Love and hate countries lads

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kys beanerfag

Why do you love canada?

>hate j*rdan
Based as fuck

Because its the only place in America closer to be Europe, a new great britian or new france.

>loving Morocco
Do you want to get robbed or raped? That's Moroccan culture.

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Everyone keep in mind: Italians even call algerians, tunisians, and anyone resembling them, "moroccns", this is worse than americans, because basically moroccans have a reputation that frequently isn't indicative


I wonder why. The vast majority of British people would have never even seen a Mexcian person IRL.

Not really. Most crimes here are Gypsies, Moroccans and Egyptians.

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mexico is a literal shithole. Stop posting your gay map you uncultured filthy taco peasant

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Why do you hate the uk? Not Anglo

Kek that's also Mexican culture, so I think he likes his brothers in arms.

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We love you too brother. Free Aztlan!


How do you feel about Argentina and Uruguay?
What does black mean?

instead of hate/like let's predict how the political map of the world will look like after corona

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Exactly what


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Hates Australian mainland, loves Tasmania.
You stupid cunt, you would have looked smarter if you didn't same anything at all.

>Americans won't give me their land, so I hate them.
Fuck off.

Having an opinion about absolutely everything shows how absolutely underage you are.

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Plz r8

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>love: Israel

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Oi cunt, why do you hate Poles?

that's mexican for you!
beaner might!

you do realise that tasmania and new zealand are part of australia? NZ is our far eastern states

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He hates the uk because its full of pajeets you fucking low IQ subhuman get out of the west and go back to your shithole of origin.

India is disgusting. No thanks

calm down cleetus, there is enough place in the west for everyone.

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Love Britain/France/Canada
Like Latin America in general except for Venezuela/Ecuador/Argentina
No opinion at all on Africa, except maybe a vague sense of pity

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Why do disgusting spic apes hate the Balkans so much?

because you are animals.

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My dad calls moroccon everyone south of Rome

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It’s idiosyncratic.

Why do you hate us mexican friend, we only want to be friend.

You know what you did

Fuck you how dare you gate sweden!

We are the most tolerant abd progressive society in the world!

Je n'aime pas le francaise.

Some French poster called him a Stinky Beaner... he’s never forgotten and he won’t forgive.

Can't imagine how impotent you must feel to hate an entire country, nevermind loads of them, even neighbouring ones. The only people any country can reasonably hate are their own elites, or traitors that sell out to international bankers/ foregin elites. Everyone else is just a normie just trying to get through life.

>Because its the only place in America closer to be Europe, a new great britian or new france.
>Hate france
>Love new france

Pick only one skyzobeaner.

just take a look on french canada on google maps, you must be jelly british faggot.

I love france, but I only hate french people. i like your food too.

Not an argument, Jeinrich Jimmler.

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*les français (for the French in general) or le français (for the french[person])
But why? we never been mean to you (except when we were at that ONE time, geez..ok)

That’s also urban american culture idiot

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>except when we were at that ONE time

indeed nigger. you did all wrong. we could be one country jean pierre, but fucking americans gave us guns to defeat you and thus being americans slave for ever.

you lost a great piece of land

brasil is great, fucj you

I hate you too fucking wetback

Why do you like Israel?

Let's be honest

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Do you hate us because we won't let you guys suckle off mommy america's teat anymore?

You guys will never get Tejas back at this point just accept it.


Yes it's a great shithole, more or less like you

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Hating Philippines
So based

you and fucking spaniards only say the same along internet because you know we are superior than you niggers hahahaahahahahha

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mongrelito education ladies and gentlemen

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TIL op has no love

yes moor gyppo, you have barely $30.000 thanks to Northern European contributions, without tha you would be somalia tier haahahahahahaahahhaahahhahaha

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Gut yah. Finally a proud Mexican.

ok merda

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>posting a pajeet
try again triracial abomination.

>$30.000 thanks to Northern European contributions
lmao sure sure,


don´t fall from the tree, with so much excitement lil monkey

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really mouro, in a few years even mexico will surpass you in per capita and hdi hahahaahahahahahahahahahhahaahahahhahaahahhahaha, what a shithole you live in Joao.

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