Can We Please Do A UFO / Advanced AreoSpace / Alien Disclosure Thread


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Other urls found in this thread: ether physics&lg_topic=libgen&open=0&view=simple&res=25&phrase=1&column=def



If you met an ET, what would you say to them?

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i saw this first hand two weeks ago. apparently there are many sightings of these red orb ufo throughout the world. anyone else here seen one before?

Probably depends on what kind of ayy they are.

Their apperance may shock you at first, but try to remember they are just like you and might be just as apprehensive as you are. that shock reflex is natural. try to breathe and relax and communicate with them some how. i think most are telepathic so they will know. apparently a handshake is threatening to a lot of ET races so you can try cupping your hands like your holding water and bowing

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>look at that, it's rotating! it's rotating!

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here's a skull the nazis found

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We Are Not Alone?

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Good Skull, Thx!

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bumb for ayyy lemaow

Which religion is correct, is the earth actually flat, and are you "demons"?

If aliens turn out to actually be benevolent I don't think i'd know how to take it, because it would imply the ssp folk are legit and so much more.
Whereas "predictive programming" says demons, blue book, stranger things, etc etc etc etc.

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>handshake is threatening
what if i just flop my dick out?

>ayyyy lmao

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I roughly follow these people in reguards to aliens as they seem to resonate most of the points weather or not they are in direct contact with ET

someone asked if they met god and they replied

"Yes we do.

We use the term "The All."

Living rightmindedly is a BIG part of our culture.


in another post they have said they do not intend to replace our religions. their religion is like one giant mashed up together when we die we return to THE SOURCE and maybe reincarnation might be involved. telepathy free pdf

i am not a shill for them they helped me when i needed help

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Since virus right now that actually occured to me when considering close encounters with civilians like say myself, reduce any biological contamination, both ways human to they, they to us. What about hugs?

Are gestures offensive? And yes I realise there is an entire movie based on this premise and their answer is use light and sound...
...would they take offense to shining a flashlight their way? Perhaps mistake for a weapon? Mistake a weapon for a tool?

is that pic really from Schneider?

Variety of Ayy Lmao

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Extraterrestrial disclosure isn't relevant to your current experience as a human.

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I see a UFO thread I click a UFO thread
Do I learn anything new?
Do I keep clicking every time?

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Are you aware that /x/ likely has a dozen such breads baking?

Alone... not you alone... not you alone...

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Go on /x/, fucking schizo

Good move. Assert dominance.

That's like saying your parents isn't relevant to your well being.

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Most are telepathic and will instantly read your intent weather its fearful, peaceful, neutral, aggressive, nefarious, etc. So in that sense its more how your brain acts rather than what you have on you. A hug would probably be offensive because communication i think starts with feelings and exchangeing ideas and stuff sorry i know its confusing lol

i could be totally wrong about this most of my info comes from SandiaWisdom and the telepathy guide and their notes. a flash light? probably not. They have advised NO LASER POINTERS in the sky or at them please

Allegedly i think its a recreation?

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what do you want to know user

So where are all the pics of the Nords and bird ayys
Why are they all these ones?

around blacks, never relax

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The decorative president candidate was an alien all this time

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Don't forget these guys.

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I would believe that, but ive been told it could happen in 2021, so that makes it super relevant, and im pretty damn sure we will be detecting alien biospheres/aka alien planets atmospheres through our telescope in the next 10 years so we better get ready

that pic is scary but maybe we can be friends with th em some day? or i guess its like my mission on Earth is to be human and not obsess about being Daniel Jackson Omnipresent supergod

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Ffs I forgot about that lol
Did they even raid area 51 in the end?

The hell it isn't
Disclosure, Disc closure, Dis Closure...

So aliens are "gnostic" too huh.

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> Ever since Tesla’s saucer discovery came under the control of the U.S. government in 1945, there has been in effect a false propaganda program—originally developed by the RSHA VI— Reichsicherheitampt VI, or “National Security Agency Division 6"— the division of the Gestapo which was invested with the highest secrets of the German Reich (managed by General Reinhard Gehlen) which included and controlled in Nazi Germany the equivalent to our own UFOlogy, new age—and what I call the “pseudo-skeptic misinformation dissemination network.” The U.S. government simply employed the whole Nazi saucer counterintelligence apparatus, and it was some of the original Nazi personnel employed at Holloman, A.F.B., at Alamogordo, New Mexico, who designed and implemented the 1947 “Roswell Hoax”. Though shadowed with ostensible military and “national security” vestiges, this cover-up has been protracted on behalf of a coercive monopolist corporate state— even in Germany—ever since the acquisition of the secrets by the Nazis, for if the technology had gotten even into the hands of private Germans at that time, the Nazi state’s days would have been ever so much more shortly numbered.

> Can you imagine the effect of this kind of transportation technology in private hands? It would allow the common man to go anywhere in the world, to visit all the places which he cannot presently afford the airline fare to. Yet a small, privately-owned flying saucer would cost less than an automobile to build, would use practically no fuel, would travel thousands of miles per hour, would last a long time, and would require practically no maintenance.

> Can you imagine the effect it would have on totalitarian communist, fascist or corporate state governments and ‘privileged’ economic interests? Can you see the bottom drop out of the overpriced real estate market, when it suddenly became possible to live anywhere, even in places where there are no roads? Can you see the problems along the borders of countries, if saucers could fly across and back without checking through “customs”? (The conservatives and totalitarians are horrified by this possibility, as if our borders do not already leak like sieves.) The main problems, as you can see, are with the paranoid and criminal fears of power crazy authorities and coercive monopolist industrial interests, who would suddenly lose a lot of the power necessary for them to keep their “jobs” protecting and maintaining the interests of themselves and the coercive elite of whatever kind.

> And what do the “little green men” lies—originally told in 1947 by the government at Roswell—have to do with exclusively manmade electric flying machines, and technology based on sound and well-established electrical science and physics, but which, like the existence of the ether, has been tucked away in secret vaults, to keep you from using it, while you are being fed false and useless “theories”? These range from “curved space”, “time travel”, Big Bang”, and “alien abduction” stories, to parallel universe”, “interdimensional travel”, “worm-holes in space”, and any other outrageously incredible stories, concocted by government spooks, national security personnel, and secret agents in the “UFOlogy” and “pseudo-de-bunker” communities (“pseudo-de-bunkers” in my vernacular are official government spokesmen or scientific know-italls whose job it is to completely deny the existence of flying saucers, or to ridicule their other covert government counterparts, the UFOlogists, new-agers, or paranormalists).

Post your best redpills on ayys, Yas Forums

I imagine it might go something like this:

Religions are fantastical projections of one's familial proclivities onto the vast, unforgiving ambivalence of nature.
The Earth is round like everything else you see through a telescope.
Demons are fantasy creatures found in the lore of many religions. See the first point.

By "spiritual development", we mean improved social awareness and cohesion; not staring into plastic crystals, consuming hallucinogens, or entering an idle mental state by making the same noises repeatedly.

We are here to:
> Assess the potential for environmental damage, and how that might propagate outside their system
> Assess potential threats to community stability
> Mitigate all threats as humanely as possible

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Fuck off back to /x

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> The flying saucer is a product of Nikola Tesla’s life work, his most fundamentally important invention, for which he said all his other inventions were in pursuit of, though you have probably never heard this fact from anyone else. How do I know? I have documented it in many years of research, tracing Tesla’s developments and his own words uttered and published during his lifetime, in scattered, sparse yet sufficient sources, as he placed a crowning achievement on top the work of the world’s greatest scientific minds of the nineteenth century, who were Tesla’s inspirations. And this invention has been concealed above all others by governments throughout the world. But they could not conceal everything, as there were already bits and pieces of information which were already widely published before they got their concealment act together.

OCCULT ETHER PHYSICS: 4th Revised and Expanded Edition: Tesla's "Ideal Flying Machine" and the Conspiracy to Conceal It by Mr. William R. Lyne ether physics&lg_topic=libgen&open=0&view=simple&res=25&phrase=1&column=def


tldr: The oligarch class has had ether-driven space ships since WW2. They have an 80 year head start on us and an unlimited budget.

what's that

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Bless you kind sir, its alwaays interesting seeing the disclosures of super advanced tech creep out over the years this one is my favorite, look at that black orb dance!

in a youtube video i cant find a long time ago i saw a similar drone to the one thats shown at the very end when it "splits in two" it almost looks like a flying couch. in the ancient video i saw it looked DARKRED

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they ended up having a BBQ and some music, the town they stayed at hosted em or something. Machine guns likely effective against weebs

>how gay people see vaginas.webm

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is this a person in a costume coming onto a set? it has that fluid motion of a person

go to /x/ retard

Not without me

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