America won’t stop getting stronger and winning. Patriotism is making a comeback and its enemies will fall.
America won’t stop getting stronger and winning. Patriotism is making a comeback and its enemies will fall
American patriotism just reinforces the shittiness of that country.
Kind of like how Muhammad reinforced Ingrid's anal walls, huh?
May I ask you for the here take this its spreading one?
worshiping big government, the zogbot military, wars for Israel...
Are tgey both trannies? I dont get it
Country that beat your faggot ass country twice. Even though there is a massive German influence, we were signing up to fucking destroy you, twice. Germans fled your shithole country for years to come to America. There are more people living in America with German influence than British influence. Yet you are so disgusting as a country that we are willing to kill you at the drop of a hat. Fucking piece of shit, no wonder people were fleeing to come to America.
Umad bro
Not really. My country occupies yours. My country consists of people that fled your country.
Why would I be at all about you?
Seems unlikely
this is a dumb nigger country
did u rly just try to express, that ppl who LOVE freedom are shitty? we may have a lot of enemies, but we are human, & we make mistakes; our principles will not be questioned
Based. Maybe we’ll nuke them when they start WWIII?
Your country wont be around when ww3 happens bro
Yeah yeah America so free and powerful usa USA
Go back to devouring your big mac
Shut up, your country only exists because America allows it to exist. I guess your only outlet is to bitch at the citizens anonymously online because you have no real power.
When it really comes down to it there are American troops in your country and you can't do anything about it aside from running your mouth on an anime board. And no one really cares. Tomorrow, there will still be American troops in your country telling you what to do.
The US is basically a giant flea market at this point t b h
theres nothing "british" or "german" about yo or any of your fellow obese mutts, LaQuadron Gominguez III
daily reminder the average "white" American is only 56% white
> tfw no thigh holstered pistols gf
I really don't fucking care what a lap dog has to say to me. You and your countrymen gave up any right to speak your mind when you gave up your empire.
You are literally nothing but a fucking vassal to America. You know this, right?
imagine not being subhuman and having genetics like that
I found a better picture for the shill campaign rabbi, please use this instead
You deserve everything the Chinks are going to do to you. Your pride in being a failing, degenerate kike golem is truly pathetic.
Do you have a foreskin? Bet you don't do ya mutt slave?
the great Satan muttmerica is in a freefall, all of us Europeans are sending money to iran, making gas lines to Russia and selling our ports to based NatSoc Chinese. Your troops are gonna be send home soon while Russia has whipped the shitskin hordes into a frenzy, soon black and Hispanic militias are gonna be raping and killing mutts in droves, ITS OVER MUTT!
That's British you dumbass, not the US army.
and where does that leave you? You think because America falls their little puppy dog is going to left alone? Your country has way more to answer for than mine. They are going to tear your little island apart.
They look like a nice couple.
later that day Sharon got gangbanged by 6 niggerballers while Cody licked her semen encrusted cunt clean.
That was never a question
so they in war or why they are wearing those militery clothes
i literally cannot imagine it, it is too foreign
For sure that's real life Jill and Chris
>Patriotism is making a comeback and its enemies will fall.
Yayyy! So the Kikes in charge of the JEWSA will fall from power?
Good riddance to Jared the Snake, Princess Bimbo and Humpty Trumpty
converted kike Ivanka watches Drumpf closely to not say anything dumb to their masters and overlords
> 50% white
>Number of arrests: 0
>being patriotic for a terrorist kike vassal state
>being patriotic about getting replaced
The coast guard is no where near as cool as you think.
what evidence do you have to support this claim?
>56% and counting
American soldier stationed in gookistan, I wish you were right and I wish America was worth being proud of
. > why do the world hate americans
what is considered "white" according to these statistics?
He’s hot. If that’s his chick, he can do better
This.. I tried to tell people how well Japan's health care system works and they tell to move to Japan.
America's arrogance prevents us from learning from other nation's successes.
they are a cancer
absolutely everything that's wrong with the world originated in the usa and to a lesser extent in france
Too bad it's only a fiction
Because reality is quite different
Captain of aircraft carrier asks U.S. Navy to evacuate crew amid 'accelerating' COVID-19 outbreak
(Only 1st season worth watching btw)
Americans are so aesthetic, truly our greatest ally.
>read replies
>all hardcore hopes and rear hurt
Your image is from a television adaptation of a book that culminates in american men agreeing to be cucked by soviet men in order to repopulate the world. The american men were all infertile.
It's not really their fault, they were once Europeans, kikes gave them to much power and they believe they are the Roman Empire, it will hurt once the kikes decide that the world capital is now Jerusalem and that more niggers should be imported to America
This, cope ameriseethers
Prolly middle eastern
Japan has no immigration and no diversity BS. Essentially, they have what Hitler wanted without all the jew killing. Not a realistic comparison.
The US have no enemies, they're everyone's enemy