Are you going to blame collectively 1.2 billion chinks because of a fucking Bat?

Goyim will be goyim.

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i'm going to blame jews for turning a localized outbreak into a pandemic thanks to the de facto open borders

Oh boy, are they in for a shock when they find that yelling DAS RAYCIS no longer works. Go back to China while you still can... oh wait there are probably no more flights... Awkward!

My accent is Australian
My heart is Australian
My hobbies and friends are all Australian

But I will never be Australian until I take my chinese face and cut it off.

And you. You will never be Australian. Foreskin is obligatory.

Sure, they create viruses because of their dirty lifestyle and culture

First patient was a Jew in new Rochelle.

Fuck chinks and gooks. Sage.

>Hello, based department

>Are you going to blame collectively 1.2 billion chinks

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It's about time the chinks suffered some of their own. They're the most racist chunks of shit on earth only slobbering after white people because we are supreme. Yet they ruin our culture and quality of life with their cheap ass labor that sent all our factories over there ( Japan too ).
Fucking bugs work like slaves all day having no life many of them praying for a good suicide.
Just so they can undercut the west.
How's that benefit anyone?
Chunks of shit get to hold their noses at black people and get away with it scott free.
They come to our country and vote identically to Mexicans.
To hell with them all. I'm not even mad at them about the virus. That's just more of the same as far as I'm concerned.

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You and people like you blame jews for every shitty thing happening to you anyway. Must be sad to be so brainwashed.

Imagine if it was a man that did this. He’d be locked Up for life

> blame jews for every shitty thing happening to you anyway
Well that's because they are in charge of all the shitty things that happen in our society.
That's not white society. That's Jew.
And yea, it is their fault. It's their mantra.
They tried all this same shit in Germany too.
That's why they went into the camps.

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Oh and kys kike

The videos on the internet of Chinese people licking fruit is not helping your cause right now.

the whole "mAsKs doNt WOrK" thing is so retarded.

Attached: One month later.png (749x1801, 1.8M)

turnabout is fair play

I blame them for lying. China lie, people die.

Denounce your heritage then we will talk

I blame the communist chinese which is a lot of them.

I don't hate the Chinese, I hate the commies that tell them what to think

I seriously didnt hate chinks before this, at least not chinks in america

after seeing their abhorrent behavior, I hope they all fucking die

>conveniently forgets all the videos of chinks spreading the fucking disease around
Oh look a jew flag

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Not condoning racism but Hans are among the most racist people on the planet. Look at how they treat non-Han in China and then in the West look down on Mexicans and Blacks.

yes, i bet you helped


show us your real flag, kike.

>think someone is infected with a contagious virus
>physically attack them
What did they mean by this?

>My accent is Texan
>My heart is Texan
>My hobbies and friends are al Texan

But I will never be Texan until I take my cat face and cut it off.

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Jews are the most arrogant and mocking right before the pogrom.

this is why i dont believe the story

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Why is it that everytime something race related happens these kind of retarded facebook posts crop up to shame white people. Get the fuck out of here with these mini-psy ops. We all know that this is the local whacky or schizo lady who acts like this to other white people as well and will say retarded shit to piss them off.

The CCP can suck a fat dick, the nigger "DAS RAYCIS" shit is already failing and that has been in the making for 50+ years; if they think whites give a shit about their soulless cunts they're in for a bumpy ride. I give it a year until the Korean war get's shoved to the forefront in the schoolbooks and people are going to lament the fact that the hordes weren't nuked when the chance arose.

You don't believe people are retarded? I guess all the retards going to the beach and shit during lock down are a hoax too?

At least OP showed his flag. Show yours.

She should be very grateful they didn’t hang her on a nearby lamp post.

This whole thing is going to cause muh America first nationalism to rise up
A very dark road we're heading down if Trump wins in november

Praise kek


If those filthy Chinks enforced some basic fucking food health standards, maybe the world wouldn't be this fucked now.

Implying i need a reason to hate this dog eating heathens.

Expel, ban don't ever allowed them again, expel the fucking yellow fever faggots with their ugly chinksect wives too

You shouldn't have purchased all of the PPE in the country and shipped them home to relatives in China.

Absolutely positively should bash chinks.

is bat codeword for their biological weapons lab?

He tried to warn you. You didnt listen.


>are you going to collectively blame 1.2 billion gooks for being disgusting and eating disgusting shit, then trying to cover it up rather than take countermeasures before coming here to spread it rather than die in their 3rd world shithole.

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Fuck China

Go be Jewish somewhere else.

kek, the kike cries out as it strikes you

First patients in Missouri and Kansas were Jews also.

Fuck off you dog boiling bat eating chink cocksucker. China will be nuked off planet earth for an act of war against humanity and we can’t wait to smell the rotting fucking corpses of you 1.5 billion insect rat fucks.

>Are you going to blame collectively 1.2 billion chinks because of a fucking Bat?

no i blame jews


>*propagate viruses

nicelittle public theater there you trio of lukewarm orifices

its much simpler than that

you will never be because you are a chinky
i can because i am white

They must be extinguished.

All PPE across the western world was sold out before February. Chinks need nuking.

Well, maybe if their culture didn't involve eating anything that moves and selling them in dirty ass putrid fucking wetmarkets maybe people wouldn't hate them. Also being soulles hoarders and ready to backstab you no matter the country they're in doesn't help their case.

Yes, they must pay