Is Yas Forums a nazi board?
I like to think we're all just having a giggle.
Is Yas Forums a nazi board?
There's nothing funny about anti semitism
This bitch has the most punchable face ive ever seen.
Yes. Some 40% serious 60% less so. Lolberts and MIGA cucks have been ruining this board since about 2016. Now more than ever.
I'm a Nazi.
Why aren't you?
The queen of Yas Forums
I'm an optimist, so I'd like to say that only about 1/3 of the board are mexicans and mixed niggers.
Allow for about 10-20% jews/intelligence agents/agitators, I'd say this board is about 40-50% actual Whites.
Now if you're actually asking if this is a 'nazi' board, you don't even know what National Socialism is. But the more you're here, the longer you'll stay.
Honestly I would shift that around.
60 % serious and 40 % memeing.
Just based on how they invaded boards like /his/
She's cute
All of these, except the old breeder bitch on the picture left, have major jew dna.
She bred the mischlings.
This is a radical traditionalist board.
Nigger, you criticize a Star Wars movie by Disney and you're a Nazi. Everyone's a Nazi! You use your brain once, you're a Nazi! You look a Democrat in the eye and you're a Nazi! Of course this is a Nazi Board, the only way it wouldn't be a Nazi Board is if it banned every random asshole that was called a Nazi by some other random asshole. Since the main reasons to get banned is posting ponies or naked kids obviously it's a Nazi Board because EVERYONE IS A FUCKING NAZI! There's no reason to fucking care anymore.
Whats this bitches story
very uwu
I'd like to think that anyone with half a brain cell who's been here more than a year would understand the truth about National Socialism. 1930s Germany was a paradise. They proved you could successfully defeat the international Jewish banking clique. 70m people died and Europe was destroyed just to protect the Jewish banking system. Hitler was a hero who sacrificed himself and his country to try and save the world, not conquer it.
Yes you fucking kike.
Kys jew
unironicaly this
"Having a giggle"
Not something somebody born in America would say in that way.
Just bantz m8. This is a hobbyist bird-watching forum.
There are nudes of her which were circulating on Yas Forums
Always remember the "?" flags are CIA servers in Langley
i'm just havin a giggle
i don't actually like drumpf
and burritos are good
I'm a social democrat.
Still wish the holocaust had happened
Everything I have ever posted is satire.
Source or fuck off idiot
This. Only an idiot would believe what’s posted on this board
Who's joking here?
The Father looks like a massive asshole.
they are probably just converts from texas or somewhere, not real jews
Leave normalfag .
He's just a father trying to make it in this world. Providing for his family. Why be mean?
It's just a prank bro.
God isn't real
You have some rough dealings ahead of you
They look pretty jewish tho
how do you know?
Ahem... The burden of proof is on you.
God has proven to me that he exists
Wrong you are making the claim he does not exist. Prove it
No thats 8 chan
That's mental illness mate, remember if he tells you to start killing people, start with yourself.
I don't like sucking cock that's why.
God doesn't want anyone to be killed, only people have an urge to do that.
Fuck your GOD
Of course not
God is one, and you shouldn't say that. He unironicaly loves you, everything we say or do matters
Anyone else think he’d make a cute ass trap?
Is that Yas Forumss queen
you are on drugs?
why not seek Christ?
be serious
and stay on topic
>I like to think we're all just having a giggle.
Pathetic thread. This '1 post by this ID' type of shitposting, is garbage. Note how you appeal to social approval 'i like to think..' it's not real, don't be silly, etc.. disgusting.
Sure is!
Same. Imagine not knowing that all shitposting is ironic
>can’t relate
Yas Forums is a nazi board having a giggle
yes lad
Also true
>It's all for laughs
No you don't belong in here.
Yas Forums is always right.
the nazis are desperate to imply that we are all nazis here because they are actually a minority desperate to look like the majority they will never be. they are embarrassing
no it's a based and redpilled populist / nationalist board
Shut up tardkike. Enough shilling.
How does "like" factor into "think"?
You got a response and some insults to go with it. I think you may be on to something honestly.
If there were no commies and kikes there would be no nazis.
Antifascist action should start from roots of the problem.
Daily reminder that the number one cause of anti-smeitism is Jewish behavior.
No it's inbred white supremacists.
To ramble; If Nazis are the minority (Of course people are not just one thing mind you) then It's the uncategorical others with their unfathomable purposes that are the real power behind the throne.
Nazis might be the 'good cop' of the ensemble.