the government just trolling Qultists at this point?
What sort of sloth brained retard is traveling right now??
That's pretty clear.
They'll shut it down very soon
good stuff
MSP Airport employees are having a "mandatory meeting" on Tuesday. I was told today. I think they are gonna close it. They won't allow any food deliveries after today 4/3
I enjoy this pasta almost as much as McDonald's Three-for-free. Anyone have that?
What about Europe ?
It's fucked up so badly here in Poland lads.
I have 2 lands, and need to really go early and look for different ways to drive to them.
Going with main roads ends up with getting a ticked and return to the city order. Like wtf, it's not even a emergency/war situation, and they do this shit.
Constitution is totally ignored, they don't give a fuck about it anymore people.
It's time to get the guns, and raise up before tis too late.
Reading the twitter feed and its kinda spooky.
Fake but also really gay too
Hey Tony-sensei. I heard they are going to have you furloughed next week. Any comments? How will you survive without money?
Canada said this last week "the time to return home is now"
When this first started, airfares plummeted so a bunch of young travelers took advantage of it to do their dream trips to exotic shitholes. Now they're fucked.
War based on all the military movement towards the pacific sea.
All countries are playing this message in some form on repeat.
I don't get it though, as long as you're not in a turd world country why not stay?
this just means you will shut down international flights
you can enter america if you are american, but nobody else gets in
if you are american coming home, you will be home quarantined for 14 days
the government will probably try to get you home even if you miss you deadline
we evacauated about 500 ppl from your 3rd world shithole this week by sending 2 planes
They have been quietly arresting CCP Chinks for awhile now.
Consider we may be at war with iran.
China/russia backing them.
virus is a wag the dog.
invisible enemy= sleepers/mkultra types.
could be ayyes with invisible suits lol
Everywhere is a shithole when you are broke.
Ok wait. Taken at face value this is basically telling all US Embassyfags and literal spies to return home immediately.
You don't do this because of the flu. You don't do this because of the fucking plague. Why do you remove all of your visible foreign presence all at once and completely cripple America's long-term highest priority of jannying everybody else's country and politics and resources since fucking ww2?
This is some fucking restructuring the whole goddamn system kinda move.
Doubt it. Hospitals and stores are packed all day every day. If anything they are prepping for mass arrests of government people or anons. If not that then we are going to war hence troops being everywhere, trump even put a bunch on the northern border. Or full NWO take over.
I have no idea
Good. Time for some payback. My boomer parents refuse to believe this is deliberate on China's part.
WWIII nigger
War with Iran would be the most fucking stupidest thing we could ever do.
But since America is ruled by kikes, it would not surprise me.
Get goin fuckface
Trump is about to announce that yes, COVID-19 is a bio-weapon, and it came from China.
Get out your popcorn kids...
Has this shit been blathered on the news yet to all the normies? I still need to do some food prepping before they really wake and completely clear out all the grocery stores.
They're bracing for the Final Fantasy VII Remake release, obviously.
Guys if they start to order people to go to the military training, please let us know, and RUN.
if they`re in the provinces they`ll have access to fresh fruit and vegetables which is more than we will have in the very near future
Based Ahmed.
Because if america invades Venezuela other powers make similar grabs for territory and we kick off another world war. Did you think this quarantine and global panic was over a virus? We are in the opening volley of ww3 and america just pulled another gulf of tonken/pearl harbour/lusitenia. We'll have to see if Irlmaer was right, its really accelerating now.
Still pissed that it is episodic.
Never gonna happen
He's more interested in Iran
There just might be a ban of travel for several months once the quarantine is lifted
What have the Iranians ever done to you? You sit in your parents basement watching tranny porn and eating KFC every day mate quit your Bullshit
Doubt Bourne and Bond get orders from a twitter page, boomer.
>t. The Chad Prepper
About to invade Venezuela. WWIII is kicking off.
So is the Pentagon going to bring home all troops from the over 800 overseas bases?
Embarrassing thread. Country wants you back abroad so that they don't have to take your stupid phone calls at the embassy or pay a local bus so you and your two fat kids can get to the nearest airport with a one world partner flight. It's essentially virtue signalling and the dopamine hits from fear mongering are so pathetic and minisformed that it's not satisfying to call you all out for how stupid you are. Government's are run by norms and norms are afraid of being shamed and sued and once a 23 year old slut in Peru goes on Twitter and says she can't get back someone is getting 39 emails CCD to them in the state department and this is the end result.