White liberal America's obsession with the "defiant white teenage girl"

Has anyone else noticed this?

In the past few years, white liberals in the US and elsewhere have been completely obsessed with high-profile white teen girls who give off the allure of "defiance" against the status quo.

Billie Eilish, for instance, is often hailed as the "anti-pop star" who rejects and is actively challenging the norms of the music industry. The myth propagated about her is that she became a mega star due to posting songs she and her brother recorded in their bedroom on SoundCloud. In reality, her entire career was supported by marketers and managers connected to major labels and streaming services from the start, all of whom gave her more promotion than most other singer-songwriters will ever see in their lives. This article goes over it:

Greta Thunberg is known all over the world now as the little girl who stood up to nearly everyone to protest impending climate doom. However, her fame is hardly the result of grassroots activism but a tremendous corporate push to promote the notion of "green capitalism" AKA more big corporate control of nature under the guise of ecology. This article explains:

By now most of us have forgotten about the Parkland school shooting, but many liberals still fawn over Emma Gonzales and her crusade for gun control. But her "powerful" look was very much exploited by anti-gun lobbyists and continues to be.

So, in the grand scheme of things, why is it that this image ("defiant white teenage girl") has become so common in establishment liberal politics today? What's the symbolism behind it, and how does it serve the agenda of fake "leftists" who want to appear anti-system all while perpetuating it?

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Other urls found in this thread:




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All of them are white. Emma is a white Hispanic.

Defiant white women are literally the reason white men are so great. I love all white women.

>Billie Eilish

user, I...

one of those isn't white. ill let you guess.

No evidence she’s trans.

>This article goes over it:

Nice to see Yas Forums spilling over into Yas Forums.

IDK, you're the fags always posting about them. >fags

>Emma Gonzales
Dios mio...

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I don’t recall Billie ever being posted on here.

White hispanics exist.

Mexicans are according to the western ideals of whiteness.

>White hispanics exist.

Every 5ft tall squatemalan with an inferiority complex.

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ITT: no one answering OP and instead debating about which ethnic groups count as “white”


Greta is the only white there

>western ideals of whiteness.

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>taking any memeflag thread seriously
silly leaf

Nothing says defiance like demanding more government.

Billie is Irish, not Jewish.

fuck off kike

Prove she’s Jewish then.

Add Joan of Arc to the list, although he was a tranny like the others, just less convincing

Yeah, in spain

Madonna in the 80s is another one.

How does she got that paradigm?

>liberals still fawn over Emma Gonzales
looks like that guy from Transformer series

>works chest out for 3 hours
>people wonder why he turned into a tranny
Bodybuilding breeds mental illness. I would rather have my son be slightly overweight than get into that unhealthy, cancerous, exploitative, autistic shit.

Brad Pitt from ‘Fight Club’ has the ideal, male body. Aim for that. Stay away from idealizing the physiques of Zyzz, Arnold, or Coleman. STOP FUCKING BODYBUILDING

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'Breaking female stereotypes' of those times.

She fucked a nigger and she talks like a nigger, nothing more needs to be said.

the one to the right isn't white lol

She is in the US.


ever heard of Spain you dumb fucking burger?

How do you know she’s fucked black guys?

what a waste

she'll definitely slap the door when her father tells her that she has to stop dating jamal

like we cant see for ourselves that she isnt white you dunce

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I would do unspeakable things to her tight lil body

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South americans are not hispanic

The one on the right is half jewish, half spic. Not white at all. 0%.

What makes you think I’m Canadian?

user, Listen to me:
Do you know the famous statement by Anita Sarkeesian?
„when you start learning about systems, everything is sexist, everything is racist, everything is homophobic, and you have to point it all out“
Here is the thing. She is right about this, because Race and Sex are real things and it is only good and natural to be racist, sexist and homophobic.
But she is RIGHT about the „structures“ behind it.
But here is the thing, linear thinking allows you to check structures for singular a singular Phänomen. So Anita checked them for racism, sexism and homophobia, and found all 3 in them.
However if you take the same approach and look for other things, and messages unconstrained - which will require spiral thinking so only someone with an IQ of around 175 is even able to see it, you will see the true extend of leftist subversion in our culture. What you realized just now is but one tiny tiny facet of the whole thing.
Yes you are right user, liberals are pushing that. And yes other anons are also right they are also pushing crayons and racemixing. But what they are pushing beyond that is structurally far far worse.
They are remodeling the archetypes according to their narrative.
Think „the hero with a thousand faces“ - but there isn‘t just one hero and just one story. There are many stories and they all weave together into what is myth.
Look, there isn‘t a „movie“ there is a metanarrative, and there isn‘t „a character in a movie“ there are archetypes that echo throughout all of popculture:
Example: „Super competent and kind black guy with a weak spot for the oppressed“
And of course defiant strong teenage girl is also one of them.
Those people are shaped to be examples of archetypes in real life.

Look, I could go on and on and on naming examples. But the problem is that you do not see the whole thing, and as much as I tried showing it to people they only ever got facets of it but never saw the forest. Only trees.

I think this fake left is essential for the neoliberal status quo to allow "safe" political edginess. Keep actual realistic revolution out of the minds of the new generation. Keep internet-Zoomer -meme-communism the most hardcore they'll ever go so they're not an actual threat to the establishment. It's an endless cycle of making people think they're rebelling.

Kek. No gains faggot idolising a film about not having false idols, kys.

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spanish is a language bro

>"defiant white teenage girl"

Never interrupt your enemy when they're making a mistake.

White women and liberal simp "men" are falling head over heels for these "defiant white teenage girl's" and their endless bullshit...and they're self-destructing because of it. Instead of fighting it, accelerate it. These stupid whores and their followers are going to continue annihilating themselves with drugs, STDs, alcohol, depression, weed, anxiety, meds, obesity, suicide, abortion, video games, """hobbies""", and childlessness. It's fucking glorious.

In 20 years most of these people will be dead, dying, or too old to beed. They'll spend the rest of their lives, miserable slaving away 65 hours a week at some pointless job for Shekelberg Industries, bitter and SEETHING at the massive mistakes they made. They'll expire gracelessly and then I'll piss on their early graves.

Every day they operate is a day closer to a new Reich.

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In the minds of Americans she’s white.

I dont but I sure wouldnt be suprised you faggot.

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Agreed comrade. All three of these young ladies appear to be feel-good neoliberal shills/

White women = innocence

Because you're a chink.


Youre a jew.

And what makes you assume I’m Chinese?

First two are debatable but everyone fucking knows that goblina isn't white. Shes quite literally la creatura

No evidence she isn’t trans

God he was an 8/10
fucking faggot loves cock so much

hes a twig

there's nothing defiant about parroting the prevailing media narrative advanced by the elite.

In the eyes of Americans she’s white.

Billie should carry out my children, she seems worthy enough for my masterrace genetics.

>Billie Eilish, for instance, is often hailed as the "anti-pop star"
you're literally the stupidest fucking people on the planet. kill yourself please, quickly, die. not worth explaining to you how stupid you are because you're too stupid to comprehend it.


>white teens
3/10 bait at least you tried

She was already 25 when she broke out. While I wouldn’t consider that old, she was definitely no spring chicken.

>two white girls
>one Mexican goblina
Quietly trolled

>disgusting beaner

>Emma Gonzales
>G o n z a l e s