I don't know if you guys need in your heads someone to focus all your hate on so you don't look at yourself because you would hate what you would see and you would end up killing yourself, but China is not the scum of the world.
No, I'm not a shill, no, I'm not a weeabo who likes noodless and has a yellow fever. I am just not retarded and acknoweldge China is worth respecting, they make a lot of shit, they have an interesting culture, and same as you think they are all filthy and eat dogs, everyone thinks americans are fats who love killing niggers and marrying their sisters.
So yes, China is not so bad. God bless you and merry christmas.
People who blame shit on china and constantly look for reasons to hate them are just jealous seething fags. Ignore them. I'll be called Chang for this which proves my point.
China is a threat to Jewish hegemony in the world. This the amount of anti-chinese shilling
Bentley Nguyen
China is a country built on human rights violations. Hong Kong is begging for a second amendment to fight and die defending themselves against this scourge on humanity. If one nation on Earth had to be categorized as definitively evil, it would be China. Nice try
Blake Jones
I escaped China in 1991.
You only know them from government propaganda pumped across internet pipes to half a world away.
I don't have much to say to you, but what I tell this thread is that you are an evil person, a liar, and a deadbeat.
Zachary Cox
We must go to war with the Eastern Menace. Down with China
Jacob Ramirez
Chinese people think of Jews as honorary Han.
Khazaria used to border China. As allies. Don't think they're not part of the same team.
Levi Parker
>I'll be called Chang for this which proves my point. no you won't, faggot.
You're a fucking shill, bro. Now go fuck yourself.
Adrian Parker
Luke Richardson
True, it's WORSE!
Jacob Lewis
Not a chinese here, but I think china is really great for putting so much money in developing countries, they're even trying to develop africa while most western countries are just robbing africa off it's precious resources.china is generous.
Dylan Johnson
get fucked chink
Ayden Murphy
>China is not as bad as... Wow, so enlightening, you've totally turned my world view around. >American are fat(s?) who love killing.... Chinks are filthy and eat dogs, cats, pangolins and anything that walks, slithers and crawls - after torturing them first. Americans aren't all fat, the niggers kill each other and it's illegal to marry your sister. Go fuck yourself shill.
Have you been there? Because I have worked there for two months and let me tell the day I left this fucking shithole was one of the most glorious days of my life. Vast majority of this people are complete fucking pigs when compared to western civilisation. They sit in their BBQ joints in piles of garbage pilling it up with their shirts off. They throw rubbish on the streets without second thought. It smells and looks like shit almost everywhere. When they see white/black person they ask for pictures or just take them without bothering asking.
As for people who eat dogs and burn them alive I hope every single one of them dies in agony and goes to hell for eternity. I hope it exists.
>western countries are just robbing africa off it's precious resources >implying that's bad stay cucked, yuropoor niggers don't deserve resources The Chinese are absolute filth. One can barely even class them as "human", and to class them as animals would be an insult. To animals. They're amoeba, primordial leeches, bottom-feeding slime that have never evolved to have anything at all resembling "empathy". They almost literally are ant-people, working only for the colony, not stopping to help their fellow chinaman or even spare so much as a thought for another in that person's time of need.
Would it be cruel to simply wipe them as a species, from the planet? Would it be "de-evolution" to erase them? No. The world would take a giant step towards utopia with these parasitic, clicking things gone.
>there's a fucking BILLION of them >won't even rise up against the latest in a long chain of governments cucking them for thousands of years >implying I'll give you fucking chinks a chance to reply
态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Free Tibet 劉曉波动态网自由门. When they won't let you on the train because of your lowered Social Credit Score from seeing this, be sure to eat shit and DIE.
Tyler Edwards
ohhhh noooo, human rights violatiooonssS??? OHHH NOT THE RIGHTERINOOOS HUMANERINOOOS NOOOOOOOO, because clearly Yas Forums doesn't advocate for the death of minorities and wishes for a second (or an actual 1st) Holocaust!!!
But what about shitty Freedom of speech In China And retarded chinks stealing islands, killing and Detaining muslim for no reason?
Ayden Roberts
I've come to the conclusion that the average Yas Forums poster is severely mentally ill, they need a target to direct all their autistic rage towards. The amount of paranoia, shilling, fear, and rage on this board is proof that it only attracts low vibration losers.
Nope, I've been on this site for a long time, I've interacted with it's users. It's all the same schizoid autism, Yas Forums posters don't have gfs, they don't have stable families, and they have shitty rage filled lives. There's nothing woke about becoming red in the face over minorities, this was funny in 2015 but not anymore
Carson Rodriguez
What about the human meat grinders called esculators or elevator's. Don't worry about safety, your just a number, and number can easily be replaced.
China is and will forever be the scum of the world. China not so bad? wait until the corona virus kills your mother those filthy pigs eat bats and spiders and shit. They are the ones who are solely responsible for spreading this virus biolab or not fuck china and fuck you.
Zachary Roberts
These are the people the elite have our industry to, and boy howdy there doing a GREAT JOB!!!
i love this one. that white box is an emergency stop and not a single person thought to press it. that kid is basically kidnapped at the same time... either organ harvested or sold to elites.
Christian Perry
Look at this deep and rich culture, they put the Japanese to shame, have you ever seen something more natural EVER?????
Truly these are the people of the future and we all should just step aside. I mean what a gloryious future we would have with these creatures at the wheel.
Sorry you feel that way. But what you said is just that.... feelings. China is factual shit
Colton Taylor
I mean we've got absolutely nothing to worry about, with the rabid loxism of the jews, the savagery and burden of the third world, and sheer incompitence of the bug people, the worlds future is looking brighter every day.
We've lived under the rule of kikes since world war 2 and they've turned the world into a dumpster fire, i can't even begin to imagine what the world would be like under these human cockroaches.
and God's still punishing them, truly a cursed nation
Adrian Murphy
>t. Chang lmao
Xavier Rivera
A wet market, next to Indian's it's filthy place on the planet.
Cameron Hall
>clearly Yas Forums doesn't advocate for the death of minorities and wishes for a second (or an actual 1st) Holocaust!!! That's right, faggot. This is a board of peace that observes the NAP. You are a cuck who fell for the HACKERS ON STEROIDS meme.
Angel Moore
Not Bulgaria, but I've seen most of Balcans and am from Russia. I know that there are shitty european countries, but it doesn't compare to China.
Christopher Diaz
Not god, just nature, this is the nature of the African. They are a burden and curse to us.