I think it would be worth it to make as many normies believe in some stupid food item to help prevent or even cure the...

I think it would be worth it to make as many normies believe in some stupid food item to help prevent or even cure the bullshit corona virus. Fear mongering is so effective and those idiots are low IQ therefore gullible. why not push something disgusting like pickles? they are already considered a 'superfood' so thats even better

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I like this idea. If we really want to get natural selection back on track lets try something a bit spicier than pickles. Isopropyl Alxohol is now the Cure for Covid-19. Inhaling the fumes will completely clear the lungs of any trace of the virus.

fuck I love those little pickles.

Stay away from my fucking pickles asshole I dont want normal shits buying up all the bread and butter spears

ITT OP accidentally cures corona virus and saves the boomers.

Cornichon crew.

What if we said having sex with White virgins cures coronavirus in women due to some sort of melatonin receptor in their vaginas that responds to chemicals on virgin penises

I just want to see a news channel tell people not to huff isopropyl alcohol

>they are already considered a 'superfood' so thats even better
actual pickles are fermented with good bacteria. Pickles sold in america/canada are just cucumbers soaked in vinegar and food coloring.

Pickles are the pey to karadise!

Well, well, well, looks like we got ourselves a pickle expert. That's heckin awesome. Can we be friends?

>Canada flag
>Hates pickles
>Wants to put people's lives at risk

Slope detected

What exactly is this slope you speak of?

Brussels sprouts. They are unironically high in zinc, but Americans are scared of veggies. This will result in a psychological dillema. Plus it's difficult to disprove something that has benefits rather than none.

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Yeah normal supermarket pickles are pickled, not fermented, there's a difference. Much like squares and rectangles all fermented foods are pickled but not all pickled foods are fermented.

>something disgusting like pickles
Yeah, Chang, pickles are truly disgusting. Why can't more people like the delicious whatever critters you see crawling on the floor or other disgusting preferably still living vermin?

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i too enjoy jerkin the gherkins

It's the reason Sweden doesn't have a problem and never went into quarantine

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Just don't make it a food I actually eat. I don't want a run on it.

How about loquats? Let's make NPCs mob the stores demanding loquats?

Fugg man, I love these, but they're actually relatively expensive over here. A nice steak and some Brussels sprouts, unbeatable.

>why not push something disgusting like pickles?
leave the bulgarians alone

hehehe knew Id ruffle a couple of jimmies with a pickle insult.. ok how about chewing raw garlic? Honestly I like the idea of inhaling iso alcohol kek!

I suggested isopropyl alcohol huffing, maybe a few morons die along the way.

iso alcohol huffing now cures corona

>Honestly I like the idea of inhaling iso alcohol kek!
Me too fellow chinkittor! Upboated!

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Raw garlic actually works, fuggin leafs man. Now isopropynol inhalation, now that's kinda funny, might as well make it gasoline.

Kek, you don't even need to point at them and they reveal themselves just like a kike.

Shit now gas prices will go back up.

Pepper. Make them eat crap tons of pepper. You could even troll them into snorting it up their noses to “cleanse your sinuses from infection”

This latest batch doesn't even know how to use the site lmao.

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fuck off faggot I like my pickles and these retards are stupid enough to buy them all out

Pepper is a good one, edible enough to seem safe,

>step 1 boil water
>step 2 mix equal part iso alcohol
>step 3 inhale deeply


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Lel damn you bored huh dad, if you wanna keep insisting about some dumb shit for normies, tell em about jenkem, can't get sick to viruses if your lungs can handle fecal matter.

Honestly whoever did the fish tank cleaner did pretty well

Tonic Water with Quinine.

Back before the FDA started to stomp out natural cures, we knew that Quinine prevented the Flu.

And we know that hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine - derived from Quinine - cure the C19.

There's a good chance that good old Tonic Water with Quinine will Prevent C19. The tests, studies aren't there yet and they might never be, because the FDA is designed to make the rich medical cabal richer, not to help the people in any way.

Fuck the FDA, throw out the FDA, make new laws, so that we will have a solution to "new virus" whenever "new virus" comes along.

Whose retard plan was it to 1) shut down the economy and 2) wait for vaccine when the inevitable "new virus" came along.

We should ALWAYS have the virus cure and the virus preventer, cheap and easy. But instead of giving that to us, the FDA keeps it from us, and because of the FDA, people die.

>hating pickles
Shitskin detected

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>pickles are disgusting
Slope detected. Pickles are a top tier food, condiment, and ingredient for cooking. A tolerance for lactose and a love for vinegar enhanced foods is an Aryan trait. You subhuman chinks talk shit about cow juice and using acid to preserve food while cramming centipedes into your mouths and raping dogs.

Nobody is buying your shit, Chang. Fuck off back to the rice paddy your daddy used to shit in.

Quit making this about you faggot. You're not getting laid.

Fuck off with the conspiracy theories, were trying to get retards to huff iso alcohol

Based. Fuck the medical cartels, most anything can be cured with natural remedies lads.

>something disgusting like pickles
nice bait

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agreed and we shouldn't have to be food detectives to know what the cures are.

Why can't we just go to the supermarket and buy a great product that will kill viruses, kill cancer, solve diabetes and everything else bad?

There are probably 50 food items that can knock down a whole lot of the bad stuff and a lot of those 50 food items do a number of good things.

This post glows. Fermented foods including pickles are excellent for your immune system. If there is a cure, it's most likely a jar of pickles a day.

bump for potential

>Sweden doesn't have a problem

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That's kishony here.

fermented pickles are really good for your gut health, user... you should make shit up like tiger dick or something

THIS. I had no idea about the correlation between quinine and hydrochloroquine its so perfect it could work. Make them think drinking 2 gallons of tonic water a day will prevent/cure. Possibly even muddy the waters further with a pickle iso alcohol quinine extraction from tonic water. The possibilites are endless.

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I bought all the packs of cornichons at Publix last week... Plebs don't know about gherkins.

Indeed fren. Most herbs and spices are as preventative as they cures for diseases. Pollen allergy? Ginger, reduces inflammation. Tooth ache/infection? Cloves, antibacterial, antifungal. ACV cures loads of shit too. Kills viruses, bacteria, fungus. Sssssshhhhh now, don't let everyone know now. But seriously, we're lucky that natural remedies are a Google search away, even better when old folk medicines are proven by """modern science""" for skeptics out there.

There's a business model doing that

which one is it?


It should be easy to get people to drink tonic water with Quinine to Prevent Coronavirus.


Why is the FDA so fucking awful that we had more solutions to viruses 100 years ago than we do now?

You know what you're doing, faggot.

Because normies at this time look to the establishment for advice the news papers and TV would have to tell them pickles are good and then the next day you would see people panic buying pickles would be pretty funny

That quinine saved countless lives by preventing the Spanish Flu

Quinine is not hydroxychloroquinine sulphate with azithromycine.
Now go ingest a teaspoon of aquarium cleaner.

This, but unironically

The jenk will free you from the confines of 3d space. You dont have to worry about viruses when your true self is already blasting on the astral plane.

You think the TP craziness is natural?
Someone already did basically this with the booty cleansers

and then he turned himself into a pickle-
funniest shit i've ever seen

Ginger, garlic, onion, turmeric, cinnamon, baking soda, magnesium bicarbonate, baking soda + maple syrup, cayenne pepper, hot peppers, ACV, just vinegar in general, quinine, raw milk, kefir, coconut oil.

You go to the supermarket, you buy something like a drink, an antiviral drink, that contains a lot of the above things. And you don't have fucking hospitals that give people with C19 NOTHING, while telling people that they have to stay home, and wash your hands.

Hey fucking medical faggots - give me my fucking cure, and don't fucking tell me to stay the fuck home or to wash my fucking hands.

We all know that it's fucking total bullshit that our top medical people - in the year 2020 - can't fix this SARS 2 problem with the things (HCQ) that were proven to cure SARS 1 15 years ago.

This seems like 9/11. "Hey, why didn't you, you know, shoot down the fucking planes you fucking morons? If you can't fucking shoot down a few planes with the fuckton of money we give you, you need to fucking just close up shop. You suck. The Billions or Trillions you get, should be able to shoot down a handful of planes, and if it doesn't - you all need to go, to be replaced by people with the slightest amount of basic competence.